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Rape, sexual assault and harassment in the entertainment industry

I raised the issue because the debate is becoming increasingly focused on who knew what, who spoke out & who remained silent. That culture of not exposing the sexual crimes of rich & powerful men is very much a part of the power structures you mentioned.
Yes, which makes it all the more strange that you would put forward a woman as the enabler-in-chief.
I raised the issue because the debate is becoming increasingly focused on who knew what, who spoke out & who remained silent. That culture of not exposing the sexual crimes of rich & powerful men is very much a part of the power structures you mentioned.

I think we should be looking to apportion complicity more in the direction of a US media that certainly knew ...for many years..as well as certain politicians he was close to who also must have knew . It's notable even after this came out that none of the late night talk shows or their hosts were saying a peep about this , until John Oliver to his credit had a lone crack at it...for about 90 seconds . Better than nothing . But the rest of them ..the opinion formers...were completely silent . It's as if they were waiting to see if he could spin his way out instead of ensuring he couldn't . Holding the door open .

Then we have a US media repeatedly referring to rape and sexual assault as " harassment " . Harassment is making inappropriate suggestions, pestering, not physically violating someone . That's a spin machine in operation . One that was in line with his " 70s culture " bollocks . There was even a delayed response from the political class . More minor figures to their credit immediately began offloading their donations to charity but the more senior ones stayed tight lipped until it crossed a line deemed harmful to themselves and their brand . Self interest was to the fore there . As if they'd never vetted the fucker before admitting him to their circles , had a file on him and knew all about it .

This predatory piece of shit was in a position to commit these crimes for a very long time . I won't be surprised if more stuff surfaces . It's early days yet .

Despite all of that being in the public domain , Barack Obama , who spied on everyone in the world for the past 8 years, sent his own daughter to his offices to work as an intern just a few months ago . What yype of message does that send ? The aura of power and connections that type of thing extended to Weinstein can only enhance his ability to prey on his victims . They were enablers pretty much .
Despite all of that being in the public domain , Barack Obama , who spied on everyone in the world for the past 8 years, sent his own daughter to his offices to work as an intern just a few months ago . What yype of message does that send ? The aura of power and connections that type of thing extended to Weinstein can only enhance his ability to prey on his victims . They were enablers pretty much .

send code key, over...

i'll have a stab at decyphing your conspiraloon drivel, so here goes; you're saying that Barak Obama - as drone happy a President as you're likey to meet - sent his 19yo daughter into Weinsteins office despite knowing he was a sexpest because, you know, Hollywood?


bit early for hitting the brake fluid isn't it...
send code key, over...

i'll have a stab at decyphing your conspiraloon drivel, so here goes; you're saying that Barak Obama - as drone happy a President as you're likey to meet - sent his 19yo daughter into Weinsteins office despite knowing he was a sexpest because, you know, Hollywood?


bit early for hitting the brake fluid isn't it...

Veep producer Frank Rich, who describes himself as an Obama admirer, also finds it weird.

Despite all of that being in the public domain , Barack Obama , who spied on everyone in the world for the past 8 years, sent his own daughter to his offices to work as an intern just a few months ago . What yype of message does that send ?

I reckon Weinstein will have had a good idea who he could and couldn't safely get his cock out in front of. Obama's daughters probably go everywhere with a minder in any case.
Veep producer Frank Rich, who describes himself as an Obama admirer, also finds it weird.

View attachment 117565

perhaps, and this may send the loons into some kind of seizure, there is a difference between the stories (or bits of the stories) being 'out there', and 'there' being a place where people outside, or not interested in, the bubble getting their news.

i'm not a great fan of Obama, but he doesn't strike me as a man who puts up with sexpests near his children...
nor indeed the sort to have a well thumbed copy of the 'who's who' of gropers. I bet he hadn't even heard the rumours about J.S
Very unlikely that Weinstein would have tried it on with Malia, but with Weinstein's behavior being such an open secret, maybe the Obamas should have know better than to give him the big PR boost of sending their daughter to intern under him. The presence of Malia was a selling point when another Weinstein internship was auctioned off for $15,000.

Weinstein Co. Internship Auctioned Off: "Maybe Even Run Into Malia Obama"

They spent enough time in showbiz circles that they probably heard a thing or two but laughed it off over the years - I doubt Michelle Obama had to ask "What is he talking about?" when Seth McFarlane joked about Weinstein at the same Oscars where she presented Best Picture.

Very unlikely that Weinstein would have tried it on with Malia, but with Weinstein's behavior being such an open secret, maybe the Obamas should have know better than to give him the big PR boost of sending their daughter to intern under him. The presence of Malia was a selling point when another Weinstein internship was auctioned off for $15,000.

Weinstein Co. Internship Auctioned Off: "Maybe Even Run Into Malia Obama"

They spent enough time in showbiz circles that they probably heard a thing or two but laughed it off over the years - I doubt Michelle Obama had to ask "What is he talking about?" when Seth McFarlane joked about Weinstein at the same Oscars where she presented Best Picture.

