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Banksy-funded refugee rescue boat is 'overloaded and stranded at sea'

Not on topic I know but I wonder who produces these giant RIBs which seem inherently and extravagantly unsafe.Are they perhaps re-purposed lifeboats of some sort?
They aren’t giant. They are terrifyingly small out at sea, and horribly overloaded. The boats vary hugely and include RHIBs, tens of thousands of which are made every year as they are used in huge numbers for all sorts of purposes- lifeboats, working boats, support to larger vessels, leisure etc etc. They are freely and easily available in any seaside area and are used for perfectly legitimate purposes.
But refugees are also put in wooden boats, small fishing vessels, old pleasure boats. You name it.
Surely they planned for this? Or surely they didn’t. You can’t just be rich, paint a boat, and rescue people. Well you can obviously but it might not end well.

Think they rescued a couple of overloaded boats and rapidly went over capacity and didn't want to kick people back in the sea.
No its not really the question Manter of course but the examples in your link seem relatively upmarket?
No its not really the question Manter of course but the examples in your link seem relatively upmarket?
Humber (which is the only brand I know well) do everything from crap to top end. But even the crap is pretty good if it’s used for the purpose it’s designed for (which isn’t loading with 200+ people and sending on a journey across open water).

In the early days of the current ‘crisis’ smuggling gangs would come and get their boats back (you had to be very careful if you were volunteering on the beaches) but now it’s just another sunk cost and the prices have gone up accordingly. You also never see gang members crewing now- or at least I haven’t heard of it for ages. Mostly now they choose a refugee, tell them what to do and leave them to it- so any engine trouble etc and they are fucked.
Bit of background on the Sea-Watch 4, it only started its first mission about 2 weeks ago and was the only rescue ship operating* until the Louise Michel turned-up, and both Malta and Italy have basically closed their ports to rescue ships, which has also resulted in the commercial cargo ship Etienne also being stranded.

27 migrants who were rescued at sea in the Mediterranean have been stuck on a cargo ship off Malta for more than three weeks. Meanwhile, the private rescue ship Sea-Watch 4 is seeking a port for 201 migrants.

The cargo ship Etienne picked up the 27 migrants on August 4 after its crew was alerted to the distress call by migrant rescue organization Sea-Watch. Since then, the tanker has been anchored off Malta and is waiting for permission to disembark the migrants. According to Sea-Watch, this is the "longest stand-off in history."

* Even if the Sea-Watch 4 can get into port, it's likely the ship will be detained, together with other rescue ships, including the Sea-Watch 3, this report from 4th August -

Once again, civil sea rescue organisations are being hindered from leaving port due to absurd justifications to prevent rescued persons from arriving in Europe by all means. Such allegations include, for example, that an organisation would negligently pollute the environment because there is no quantity sticker visible on its dustbins. At the same time, several organisations are accused of carrying more “passengers” after rescues than is stated in their ship’s papers.

Among the ships blocked by the authorities are those of the German NGOs Sea-Eye and Sea-Watch, as well as the European NGO SOS MEDITERRANEE. The organisations are calling for the immediate release of the detained civilian rescue vessels that are being prevented from operating, so that they can leave the port again as soon as possible.

I hadn't realised that things had got this bad over the last few weeks, so I've just bunged Sea-Watch a few quid, donations via - Home • Sea-Watch e.V.
You'd have had them ignore a distress call then?

Are you suggesting that the crew woke up one morning and discovered that they had been magically transported to a ship that was tootling along, 50 miles off the Libyan coast?

Do you not think that the planning - given that they know that the Med countries are refusing to let them dock - should have gone a bit further than 'sail to Med, pick people up, err....'?

Do you have any concerns whatsoever that these ships are giving the traffickers a figleaf of plausibility - 'give me 5k and I'll get you out to where a rescue ship will take you to Malta'?
One man‘s ego?

I've been digging around a bit more about the Louise Michel, and it's certainly not 'one man's ego', sure the ship was purchased with proceeds from the sale of Banksy artwork, and he then decorated her, but that seems to be his only involvement.

