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Rape, sexual assault and harassment in the entertainment industry

Fucked over by his brother too, more of an opportunistic business move than a genuine desire by studios to address the issue.

I still can't understand the Polanski thing, how much of a bubble do you need to be in to think a standing ovation befits that man?

Also - note Jeepers Creepers 3 is about to be released, directed by convicted child molester Victor Salva. Since his conviction in 1988 he's been in charge of several casts of young teens with little to no mass outcry.
Fucked over by his brother too, more of an opportunistic business move than a genuine desire by studios to address the issue.

I still can't understand the Polanski thing, how much of a bubble do you need to be in to think a standing ovation befits that man?

Also - note Jeepers Creepers 3 is about to be released, directed by convicted child molester Victor Salva. Since his conviction in 1988 he's been in charge of several casts of young teens with little to no mass outcry.

I'd say little to no supervision either . Convicted child molesters in the US often have to go up to their neighbours doors and tell them who they are and what they've done . In Hollywood that'll get you invited inside for tea and biccies .

They inhabit their own moral universe, superior to everyone else . superior beings, different codes .
What a strange thing to say.

Weinstein is apparently a sexual predator. Predators get away with preying on the weak and vulverable. It's what they do. Their ability to seperate the vulnerable from the strong is what gives them longevity.

Judi Dench or Meryl Streep would have given him short shrift. He would be keenly aware of that and would have altered his behaviour accordingly. A shark like him has has to be able to swim in a sea of 'respectability'. Otherwise his 'career' as a letch would be short-lived.

The notion that he would have behaved in the same way to all women is simply juvenile.

I'm not saying he behaved the same with all women at all. What I'm saying is that his propensity for abuse was known in Hollywood. You don't have to be a victim of abuse to see it going on or to hear about it. Any woman in the workplace knows that abuse is often widely ignored, or even condoned.

My first job out of university, I had someone who was grabbing me inappropriately. (I was grabbed in a manner that the President would be familiar with.) I complained to my female manager and got told that it was part of the working world and I should grow up and get with the program. She suggested that I should be a little more friendly if I wanted to get anywhere. I've had several workplaces where something similar was going on and everyone treated it like it was situation normal, "what are you complaining about", "you'll get fired." The pressure was always on the victim to conform.

Keep in mind, that this is the same industry that knew about Bill Cosby for decades and did nothing.
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He'll be back, watch it happen. He makes money, Hollywood loves money.

He has money, and he sat at the top of a company that made money. To what extent, though, was he a uniquely gifted dollar-printing machine, and to what extent did his job consist of making tough judgement calls about whether or not a Tarrantino film with Brad Pitt in it could turn a profit?
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Keep in mind, that this is the same industry that knew about Bill Cosby for decades and did nothing.
Makes me wonder how many more parasites there are still in the woodwork, it'd be hard to imagine that there aren't shit loads more creeps doing the rounds in Hollywood. I'm guessing Weinstein, whilst possibly one of the worst, is probably just one of many. Maybe some of the people now raising their heads above the parapet to denounce Weinstein could mention a few more names while they're at it...
I first heard about Weinstein and Statutory rape around about 2001.
And Meryl Streep's, and any other woman (with a few exceptions) * who "should" have known he was a bad'un and spoke out . . . but definitely NOT the fault of any of the men who knew him and what he was doing. No, never. Nope. Thems the rules you see. :rolleyes:

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I think I was first told about Weinstein and statutory rape charges sometime around 2001.

I am however fucking baffled that a rich powerful film producer successfully did what rich powerful film producers have done since the invention of cinema but this one is on Meryl Streep & Hilary because fuck knows why....
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Vice just tweeted this pic of him looking predatory. It also looks a bit like he's holding an Etch-a-sketch
In case anyone is in any doubt, the actual allegations from several of these victims is that Weinstein raped them. Not ‘just’ a little self-exposure; not ‘just’ some I-was-raised-in-the-70s inappropriate banter; RAPE.