Super pedantic I know, so apologies, but the above clip with Seth MacFarlane and Emma Stone was when the Oscar nominees were announced (a separate event held earlier), not during the actual ceremony which Michelle Obama then presented the award at.

Also - where was Frank Rich during the internship then? Some more men speaking up at risk to themselves would have helped.
perhaps, and this may send the loons into some kind of seizure, there is a difference between the stories (or bits of the stories) being 'out there', and 'there' being a place where people outside, or not interested in, the bubble getting their news.

i'm not a great fan of Obama, but he doesn't strike me as a man who puts up with sexpests near his children...

One can almost make the argument that Malia Obama (especially with a Secret Service detail in tow) working there would protect more people than it would put at risk.
Also - where was Frank Rich during the internship then? Some more men speaking up at risk to themselves would have helped.

Yep, seems like a lot of people could have said a lot more - still, it was one big vote of confidence for the daughter of the president of the US to intern under somebody with a dodgy reputation 18 months after it was in the news that they were being investigated for a sexual assault.
You can imagine huge swathes of Hollywood getting sucked into this, now the seal has been broken. Hope so.

Well, 8 out of 10 most-viewed stories in the Guardian, and 4 out of 10 in the New York Times, suggests this isn't going to go away any time soon.

GDN_Weinstein.jpeg NYT_Weinstein.jpeg
(I'm sure it's not something many women need reminding of, but as Moore grimy illustrates the kind of stuff Weinstein was up to is commonplace everywhere. widening this discussion out from Hollywood is necessary IMO)
You can imagine huge swathes of Hollywood getting sucked into this, now the seal has been broken.

I don't think it'll change. There are numerous examples of entertainment establishment figures who commit crimes like domestic abuse who are welcomed back with open arms once they've done there time.
Just realised that the Peter Biskin book mentioned in this Vice article: The Awful Things Harvey Weinstein Allegedly Did at Miramax was read by the Urban75 bookgroup 12 years ago - I was wondering where I had heard this about him before and couldn't account the internet for it.

Yeah thats the other thing Weinstein is/was a bully. Both physically, verbally, even the notes he gave on a project would be aggressive, incredibly detailed and exacting. I know one Director who retired to stone cottage on the Achill Islands for several months, in part due to the intimidation (not sexual) she recieved on Miramax gig.
I reckon Weinstein will have had a good idea who he could and couldn't safely get his cock out in front of. Obama's daughters probably go everywhere with a minder in any case.

That's not what I mean at all . I asked the question what type of message did that send ? What I mean is it's no different from the status Thatcher and Charles Windsor afforded Saville . Another predator who's activities were an open secret but who acquired status because of the powerful connections he acquired . That assured victim silence, it empowered and enabled him .

And anyone saying Obama was unaware of his reputation is taking the piss . So eone here linked to a slew of articles written about Weinstein over the years . It was an open secret .
perhaps, and this may send the loons into some kind of seizure, there is a difference between the stories (or bits of the stories) being 'out there', and 'there' being a place where people outside, or not interested in, the bubble getting their news.

i'm not a great fan of Obama, but he doesn't strike me as a man who puts up with sexpests near his children...

Please let's be sensible.. He plainly did put up with a sex pest near his kids . There's no way anyone gets this close to presidents and ex presidents , into the Whitehouse multiple times etc without being vetted . No way this lot couldn't have known . Even CNN isn't having that .

As Democrats denounce Harvey Weinstein, Clintons and Obama stay mum - CNNPolitics
Hillary Clinton has spoken about it though.
You're quoting a CNN article ffs

Yes , she was among the last to speak out , 5 days after the New York times publicly urged her to and her silence was becoming deafening . And despite public appearances and interviews all that weekend and this week she never personally spoke , just issued a short statement through a flunkie who said it for her . The same twat probably wrote it himself .

I'm also quoting the news channel that leaked Hillary clinton her debate questions in advance in an attempt to get her elected . If they're cracking up over it I've no idea why you're defending her .
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This has been going on since the dawn of cinema. Famously even James Dean was a victim of the casting couch in order to get the roles he needed.

It's a well documented thing in Hollywood history as a cursory Google of "Hollywood casting couch" will show you.

In fact, two of cinema's greatest geniuses, Hitchcock and Chaplin, were both terrible perverts where actresses were concerned.

Hopefully the fact it's all blown up now will put a stop to it for once and for all.
send code key, over...

i'll have a stab at decyphing your conspiraloon drivel, so here goes; you're saying that Barak Obama - as drone happy a President as you're likey to meet - sent his 19yo daughter into Weinsteins office despite knowing he was a sexpest because, you know, Hollywood?


bit early for hitting the brake fluid isn't it...

No I'm saying Weinstein was a long time political ally friend and houseguest, and Obama simply didn't give a shit about his crimes, and was happy to make Harvey appear respectable by giving him the presidential seal of approval . And had been very happy to do so for years . He was Obamas mate .
The notion that his daughter might be a target is a total red herring . Predators prey on the weak , not on those more powerful than themselves . That's how the food chain works .
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