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Pride (movie) - when Welsh miners and gay activists teamed up to fight Thatcher

Pride director defends removal of gay references on DVD
"I'm just keen for as many people who have yet to see the film to see it."

The film's synopsis on the back of the US DVD was changed from referring to "a London-based group of gay and lesbian activists" to "a group of London-based activists".

The banner which was removed had read "Lesbians & Gays Support The Miners".

Warchus added that he "didn't want to preach to the converted" and wanted the film "to find a mainstream audience [and] broaden people's minds.

"I think someone in the marketing department in the US used their marketing judgement to try to remove any barrier to the widest possible audience," he went on.

"It's clumsily done but I understand it and it's a valid instinct," he continued, describing "the nature of marketing" as "over-simplification [and] reductive".
The two groups who served as the inspiration for last year’s hit comedy Pridereunited at the weekend for the first time in 30 years.

A special anniversary was held for the Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners’ group and the Neath, Dulais and Swansea Valley Miners Support Group who hadn’t seen each other since the 1984 miners’ strike that brought them together. They were also joined by actor Bronwen Lewis, who had a small role in the film, which also starred Bill Nighy and Imelda Staunton.

OMG - 8 of the original 17 who went to wales in that minibus died of AIDS!

That statement has evoked a lot of emotions in me. I remember being really angry at this disease which was killing young people, and seemed to be aimed at gay people, at least in Europe and the USA. I went to see the AIDS quilt in San Francisco in the 90s, and I cried out of frustration and anger as well as sadness at all the losses detailed in it. It makes me want to cry again now - to think of all those young activists who were making a difference, and who would have continued to make a difference if they hadn't been taken.
Another important thing from that article:

“I think that Pride has opened the significance of this story for the young generation in Wales and further afield – many of whom wouldn’t remember the strike but would now be thinking: “Well my grandfather used to work in the collieries... and what was that all about?” said Dai Donovan, Welsh miner turned trade unionist.

Note, not my dad, but my grandad. When people ask why the left is so weak, the destruction - planned quite consciously - of the supporting networks and structures, localised and wider, built and sustained by the previous generations and built around a work based (and across various fields of employment) recognition of each other and class interests has to figure largely in the answer. Anyone who thinks the miners strike was really just about economics will never be able to grasp that.
Watched this on iPlayer last night, brilliant film, thoroughly enjoyable, I was worried it would be too 'sentimental' and cringy or something in it's portrayal of both the issues of the miners and of gay rights, but I think it hit a serious and realistic enough note. Cried at the end. What a mix of feelings for the eighties and being a teenager then.
Watched it last week - great film. Made me cry too.
oddly enough for no real reason except the time and subject matter it made me think of what aids could do back then, how much of a death sentence it was. How nobody in a position to do anything would cos its a disease for gays and druggies so fuck them right? and yet it wasn't 'fuck them' as the film shows. Solidarity still, cross class cross gender cross border.
One of those "feelgood" films that transcends the genre. Moving, nostalgic and humorous.
I'm amazed they could make anything feel good out of that time at all never mind give it a up beat end, but I supposed that is the magic of film. Much better than real life anyway. The miners lost their fight, aids was fucking awful and then we got clause 28.
One of those "feelgood" films that transcends the genre. Moving, nostalgic and humorous.
krtek a houby


I agree. I have a movie of real events that ends in a 3 year long fight with a housing association, where we had them on the ropes, where one of the negotiating committee suggests a settlement amount at x grand, far lower than we could have expected to be bartering/fighting for... :facepalm:

This is after some amazing and uncomfortably invigorating meetings that let them know just who was calling the fucking shots,as a driver of this rebellion I was being visited by people from the housing trust, after dark, on rainy nights, in expensive trench coats, keen to get me to get everyone else to agree that things weren't that bad...Erm, fuck off, yes they fucking were.

SO the trigger happy YES we'll take that amount neighbour...it wasn't a bad deal, but fuck me...We could have all stung them for a few grand more each. :D I put it down to a comedy life moment. The money wasn't the point afterall. The fact we stood up to the exploiting cunts and won, was.
which bits did you think were inventions?
Um... the women singing in the hall. The guy being one of the first people diagnosed with HIV and him surviving. The whole "make the most of your intellect" speech with Sian (and her ending up as an MP). Cliff saying he was gay. Even the miners leading Pride. Probably more that I've forgotten.

Normally with films like this they end up bearing a slight resemblance to what happened cos it's been so cut and moved about to make it an interesting film. I was surprised at just how much of this seems to be what actually happened. If you watch that documentary that's linked further up then you can see the real people basically saying lines from the film. They even look the bloody same. The only big thing that I can see they invented was Bromley.