It's operated by an independent group of activists, the captain and others have years of previous experience of operating rescue ships, two of the crew are associated with Sea-Watch, and Italian media has classified the group as a spin-off from Sea-Watch, so they know what they are doing.

It's a high-speed search & rescue vessel, that seems to be operating in conjunction with the Sea-Watch 4, it has responded to a requests from the Sea-Watch 4 on a number of occasions to pick-up migrants, which are then transferred to the Sea-Watch 4.

The good thing about having Banksy associated with this ship, is that it's got the attention of the media, including extensive coverage on both the BBC & Sky news channels, which the Sea-Watch 4 hadn't got, despite being stranded at sea for a couple of weeks.
Do you have any concerns whatsoever that these ships are giving the traffickers a figleaf of plausibility - 'give me 5k and I'll get you out to where a rescue ship will take you to Malta'?

Well, that's certainly a concern, it's a fucking difficult situation all round, there's no easy solution, but the answer is certainly not for the EU to turn their back on them, and let hundreds, or even thousands, of men, women & children to drown.

Imagine the outrage if the UK opted that policy towards migrants crossing from France.
They're just as happy to operate without figleaves, and to send people off to near-certain death.

Oh I know that, the problem is that the traffickers can pull out their phones, switch on a ship tracker app, and show the potential punter that there's a rescue ship hovering off shore, and that the rickety heap of shit he's suggesting they travel in doesn't actually have to get to Malta or Italy, it just has to get to the 12 mile limit and then make a distress call.

Which looks like a much better bet, so the punter hands over the cash.
Are you suggesting that the crew woke up one morning and discovered that they had been magically transported to a ship that was tootling along, 50 miles off the Libyan coast?

Do you not think that the planning - given that they know that the Med countries are refusing to let them dock - should have gone a bit further than 'sail to Med, pick people up, err....'?

Do you have any concerns whatsoever that these ships are giving the traffickers a figleaf of plausibility - 'give me 5k and I'll get you out to where a rescue ship will take you to Malta'?
I do. I think that striking whilst the iron is hot is worthwhile though. How much does fortress-white europa get brought up while people are waffling about erasmus and freedom. The two are connected and this should be hammered home until a better arrangement is possible. Is it possible?
Well, that's certainly a concern, it's a fucking difficult situation all round, there's no easy solution, but the answer is certainly not for the EU to turn their back on them, and let hundreds, or even thousands, of men, women & children to drown.

Imagine the outrage if the UK opted that policy towards migrants crossing from France.
I think that’s what they are warming up to. And I think the Navy & RNLI knocked them back. I know there are some noises about needing channel rescue boats, but that is currently from the lunatic fringe (who are fundraising!) not serious rescue teams.
Oh I know that, the problem is that the traffickers can pull out their phones, switch on a ship tracker app, and show the potential punter that there's a rescue ship hovering off shore, and that the rickety heap of shit he's suggesting they travel in doesn't actually have to get to Malta or Italy, it just has to get to the 12 mile limit and then make a distress call.

Which looks like a much better bet, so the punter hands over the cash.
That’s just not how it works for most refugees- based on everyone I’ve talked to, studies about it etc. It’s really difficult to generalise because people in boats range from wealthy, educated and well connected, able to make considered decisions about risk, review smugglers online after the trip (yes really- usually Facebook) and withhold part payment till they arrived safely to dirt poor, desperate, and likely to be paying with labour at the other end (ie trafficking not smuggling, though they may not realise that when they get on the boat). And the people change over time- so the Syrians in 2015-16 were the former and now more likely to be the latter because the former all left earlier. But that aside.... I know people forced into boats at gunpoint when they said the boats looked like shit or the weather was too bad. I know people who very nearly drowned or who lost family members. And critically there has been no evidence that crossing attempts reduced last time rescue operations were ramped down, eg when Operation Sophia was ended and MSF, Moas etc had their boats impounded.
What reduced crossing numbers was paying the Turkish (and Libyan) coastguards to stop and return. Which is legally dubious (and enters seriously dodgy territory as basically some smugglers accepted money from people to move, them from western governments to stop them moving.....)

