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Refugee crisis. Something on the scale of the Marshall plan required?

Seems Germany had a switch - installed border control with Austria and now implementing Dublin convention- seems not all refugees are welcome anymore
Seems Germany had a switch - installed border control with Austria and now implementing Dublin convention- seems not all refugees are welcome anymore

t'was obvious it was coming - how many ready made, but empty, towns do you think they have?

you can provided tented refugee camps with shelter, sanitation, healthcare, food and schooling for as many as you like - hundreds of thousands or millions even - but its winter in 2 months, and living in a tent in central Europe over the winter would be both a less than delightful experience, and would provide very bad pictures with mud, snow and driving rain in huge tented camps. with the best will in the world, and both a government and a public genuinely pulling the stops out, Germany cannot house the very large numbers of people it was not expecting just three weeks ago.
This is going to be awful, Germany basically stated every Syrian could come, which was never feasible, but they will now come and the support won't be there, bad times ahead I fear. The people who used Germany as an example of humanitarian goodness may now look askance,
they'll keep coming and they'll have to be housed somehow. if lebanon and turkey can do it, europe can as well. other countries will have to step in. the fact that they're muslim is the only obstacle for europeans from what i see, isil doing good job in creating this atmosphere of fear and distrust :thumbs:
If Germany is struggling with the influx of people then it's chickens home to roost for them. Greece and Italy have been asking for some kind of EU wide quota system for years and the Germans have wanted nothing to do with the idea, ditto France and the UK.

But I don't believe they're actually struggling at all, I think Merkel has just found herself in a politically difficult spot and so is oscillating between being nice about migrantion and being all DDR about it more or less at random.
Tear gas and water cannon being used by Hungarian police against refugees at Serbian border on sky news atm :(
All that need happen to complete the nightmare is rest of Serbia 's EU neighbours to shut their borders. Not sure Serbia is somewhere I'd want to strand a load of Muslim refugees
All that need happen to complete the nightmare is rest of Serbia 's EU neighbours to shut their borders. Not sure Serbia is somewhere I'd want to strand a load of Muslim refugees
Saw some bod on news earlier saying "... And Bosnia are all like 'why don't any of you want to stay here?' Lolz" :hmm:
I can't believe what I was seeing on the news today. Hungary doing our dirty work. It makes me feel so ashamed to live in this country.
At least Croatia is offering them an option now denied by Hungary.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said he is "shocked" by the treatment of migrants.

Serbian minister Aleksandar Vulin, visiting the scene, said the migrants' frustration was understandable after Hungary closed the border.

"Hungary must show it is ready and capable to accept these people," he said.

Serbia has said it will send additional police to its border with Hungary and try to distance migrants from the fence.

"The aim is to prevent further attacks on the Hungarian police from our territory and in a humane and respectful way distance the migrants from the fence and the Hungarian police," said Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic in a statement.

Meanwhile, Croatia has said it will allow migrants to travel on to northern Europe, opening up a new route a day after Hungary sealed its border with Serbia.

A steady stream of migrants is crossing into Croatia from Serbia, with some of those stranded on Serbia's border with Hungary now using the same route.

Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said: "We are ready to accept and direct those people... to where they apparently wish to go."

Migrant crisis: Clashes at Hungary-Serbia border - BBC News
Scenes like these make my heart weep.
I fear this is going to become a common sight and before very long the world will become desensitised to it and not even notice.
The United Nations is becoming more ineffective by the day. :(
Scenes like these make my heart weep.

Scenes like this make me highly suspicious!

A look on Google Earth suggests this is a disused crossing point adjacent to a much larger and still open one - I'm wondering if they were deliberately kettled-in here in order to provoke a confrontation?
The temporary protection directive could be invoked but unfortunately tha would take some EU consensus no doubt the UK would be the problem
Interesting that the Croats have come up with this offer. balkan region politics at work again. and the Croat Tourist season is nearly over
Repub Pres candidate Huckabee speculates on why them refugees are leaving Syria.....twisted, evil bastard....but sooo religious......sooo moral.
Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, whose presidential campaign has become a crusade for “religious liberty” and the rights of the unborn, told social conservatives this weekend that they should be skeptical of allowing more Syrian refugees into the United States.
“Are they really escaping tyranny, are they escaping poverty, or are they really just coming because we’ve got cable TV?” Huckabee asked, in an audience question-and-answer session at the conservative Eagle Forum conference in St. Louis. “I don’t mean to be trite.”

In a podcast, the Republican presidential hopeful added that European nations are forgetting the “lessons of 9/11” by allowing “alleged-Syrian refugees” into their countries.
Huckabee: refugees may just want 'cable TV'
Repub Pres candidate Huckabee speculates on why them refugees are leaving Syria.....twisted, evil bastard....but sooo religious......sooo moral.

Huckabee: refugees may just want 'cable TV'

I've been discussing it with another American dickhead, who says that the UK should take more, but the US doesn't need to take any as it already takes 1.5 million economic migrants a year, and most of the refugees are economic migrants apparently.

He's a fucking cockwomble.
My close friend here who's Syrian has been being pressured by his family into taking one of the boats. They all live here in Turkey - parents and three grown up kids but are worried about the future. When Germany said Syrians would be accepted there obviously people living in poor conditions saw it as a green light. Thankfully they didn't go. Or maybe not thankfully. It's really shit for the people who didn't make it across before things closed. WTF was Germany thinking.
Probably been mentioned but anyone have good breakdown of where the refugees are heading from? Seems like everyone just tags em as Syrian refugees but sure its more complicated than that
Between Jan - July of this year, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) recorded 437,384 asylum applications in EU member states:

Germany - 188,486
Hungary - 65, 415
Sweden - 33, 234
Italy - 30, 223
France - 29, 832

BI Graphics

UNHCR Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean
Powerful C4 News reports tonight on various points in the refugee migrations.
The report from Kos showed the amazing effort and compassion of some local residents to help those refugees arriving on boats from Turkey. The English family (Kempsons, I think) appear to be top people.
I'll post a link when C4 put up the film.

Here it is...pretty shameful reflection on the 'reaction' from the state, super-state and NGOs.
The British family helping thousands on Lesbos
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Scenes like this make me highly suspicious!

A look on Google Earth suggests this is a disused crossing point adjacent to a much larger and still open one - I'm wondering if they were deliberately kettled-in here in order to provoke a confrontation?

I'd like to know what made you think the border was still open.
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