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Question Time tonight

So were you born an idiot, or have you been taking lessons?

You could have upped the quality of the insult 100%, simply by inserting the word "expensive" between "taking" and "lessons", 'cos it'd imply him wasting his money, as well as his time. :)
Hannan was as swivel-eyed as ever and man, does he love the sound of his own voice. I also thought Dimblebum allowed him too much space to do his speechifying thing. Horrible man, dismal politics.
Hannan known for telling some US right-wing talkshow chump that the NHS was a big mistake. Funny how the tory brexiter types keep saying how much money they'll be able to spend on the NHS if they get out of Europe, because they definitely won't be using all that money to cut taxes for the chin-deficient rich, oh no.
On the panel:
Conservative former defence secretary Liam Fox MP,
Labour's Kate Hoey MP,
former leader of the Liberal Democrats Lord Ashdown,
leader of Plaid Cymru Leanne Wood AM and
founder and chairman of Wetherspoon Tim Martin.
If it's anything like the audience of the one I went to up here, the tory associations bus them in from the shires. We had a right mix of the half dead, young chinless wonders and horsey Gemimas all in one row.
If it's anything like the audience of the one I went to up here, the tory associations bus them in from the shires. We had a right mix of the half dead, young chinless wonders and horsey Gemimas all in one row.
All part of a typical left wing Question Time audience no doubt.
I live in Exeter and didn't get a ticket... nor did I recognize anyone in the audience from the usual political meetings etc.. I'd love to know how they decided who to let in.
They send invites to local parties and groups and you can apply on-line. They aim to have some sort of demographic accuracy. They don't come knocking on your door.
They send invites to local parties and groups and you can apply on-line. They aim to have some sort of demographic accuracy. They don't come knocking on your door.
BBC respond to claims Exeter wasn't properly represented in last night's Question Time
"...However, the BBC has said all members of the audience were chosen in line with their normal procedure.
A representative said: "Question Time audiences are always selected in accordance with our guidelines on fairness and impartiality, and this week was no different. We are careful to select audiences which are politically balanced and reflect a range of political views. Every member of this audience was from Exeter or the surrounding area."

Read more: BBC respond to claims Exeter wasn't properly represented in last night's Question Time
Follow us: @expressandecho on Twitter | expressecho on Facebook
BBC respond to claims Exeter wasn't properly represented in last night's Question Time
"...However, the BBC has said all members of the audience were chosen in line with their normal procedure.
A representative said: "Question Time audiences are always selected in accordance with our guidelines on fairness and impartiality, and this week was no different. We are careful to select audiences which are politically balanced and reflect a range of political views. Every member of this audience was from Exeter or the surrounding area."

Read more: BBC respond to claims Exeter wasn't properly represented in last night's Question Time
Follow us: @expressandecho on Twitter | expressecho on Facebook
Well if you see the nazi 'AWOL' woman or that "bank, business manager" who was worried about NLW causing levels of profit to fall, in the street...be sure to reward them for their efforts.
I was disappointed that, when discussing the "increased weekend death rate", no one thought to mention that it may be at least partially accounted for by people drinking their tits off cheaply at certain public house chains.
I was disappointed that, when discussing the "increased weekend death rate", no one thought to mention that it may be at least partially accounted for by people drinking their tits off cheaply at certain public house chains.

It's actually largely because they try and send the better patients home before the weekend. I've been in for a spell before now and gone home for the weekend & come back in the following week, because they were happy that there would be someone to look after me at home and no point me being there if the specialists weren't going to be doing their rounds. The patients that stay in over the weekend tend to be in a pretty bad way, are more likely to die and hence the higher mortality statistics. It's really basic stuff, and representing it as anything else is wilfully dishonest.
On the panel:
Conservative former defence secretary Liam Fox MP,
Labour's Kate Hoey MP,
former leader of the Liberal Democrats Lord Ashdown,
leader of Plaid Cymru Leanne Wood AM and
founder and chairman of Wetherspoon Tim Martin.

The full spectrum of UK political opinion represented there :rolleyes:
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