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Redditors vs the hedge funds

Cinemas have just reopened in some parts of the US as well as the UK, that's bound to make the shares more attractive.
At least it something real that should increase their share price anyway!
First one is atrociously written (actually transcript) for someone who knows narthing about it all.

I'm hoping the thread will give some sort of clue wtf is going on. If I could be sure the next pile-on was for real I'd be half tempted to join up in a public spirited sort of way to help screw the short sellers.
Hedge funds rethink tactics after $12bn hit from meme stock army
FT June 25, 2021 Outline - Read & annotate without distractions
Hedge fund losses since the start of the year from betting against just GameStop, AMC and Bed Bath & Beyond total more than $12bn, according to data group S3, while bets against a number of others have each run up additional losses of hundreds of millions of dollars. More than half short sellers’ $5.1bn of losses betting against AMC this year have come in June.
Of course this all metastasized into a paranoid conspiracy cult. Another excellent documentary from Folding Ideas:

God dammit, this is going to take a big chunk out of the time I had planned this evening for video games. Curse you! :thumbs:

Thoughts before watching; can't say I'm surprised where it ended up going. Looks like I seriously over-estimated the amount of self-awareness involved in this thing.
That latest Folding Ideas video is really good. Although I can’t help feeling that the middle hour to 90 minutes could have been edited down, because the last 30 minutes is the really important part and a lot won’t get there.
That latest Folding Ideas video is really good. Although I can’t help feeling that the middle hour to 90 minutes could have been edited down, because the last 30 minutes is the really important part and a lot won’t get there.
Due to this, basically:

I think he wanted to wrap it up in the summer after the BBBY bankruptcy but the rabbit hole kept opening up beneath him as he dug into it.
Due to this, basically:

I think he wanted to wrap it up in the summer after the BBBY bankruptcy but the rabbit hole kept opening up beneath him as he dug into it.

That bbby thing was quite profitable for a week or so if you got out at the right point. Unfortunately a lot didn't.
Listened to it yesterday in two sessions. It's good. I don't listen to many 2.5 hour YouTubes, but have listened to multiple ones from him now.
I'm up to 56mins.
Wow, just wow, these people are deluded. They make the average BitCoin enthusiast look sensible.*
Are of course they are invoking Musk, whether he is involved or not.
Screenshot from 56:08

*I realise there is a massive overlap; but these are at 'Cypto will solve anything and everything' end of that spectrum.
Due to this, basically:

I think he wanted to wrap it up in the summer after the BBBY bankruptcy but the rabbit hole kept opening up beneath him as he dug into it.

I get it. But that’s why it’s useful to have an editor that reminds you to focus on your key message and not spend a disproportionate amount of time collectively on the things that don’t really affect that key message.

Anyway, I don’t want to be unduly critical. I did watch all 150 minutes and I did find it interesting, rabbit holes and all.
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