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Post-vaccine Boomer Behaviour?


Hypothetical Wanker
(for want of a better title)

Talking to my parents the other day they seem to be under the impression that once they've had the vaccine they will be able go off gallivanting around because they deserve it after "following the rules whilst young people spread Covid at their raves".

Wouldn't surprise me in the least if we see similar attitudes in other Tory voting, Mail reading types who wander around the country in the coming months spreading the virus to the poor unvaccinated young people serving them their Costa lattes and so on.
The boomer in my sphere seems to take every slight against the ruly establishment as some kind of furious attack. And when that's not happening they furiously retweet any pro brexit material they can find.

And yes, a healthy amount of blaming the people for not following the rules properly, of course.
Thread title... :thumbs: Needed a bad in there as well for full impact.

I've been a bit worried about the lack of understanding around the vaccine, a number of people I've talked to or heard others have, seem to think once they've had it they can do what they want as they're immune, including some of whom think the literal moment it's done it works.

I think it'll also be used as an argument for the anti-lockdown types to push for fast relaxation of any restrictions.
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I was talking to my friend yesterday. She doesn't really follow the rules but does shop for her dad so I suggested she shouldn't really go inside when dropping off the shopping and she said that he's not following rules at all. All him and his mates are in and out of each others houses etc.

Whereas I know my parents will still be careful and informed post vaccine.
I think it's been difficult for them to reconcile a genuine fear for their lives with all their usual sources of justification pushing hard against Lockdown and indulging in virus denial.

The vaccine neatly allows them a way of bridging this cognitive dissonance cand I'm expecting a hard shift against Lockdown within minutes of them getting the jab :D
My parents aren’t boomers, having already been born before the post war baby boom. My dad doesn’t do any swanning, and thinks buying coffee out when you have a jar in the kitchen is inexplicable. I very much doubt he’s ever stepped inside a Costa. He’s had his first vaccine, but the only threat he’s likely to be is to himself from hairbrained DIY behaviour.

My mum (they’re no longer together) is different. She’s a Wee Free and won’t have the vaccine because aborted foetuses. Nor will she wear a mask because she has asthma and masks give her panic attacks. So she shouldn’t roam to coffee shops but probably will. She’ll meet old ladies and talk about Jesus.
(for want of a better title)

Talking to my parents the other day they seem to be under the impression that once they've had the vaccine they will be able go off gallivanting around because they deserve it after "following the rules whilst young people spread Covid at their raves".

Wouldn't surprise me in the least if we see similar attitudes in other Tory voting, Mail reading types who wander around the country in the coming months spreading the virus to the poor unvaccinated young people serving them their Costa lattes and so on.
That is ageist and highly offensive.
I can assure you that this 'boomer' couple will continue to follow the rules scrupulously, as we have done since March.

I worked out the other day that since March I've been in::

ASDA x 1
B&M x 1
JD Sports x 1
Lidll x1
Petrol station x 3.
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That is ageist and highly offensive.
I can assure you that this 'boomer' couple will continue to follow the rules scrupulously, as we have done since March.


I understand that for people born in the 50s, it must be frustrating seeing all these young people having parties during Lockdown, after all if they managed to follow the rules during the Blitz...but I bet you can't even say Blackout these days without some woke millennial snowflake cancelling you, can you?
My parents won't have read anything and won't understand it at all. They'll go have the jab and hope they can go back to voluntary work at the charity shop soon and on their train holiday in Italy in September, though I've already pointed out that'll probably be cancelled again. They don't tend to see many people anyway.

My ex partner's parents have had their vaccine and coming round on a Saturday, coming in the house and doing as they please already seems to be happening. I expect what I'm seeing is just the half of it.
My parents won't have read anything and won't understand it at all. They'll go have the jab and hope they can go back to voluntary work at the charity shop soon and on their train holiday in Italy in September, though I've already pointed out that'll probably be cancelled again. They don't tend to see many people anyway.

My ex partner's parents have had their vaccine and coming round on a Saturday, coming in the house and doing as they please already seems to be happening. I expect what I'm seeing is just the half of it.
They're not fucking coming round my house :mad:
I'm the only "boomer" I know outside urban and this being the greatest threat to my health in my lifetime (unless I get really reckless with the Atlantic Ocean), I will be treating all human beings as suspect from now on and very selective which ones I get within aerosol distance of unmasked ...
That said, I haven't completely forgotten how I enjoyed the raves of my 30s and outdoor events are always an option ...
I'm holding out at least until the first jab has taken effect before risking the dentist...
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I do have some sympathy for, errr... 'older folks' a bit doing what they want after having the vaccine though. I know all the collective responsibility, spreading it about, etc. But I can totally see if you're say, 80, and you've had a fucking miserable year and, let's face it, have limited time left and could drop dead at any point, being a bit like 'fuck it' and start doing what you want to a bit more. I guess boomers are a bit younger though?
I do have some sympathy for, errr... 'older folks' a bit doing what they want after having the vaccine though. I know all the collective responsibility, spreading it about, etc. But I can totally see if you're say, 80, and you've had a fucking miserable year and, let's face it, have limited time left and could drop dead at any point, being a bit like 'fuck it' and start doing what you want to a bit more. I guess boomers are a bit younger though?
Reminds me , that Captain Tom has had a bit of stick on social media for going on holiday in the Caribbean recently, if you can't be a bit cavalier about your health at 100 , when can you be ?
My folks (like Danny's, they are pre-boomers) are coping better than I feared they would. Got the jab last week, but won't be changing their behaviour. As with marty's folks, they don't gallivant. Wish they did sometimes tbh. I wouldn't blame them if they did bend the rules, though. They've suffered plenty this last year with the withdrawal of the daycare support for my dad.
My dad was very gallivant-y , but became hyper hypochondriac when he was in his 70s (justified ,I guess because he died at 75) I've spoken to mum about the pandemic, we reckon he'd have stayed indoors throughout , and would have got into on-line betting , and home delivery of cider .
As with all these things it's not about your personal risk, that's up to the individual, it's about community spread and your role in that
The role of the over-80s in community spread over the last 12 months has been minimal. As a group, they move around the least and see the fewest people. The way that the various waves have started in other age groups then spread to the old shows that clearly enough.
My pre-war mum has been ignoring all lockdowns and playing cat and mouse with the police so she and her friends could have their lunches and bridge matches.
She had a mild case of Covid the other week and so won't go for vaccine for 3 months.
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