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I know it's first Gen tech, but I really want one.

I think the turning point will be getting more triple A titles. Fallout 5 in VR anyone?

You can get that now for the Vive and Skyrim is out in VR for the PlayStation. Which has got me thinking...
There seems to be more games for the PS than for the PC ones. The rift just seems a bit meh tbh and the Vive not much better. Although the PS rules out flight simulator I don’t think I can justify forking out for a PC capable of running the others atm.
Use can use a PSVR on a PC running Steam. I haven't tried though. Will in future, :)
Trinus PSVR - Trinus Virtual Reality

I can confirm it works - setup was pretty simple too. Obviously you have to use the DS4 controller and don't have external tracking for the move controllers or headset (unless you take extra steps which I haven't tried). Certainly quite a nice bonus feature if you happen to have a PC with decent graphics card knocking around...
Astrobot - a new vr platformer - is brilliant. It's £35 which actually seems quite cheap when you play it.

5 day free time-limited demo of Tetris Effect available from 1-11-18 to 5-11-18 from the PS store.

Looks like it'll be a must buy.
The reviews of Wipeout are making this more and more tempting, though the sensible part of me wants to wait for next gen before getting involved in VR.

Are hand controllers a must (for the games that use them)?
The reviews of Wipeout are making this more and more tempting, though the sensible part of me wants to wait for next gen before getting involved in VR.

Are hand controllers a must (for the games that use them)?
The PSVR packs now come with 2 wands and a camera as well as whatever games you opt for. Don't buy them separately...especially at Currys...£40 for each controller and £60 for the cam...cheeky bastards.

While I appreciate WipeOut VR is great, Beat Saber which just came over from the other VR systems is one of the greatest things ever. Simple to learn it is incredibly addictive and completely immersive.

Watching the videos just cannot convey how much fun this thing is and it has a party mode.

(this song isn't on it but still conveys a bit what it's like and I like Haruko)

And this is a guy on expert level just getting a workout and totally in the zone.

I wouldn’t invest in VR for basically a twist on Guitar Hero. Those kind of games hold little appeal.

I'm the same. I want good proper games. Not demos or party games.

There's a new deal out today. VR + Res Evil 7, Astrobot, Wipeout, Skyrim, Doom for £230. You'd still need to buy hand controllers, so still £300 or so to get there. If the price comes down loads and more good games become available, I could get interested.. but sensible bit of me thinks next gen, coz I'm sure that will be leaps and bounds better, even if it's diminishing returns for the basic console.
I'm the same. I want good proper games. Not demos or party games.

There's a new deal out today. VR + Res Evil 7, Astrobot, Wipeout, Skyrim, Doom for £230. You'd still need to buy hand controllers, so still £300 or so to get there. If the price comes down loads and more good games become available, I could get interested.. but sensible bit of me thinks next gen, coz I'm sure that will be leaps and bounds better, even if it's diminishing returns for the basic console.
They're all joypad games so you don't need the wands.

I'd go for a bundle that has the wands (move controllers) because they don't come down in price but the games always do. Having said that that is an incredible bundle. ymmv

As to Borderlands there don't seem to be any proper reviews yet but what I can say without having played it yet is that Sony like to do bundles with games they believe will do well, God of War and then Spiderman bundles with the PS Pro (non VR) this year for example, and there is a Borderlands/Beat Saber/wands bundle coming out. So Sony think it'll do well and they're rarely wrong.

PSVR game sales in the 3rd quarter were up 8% on last year...over 400,000 sold in the quarter.

As to waiting on next-gen...everyone makes up their own mind on that, I am very happy that I got the VR last year as the games just get better all the time and I'm having the time of my life with Tetris/Beat Saber/Astrobot/SuperHot. Try and get a shot if you know someone with the kit.
Anyone tried Borderlands 2 VR yet?

Still getting twinges of temptation to buy the kit. Maybe see what the sales deals are like...

I still can't face the shark encounter bit of that VR worlds.. :D

Had a quick blast of Doom, Astrobot, Skyrim and Wipeout. Need to play more before i decide whether to buy the move controllers or Res Evil. It's pretty impressive, even when sometimes the graphics are a little low res (Skyrim). The main issue is it can be quite overwhelming, especially when playing something tense, scary, fast or violent.. I can't imagine wanting to keep the headset on for too long without a break.
I still can't face the shark encounter bit of that VR worlds.. :D

Had a quick blast of Doom, Astrobot, Skyrim and Wipeout. Need to play more before i decide whether to buy the move controllers or Res Evil. It's pretty impressive, even when sometimes the graphics are a little low res (Skyrim). The main issue is it can be quite overwhelming, especially when playing something tense, scary, fast or violent.. I can't imagine wanting to keep the headset on for too long without a break.
Yes. It takes a while to get your vr legs, and the headset even though comfy is still over a kilo so it takes a while to get used to that too. (there's an 18 year old girl in my local Game shop who plays PSVR for 5 hour sessions)

Remember your PS youtube will now give you a vr option and there are lots of shorter things in there for a 10-15 minute session too. (Kittens! Puppies! Pandas! Penguins! Baby Orang Utans! also lots of wingsuit insanity and jumping out of planes, Imagine Dragons have done at least 3 VR music videos, Muse have some, Elton John did a half hour one recentlyish))
Enjoying Doom and Skyrim too, though the graphics are pretty blocky. Ordered Res Evil 7 and will prob order Superhot when I can get move controllers. It's just a fantastic bit of kit and has made me want to play games more than I have for ages. :cool: Also feels healthier to be standing up and moving while playing rather than just sat on the couch!
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