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Question Time tonight

Shout at the telly night will be more shouty.
The twat that is is Julia hateful brewer is on.
Bruce replaced by Vic Derbyshire tonight.
Social benefit that you're giving updates here, appreciated, I couldn't do it I'd throw things at the computer :(
Your computer would be in smithereens by now.
Tory caulfield saying people on UC better off because of the taper!. Hateful brewer trying to patronise a climate expert in the audience. Derbyshire better than Bruce so far.
Tory is out of her depth, her face is saying kill me now :D
I don't like Julia Hartley Brewer but her tirade against Johnson's hypocrisy and general moral turpitude was okay.
a true q supporter at around to 23 minute mark,

"100 years ago telsa downloaded electro magnetic energy from the sun,

but it was supressed by a banker"

It’s actually very even-tempered and there have been reasonable points from various quarters, so not the best episode if you’re looking for a bit of shouty catharsis.
So, basically, an hour of tediously horrible liberal shit.
I think I heard Greg Hands claimed we'd be "self-sufficient" in nuclear power. We don't have any of the source materials for nuclear fission in this country, do we?
I certainly don't remember a QT audience, plus the presenter and the rest of the panel, being quite so unanimous on a particular topic.

Technically a grant followed by a tax.

It's just the hoary old tale of peoples' level of understanding aligning with their financial interests; I remember protests against student loans with a lot of students saying a graduate tax would have been better.

Not that the Minister explained it very well.
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