There are no easy answers. At all. But I think we need to find some moral absolutes, otherwise we become monsters ourselves. Safe and legal routes to seek refuge is, IMO, an absolute basic- and those have been eroded or closed
I think that’s what they are warming up to. And I think the Navy & RNLI knocked them back. I know there are some noises about needing channel rescue boats, but that is currently from the lunatic fringe (who are fundraising!) not serious rescue teams.
I've no doubt they would like too, but TBF it's a different situation to the Mediterranean one, because there's bugger all international waters between Dover & Calais, UK & French waters meet in the middle of the Strait of Dover, so once they cross into UK waters they become our responsibility.
I've no doubt they would like too, but TBF it's a different situation to the Mediterranean one, because there's bugger all international waters between Dover & Calais, UK & French waters meet in the middle of the Strait of Dover, so once they cross into UK waters they become our responsibility.
Apparently it’s way more complicated because none of its international but it’s got a big chunk in the middle that has a unique status (right to traverse or something- I really don’t understand the law but it basically means that we and the french can’t halt international shipping through the channel or anything. Or so I’m told!)

But also I think (hope) there are still institutions here that will uphold the law, refuse pushbacks etc. Though who knows- the Greeks have been towing rafts of refugees out to sea and abandoning them.... so it seems people can become monsters quite easily
Looks like all the media attention could be working, Marseille has announced they are opening their port to the Louise Michel, hopefully that offer extends to the Sea-Watch 4, now the migrants have transferred over.

What motivated the City to make this decision? “Precisely, they are not migrants. I do not accept this term. They are shipwrecked, they are people who risk death. They are at sea in a critical situation. Maritime law, maritime history, The history of the city, all call on our responsibility. Women and children are dying … in this situation, we do not ask for papers or the regularity of the situation of these people. save, we help them “, insists Benoit Payan, first deputy of the city of Marseille.

Was it necessary to appeal to the national autotriés to make this decision? “This a decision that we take, we open up, we also ask the President of the Republic, Europe to assume its responsibilities. The Mediterranean can no longer be a cemetery. We cannot let people die. at sea. We must put in the means. It is our responsibility as a city, as a Mediterranean capital “, adds Benoît Payan. “The injured people, we will treat them, then they enter into common law (…) the question is simple: people are drowning. It is our humanity that is called there”, underlines Benoît Payan.

Lots of places named after the warrior LM in Marseilles. I wonder, did they pack her off after 1871 from there? Did she come back to fight and die there?
I've been digging around a bit more about the Louise Michel, and it's certainly not 'one man's ego', sure the ship was purchased with proceeds from the sale of Banksy artwork, and he then decorated her, but that seems to be his only involvement.

It's operated by an independent group of activists, the captain and others have years of previous experience of operating rescue ships, two of the crew are associated with Sea-Watch, and Italian media has classified the group as a spin-off from Sea-Watch, so they know what they are doing.

It's a high-speed search & rescue vessel, that seems to be operating in conjunction with the Sea-Watch 4, it has responded to a requests from the Sea-Watch 4 on a number of occasions to pick-up migrants, which are then transferred to the Sea-Watch 4.

The good thing about having Banksy associated with this ship, is that it's got the attention of the media, including extensive coverage on both the BBC & Sky news channels, which the Sea-Watch 4 hadn't got, despite being stranded at sea for a couple of weeks.

Looks to be the case that having Banksy’s name in the mix has drawn the media attention. Whatever the reasons, however complicated, people should not be left stranded at sea when the likelihood of them dying is known about and very likely.
Oh I know that, the problem is that the traffickers can pull out their phones, switch on a ship tracker app, and show the potential punter that there's a rescue ship hovering off shore, and that the rickety heap of shit he's suggesting they travel in doesn't actually have to get to Malta or Italy, it just has to get to the 12 mile limit and then make a distress call.

Which looks like a much better bet, so the punter hands over the cash.

My experience of talking to refugees in places like Calais is that so-called pull factors are largely irrelevant. The push tends to be all-consuming. Folk aren't able to shop around for traffickers with the best sales pitch either; the general experience seems to be more like one of getting kidnapped, robbed and then shoved out into the sea, possibly with the direct collusion of whatever state you're trying to leave. There aren't tripadvisor reviews invovled.
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