Total Country quorum* % of quorum achieved Signatures still required to reach quorum
AT (Austria) 142.971 13.500 1059,04% -129.471
BE 64.614 15.750 410,25% -48.864
BG 34.088 12.750 267,36% -21.338
CY 1.618 4.500 35,96% 2882
CZ 20.132 15.750 127,82% -4.382
DE 1.577.042 72.000 2190,34% -1.505.042
DK 21.066 9.750 216,06% -11.316
EE 2.901 4.500 64,46% 1.599
ES 90.868 40.500 224,37% -50.368
FI 37.378 9.750 383,37% -27.628
FR 360.227 55.500 649,06% -304.727
GB 501.819 54.750 916,56% -447.069
GR 44.788 15.750 284,37% -29.038
HR (Croatia) 10.373 8.250 125,73% -2.123
HU 20.821 15.750 132,20% -5.071
IE 17.055 8.250 206,72% -8.805
IT 72.238 54.750 131,94% -17.488
LT (Lithuania) 3.133 8.250 37,98% 5.177
LU 10.967 4.500 243,72% -6.467
LV (Latvia) 1.371 6.000 22,85% 4.629
MT 1.118 4.500 24,84% 3.382
NL 110.144 19.500 564,84% -90.644
PL 44.282 38.250 115,77% -6.032
PT 19.927 15.750 126,52% -4.177
RO 25.130 24.000 104,71% -1.130
SE (Sweden) 25.984 15.000 173,22% -10.984
SI (Slovenia) 11.705 6.000 195,08% -5.705
SK 10.528 9.750 107,98% -778
* What is a “country quorum”? For an ECI to be successful, a minimum amount of signatures (“country quorum”) has to be gathered in at least seven EU Member States. The EU defines this minimum number of signatures in the ECI rules according to the number of Members a country has in the European Parliament (which is an approximation to the size of its population).
UK anti TTIP sentiment is third in EUrope behind Germany and Austria