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No. The vestibular system (the things in your ears that detect rotation and acceleration) cannot be fooled. If your visual system reports acceleration or rotation, but your vestibular system does not, then you will become nauseous. This is because visual/vestibular disconnect is a common symptom of poison, so it's an evolutionary benefit to puke when that happens, to get the toxins out of your body.

If the "camera" in VR acclerates or rotates without an exactly matching real-world head movement, then it can trigger this effect. Using a thumbstick to slide your character around is perfect example of this.

Interesting stuff. I have a little headset which I've played little VR games and videos with on with my phone - no ill effects but this has only been for a few mins at a time.

This PS4 VR is a bit of an expensive thing to buy if it makes you puke. :(
This PS4 VR is a bit of an expensive thing to buy if it makes you puke. :(
A well-designed VR game/experience will explicitly prevent such movement.
I've done dozens of different things on my Vive and haven't felt the slightest hint of nausea
A well-designed VR game/experience will explicitly prevent such movement.
I've done dozens of different things on my Vive and haven't felt the slightest hint of nausea

Ah, not a fatal blow for the concept, then.

Though it looks like that really cool spaceship game from the review might not be ideal for a lot of people.
Apparently the motion sickness can occur because your eyes are seeing things move but your body isn't physically moving.
Plus people are experiencing something like displaced reality (I just made that term up) once they remove their VR headset.
They think they are still in a game and real world is virtual...
Its interesting and scary and funny at the same time...
Apparently the motion sickness can occur because your eyes are seeing things move but your body isn't physically moving.
Plus people are experiencing something like displaced reality (I just made that term up) once they remove their VR headset.
They think they are still in a game and real world is virtual...
Its interesting and scary and funny at the same time...


collecting mine tomorrow... got battlezone - bit confused about whether i can just buy/download other titles online or do i need to find somewhere with the discs in stock to get going first thing!?! :D
collecting mine tomorrow... got battlezone - bit confused about whether i can just buy/download other titles online or do i need to find somewhere with the discs in stock to get going first thing!?! :D
Just about everything is downloaded from the store.

Rush of Blood although a simple rail shooter...is a great thing to have both to play and to show off. Tethered is a great god game and certainly worth the £23 (wake up :) )

Batman is a must.

Grab all the free stuff on the store, obviously. There's an app called 'little cinema' or something which didn't have much at all but fills up more and more. Watch 'The Lion King' clip :)
I'm so torn about this, a few friends have it and are raving about it but it doesn't seem like it has enough games yet or ones I'm desperate to play...[emoji848]

I'm so torn about this, a few friends have it and are raving about it but it doesn't seem like it has enough games yet or ones I'm desperate to play...[emoji848]


I really want to have a go, but as you say the games don't seem to be there yet. I wondering if it will be a next gen thing if it ever really takes off.
PS4 Pro and "Scorpio" (the next xbox revision) will be much better for VR. Wait till then, if you're on the fence.
PS4 Pro and "Scorpio" (the next xbox revision) will be much better for VR. Wait till then, if you're on the fence.

I guess it will just come down to games. I bought a PS4 at the start of the year after doing the costs on a PC upgrade that would run VR. It was supposed to get me out of this madness. :D
just finished batman - not sure I feel it was worth the £15 but it was definitely really impressive and good fun, just a touch short..?
PS4 Pro and "Scorpio" (the next xbox revision) will be much better for VR. Wait till then, if you're on the fence.

That's my current plan: upgrade my tv to a 4K one, buy the pro then get the VR later in the year when the games start to ramp up.

Also...set up a new email address and create a new user on your ps4 with an american address (postcode 90210) and you get access to their stuff too :)
There's fucking loads of it! Their version of littlestar for watching stuff, vrdemo I think, has fucking hundreds of things...including a Ghost In The Shell one that gave me a brief feeling of nausea :)
Thought this was an interesting list of games for VR

9 Gaming Worlds We’d Probably Be Too Scared To Enter On PlayStation VR

Although I'd like a Fallout or Skyrim type game. Built from the ground up to avoid motion sickness.

Im wondering if we will see any major price drops in the next year as Sony try to push it to as many homes as possible. A model with less cables would also be nice! Do we have wireless tech that will support sending that much data to the headset?
No. The vestibular system (the things in your ears that detect rotation and acceleration) cannot be fooled. If your visual system reports acceleration or rotation, but your vestibular system does not, then you will become nauseous. This is because visual/vestibular disconnect is a common symptom of poison, so it's an evolutionary benefit to puke when that happens, to get the toxins out of your body.

If the "camera" in VR acclerates or rotates without an exactly matching real-world head movement, then it can trigger this effect. Using a thumbstick to slide your character around is perfect example of this.

I see. That explains why I felt (a tiny bit) ill after my first go on Friday.

I do not get motion sickness generally, I've been on boats, lanes, cars, sleeper coaches. All with losing sight of the horizon and extreme movement and been fine but a few laps on the racing game and I felt weird enough not to want another go.
Resident Evil 7 - the first hour demo...is now available on psvr.

I had to stop playing after about 5 minutes. I'd gone up the stairs but the mannequins had freaked me out so I went to go back down the stairs. Then I realised if I walked down the stairs looking at the mannequins I wouldn't see what was downstairs...but if I looked downstairs I wouldn't be able to see the mannequins.

Will take some anti-wussy tablets later and try again.
I finally got stuck into Battlezone online and had a great bit of multiplayer action yesterday, really enjoyable - one of the better games out so far from what I've tried :cool:
Anyone know if this will be any good for people who have mobility issues? Need to be sitting down. Seems the vive will be no good unless i fancy some analog broken bones.
Most of the VR games and content is fine sitting down from what I've played - the Vive 'room scale' moving around stuff is very cool but doesn't really apply to the PSVR system in general, a few demos do suggest standing up rather than sitting but not actually walking around
4.5 Update just released - I can finally use an external USB drive to extend the space available for games and demos, and might even give a 3D blu ray movie a try if I can find a good one going cheap on eBay...
Most of the VR games and content is fine sitting down from what I've played - the Vive 'room scale' moving around stuff is very cool but doesn't really apply to the PSVR system in general, a few demos do suggest standing up rather than sitting but not actually walking around
I suppose a wheelie type chair thing could be used in an emergency. Someone should make a wheelchair snowboarding game.
Anyone else playing Superhot VR? If not, I highly recommend giving it a go - probably one of the best games out so far for the PSVR :cool:
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