In 2000, Argento released “Scarlet Diva,” a movie that she wrote and directed. In the film, a heavyset producer corners the character of Anna, who is played by Argento, in a hotel room, asks her for a massage, and tries to assault her. After the movie came out, women began approaching Argento, saying that they recognized Weinstein’s behavior in the portrayal. “People would ask me about him because of the scene in the movie,” she said. Some recounted similar details to her: meetings and professional events moved to hotel rooms, bathrobes and massage requests, and, in one other case, forced oral sex.

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Disgusting stuff, I hope he ends up in jail - there's no statute of limitations for rape in New York state. Sounds like way too many of his employees were complicit and/or thought reporting him would violate their nondisclosure agreements.

Or were simply terrified. Employment laws in the film industry are, at best, sketchy. There's no HR dept on a film, and a film crew is together for about 5-6 months, and then you have to find your next job. One bad reference can end your career before it's begun. Any crew member is essentially fireable instantaneously for any reason.

In an atmosphere where crews are brought together & go their separate ways every few months, and with a very rigid work hierarchy it's very easy to see how he got away with this for so long.
Or were simply terrified. Employment laws in the film industry are, at best, sketchy. There's no HR dept on a film, and a film crew is together for about 5-6 months, and then you have to find your next job. One bad reference can end your career before it's begun. Any crew member is essentially fireable instantaneously for any reason.

I get the impression that the US film industry is heavily unionised though? Can the various guilds not help with this?

A ‘defiant’ Harvey Weinstein said he’s already planning a comeback
October 10, 2017
Harvey Weinstein has been accused of rape, in the latest bombshell from the New Yorker. The investigation uncovered shocking audio of Weinstein coercing a female model during an NYPD sting. Despite the scandal, the movie mogul continues to call the Page Six newsroom to defend himself. “He expects to continue working and to come back next year,” reports Carols Greer. For more breaking news, tune in to Page Six TV.

A ‘defiant’ Harvey Weinstein said he’s already planning a comeback
I get the impression that the US film industry is heavily unionised though? Can the various guilds not help with this?

From my experience (mainly with US post production) the union is there to set rates, and its how you get health care. Assistants usually go from gigs to gigs with editors, cameramen etc, so your direct employer might also be the one harassing you and kicking up a union fuss may hurt your career. Again if you're being harassed by a co worker unless your HoD or a Producer (who could again be the harasser) steps in, you've no recourse as the harasser may be with another union. In fact that work against you, if a teamster or spark (one of the more powerful unions) you might find your producer side with the harasser to avoid an incident and have you dismissed.

Camera was very misogynistic female DoPs were practically unheard of 20 years ago. Similarly female Directors, and Producers, precisely the kind of people who would and could kick up a fuss about workplace discrimination.
In the wake of the Weinstein story,Terry Crews has come out and revealed he was sexually assaulted by a “high level Hollywood executive” only last year.

As he says, “I understand and empathize with those who have remained silent. But Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator. Hollywood is not the only business we’re this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior— you are not alone. Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless.”


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Heather Graham, Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow and more coming out with stories about Weinstein - there won't be any second acts for this prick, hope it stings for him to know that after 40 years in the movies and however many awards, he'll be remembered more as a dirty old man than a legendary producer.
Stand by your handkerchiefs, fire up your tiny violins - Weinstein's wife is leaving him:

“My heart breaks for all the women who have suffered tremendous pain because of these unforgivable actions. I have chosen to leave my husband. Caring for my young children is my first priority and I ask the media for privacy at this time,” Chapman says in a statement to PEOPLE.

In the wake of the first allegations by multiple women in a New York Times report, Weinstein, who has denied allegations of nonconsensual sex, initially said Chapman was standing behind him.

“She stands 100 percent behind me. Georgina and I have talked about this at length,” Weinstein told the New York Post, adding that Chapman was helping him become “a better human” and to “apologize to people for my bad behavior, to say I’m sorry, and to absolutely mean it.”

Harvey Weinstein’s Wife Georgina Chapman Is Leaving Him: ‘My Heart Breaks for All the Women Who Have Suffered’
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