I really liked it. I didn't know anything about LGSM before watching it so it was really interesting.
oddly enough for no real reason except the time and subject matter it made me think of what aids could do back then, how much of a death sentence it was. How nobody in a position to do anything would cos its a disease for gays and druggies so fuck them right? and yet it wasn't 'fuck them' as the film shows. Solidarity still, cross class cross gender cross border.
I think AIDS might have still been called GRID then, gay related imune dificiency - or just 'gay plague' in the tabloids. It was a horrible time to be queer.
Um... the women singing in the hall. The guy being one of the first people diagnosed with HIV and him surviving. The whole "make the most of your intellect" speech with Sian (and her ending up as an MP). Cliff saying he was gay. Even the miners leading Pride. Probably more that I've forgotten.

Normally with films like this they end up bearing a slight resemblance to what happened cos it's been so cut and moved about to make it an interesting film. I was surprised at just how much of this seems to be what actually happened. If you watch that documentary that's linked further up then you can see the real people basically saying lines from the film. They even look the bloody same. The only big thing that I can see they invented was Bromley.

I really liked it. I didn't know anything about LGSM before watching it so it was really interesting.
I think I heard the bit were the miners social club goes quiet when they arrived was an invention too, they actually got a warm welcome.

I heard Sian give her speech at Pride in 1985, my first London Pride, and it was memorable - she was lovely, warm eloquent and reduced us all tears. Shame they didn't include that bit.
The guy being one of the first people diagnosed with HIV and him surviving.
Some people did survive from the very earliest days - either through sheer luck or more probably possessing some genetic mutation, or an innate ability to keep the virus in check. Granted, such people would be few and far between unfortunately.
Some people did survive from the very earliest days - either through sheer luck or more probably possessing some genetic mutation, or an innate ability to keep the virus in check. Granted, such people would be few and far between unfortunately.
I think he lives around the corner from me, though I don't know him personally. I do know someone who been living with HIV since the 80s and he is well, though so many of the men I knew then are not alive not.
I think AIDS might have still been called GRID then, gay related imune dificiency - or just 'gay plague' in the tabloids. It was a horrible time to be queer.
it was the tom hanks film Philidelphia that woke me up to it- it was already being defeated, being treated as I was growing up and it was never a thing that affected me as it did people of your generation. Just the stone cold ignorance of it, no effort made to research etc. Because fuck the queers and druggies. For a while I honestly thought it was a bioweapon deliberately done to punish the 'bad' people. But these days I am slightly less paranoid. It was a tragedy deliberately not adressed quickly rather than a lab grown horror. Musn't credit The Man with too much power, it disempowers ones ownself to do so.

Two miners' strike activists who helped inspire a Bafta-winning film are to be honoured in their local community.

Mark Ashton was a leading figure in the Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) group during the strike in 1984.

Hefina Headon was secretary of the Miners Support Group in the Dulais Valley, south Wales.

Their lives were among those portrayed in the 2014 film Pride and will now be remembered with plaques at Onllwyn Welfare Hall.

Members of the LGSM group will attend the ceremony to unveil them on Saturday that follows the Swansea Pride march.

Mr Ashton helped form the group which raised money to provide food and support for striking miners and their families. He died in 1987 aged 26.

His friend and former Swansea East MP Sian James said he was a "great character" who "brought people together".

"He was a unifier, not a divider. I have no doubt that if he had lived (longer) he would have achieved great things," she said.

"It took somebody really brave like Mark to actually say we need to do something."
She added: "To actually get that bucket out and get collecting on Gay Pride wasn't an easy thing 35 years ago [when] LGBTQ+ rights were unheard of.

"We like to think that every gay person should look at this as their place of culture and they are very welcome here.

"Our community [was] ahead of the curve in a way. We didn't think we were changing history. We were just being decent human beings."
Miners' strike film inspirations honoured
Brixton Umbrella Circle had a meeting yesterday of Lesbian & Gays Support the Miners / Migrants.

LGSMigrants was formed by young people who had seen the film Pride and were inspire to do something now - and who does the media vilify now, asylum seekers and migrants in general. Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants
Some young people from the new LGSMigrants spoke eloquently about their work and politics which linked opression to global inequality and capitalism, we had a very good discussion.

They are organising an alternative to Pride this year with their Planes and Perverts: Pride and Protest edition. Planes and Perverts: Pride and Protest Edition Tickets - London - OutSavvy raising money with other queer migrant groups for their cause.
✊Why? Since LGSMigrants began in 2015, we have called out Pride in London for excluding the most marginalised members of our community, the majority of who come from a migrant background. Each year at Pride in London, we march in an attempt to bring the parade back to its political roots, while also targeting corporations who pinkwash our identities while carrying out inhumane practices such as forced deportations. This year we are hosting a party which will create a space for politically minded queers and members of our community from marginalised backgrounds to party with meaning. The event will also raise much-needed cash for migrant-led queer groups to get them to down to London for Pride in London and Black Pride.
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