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Possible 'false-flag' terror as prelude to World Cup 5th-6th June

laptop said:
Not even Pixie law?


* books linerider into The Dell, the Pixie voluntary re-education collective *
How can I be re-educated when i never had any education in the first place
linerider said:
How can I be re-educated when i never had any education in the first place

School of life, innit. Or imaginary life. Or afterlife.

Or whatever you put your pixie little self through that left you able to type.
editor said:
Has it been independently verified?
Who made the call?
Did he check with BT?
How do you know he didn't get a mate to make the call?
Were the police called?
Why not?

And - more importantly of all - why should you blindly believe what some clearly-obsessed, totally biased, agenda-pushing nutjob on the web has told you without any corroborating evidence at all?

No wonder you're begging for this thread to be closed!
So why should I believe Ted Olson? No corroborating evidence, no recording, and a mass of contradictions. Why should I believe the CIA when they say they have a tape of Osama Bin Laden? Why should I believe their word that the man on trial in Iraq is Saddam Hussein and not his double when his wife says it's not him? Double standards editor. Has the one, single, grainy CCTV pic we have of the alleged London bombers been 'independently verified'? Er no.

These, and more, all fail the 'editor's test for evidence' spectacularly, but the truth is you pick and choose where to apply it.

You can believe what you are told in the papers, I might believe some barking conspiraloons instead. Fair enough?

Keep the thread open, I'll be wanting to quote these posts in future. ;)
Jazzz said:
So why should I believe Ted Olson? No corroborating evidence, no recording, and a mass of contradictions.
Err, because his wife died?
Because she was booked on the flight?
Because she hasn't been seen since?
Because she'd booked herself on the flight?
Because the plane crashed?

That tends to back up the story just a tad.

Now, back on topic.

Please explain why you have swallowed every single word of this dubious conspiraloon's highly improbable claims about being offered vast sums of money when you have not a single scrap of independently-verified, credible evidence to support his yarn?

I'm honestly beginning to get concerned about your state of mind now. Only a fucking idiot would buy into that guy's laughable bullshit. Look at his website for fuck's sake. The guy's a moonfruit.
Jesus. How much more of this wank is Jazzz going to put up before someone tells him to fuck off? From the FAQ:

10. Nutters 'Sheeple'-accusing, bigoted gun nuts, ranting xenophobes, cut'n'pasters, God-squad, disruptive 'comical' alter-egos, conspiraloons, fruitloops and small minded bigots are not welcome.

Said it before & I'll say it again; Jazzz is a troll. A polite troll, but nevertheless a troll. Either that, or he has what could politely be called a fleeting grip on reality. In either set of circumstances, indulging him here with well-intentioned rational arguments does neither him nor U75 any favours. At best it's pandering to the terminally deluded, at worst it's making this site a conspiraloon site by the back door. Bin/ban. Really.
brixtonvilla said:
Jesus. How much more of this wank is Jazzz going to put up before someone tells him to fuck off? From the FAQ:

More to the point: when are you going to stop? I've hardly seen a post from you that isn't straight out the McCarthy book. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
More to the point: when are you going to stop? I've hardly seen a post from you that isn't straight out the McCarthy book. :rolleyes:
So do you really think it's acceptable to post up incredible, unbelievable global conspiracy-tastic claims from a, shall we say, rather dubious source, when your entire claim is based on his unverified, unchallenged claim?

You repeated the claim, yet you have steadfastedly refused to back it up. Why is that?

Why have you accepted the unchallenged, unverified wild claims of a lone moonfruit who has one of the most bonkers sites I've ever seen?

But seeing as you've linked to his mad site, could you explain what 'charity' it belongs to (on another of his bonkers sites - http://www.remortgagenow.co.uk/ - it clearly states, "Charity internet Site: www.financialoutrage.org.uk").

In faft, the more I look at this nutbonk, the more bizarre he gets.

His www.ripoffsandscams.com site is apparently run by a talking dog called "Amy McSporran".

He then goes on to claim that this "New Breed Of Spreadsheet Terrier" has "Sniffed Out Over £2 Trillion Pounds Worth of Theft, Rip Offs and Scams."

The dog then goes on to claim that, "More Than 15 Million People Will Be Able To Make Savings Totalling £2,295,466,250,000 Between Them !!!!!" before concluding, "I'll get the figures onto my spreadsheets and then perhaps we can go for a walk as well!"

Why do you believe the unqualified words of someone who owns a website run by a talking Terrier, Jazzz?
I hate to disappoint you editor, but it's not actually a 'talking terrier'. Amy McSporran is clearly a light-hearted narrative device for the financial services rip-offs described. :)
Jazzz said:
I hate to disappoint you editor, but it's not actually a 'talking terrier'. Amy McSporran is clearly a light-hearted narrative device for the financial services rip-offs described. :)
Hey! Now there's a great vehicle for a credible investigative website!

Now about this 'charity'.

I know that investigating the credibility of sources making bold claims isn't your specialist subject here, so I thought I'd help you along. Could I have the charity's details please?
Jazzz said:
I hate to disappoint you editor, but it's not actually a 'talking terrier'. Amy McSporran is clearly a light-hearted narrative device for the financial services rip-offs described. :)
Blimey! I see the talking terrier, sorry "light-hearted narrative device", isn't afraid to take on other issues on the very same site:
the talking terrier said:
The Dunblane Massacre
Remembering Dunblane - The Oh So Totally & Utterly Blatant Cullen Cover Up

The Untimely Early Death Of Princess Diana
The Circumstances Surrounding the Deaths Of Dodi Al Fayed and Diana, Princess of Wales
yes - Tony Blair hasn't resigned yet.

I'd love to talk about the various frauds of the money system and banks - some of which I am quite familiar with, like fractional reserve lending - but that is clearly well beyond the scope of this thread, my experience of posting on the UK Banking system thread showed that it is an extremely difficult topic.
Jazzz said:
yes - Tony Blair hasn't resigned yet.
Oh dear. You're not very good at this are you?

Look closer, do some research (remember that?!) and then start to worry about the credibility of your source.

Now, about his 'charity'. Got the details yet?

It's important to check the credibility of your sources when you're basing massive claims on them, no?
So off you go....
I really can't be fucked with this. If you wanted to make genuine enquiries I would be happy to oblige. But the point with you is that you are simply asking to be awkward and would never be satisfied. I'll take his telephone call as I see it, you don't have to, I don't expect you to.
Jazzz said:
If you wanted to make genuine enquiries I would be happy to oblige.
Genuine question.

The site that forms the entire basis of your claims here claims to be a charity.

What's the charity please?
Get this editor: I AM NOT INDULGING in your pathetic games of silly buggers because they are extremely tedious for everyone concerned, except you.

I am not going to pester the guy (I've been in touch with him) asking stupid questions about which or what organisation he has is of charitable status (hardly anything remarkable there, you could make urban75 a charity quite easily) and what the number is, if you contact him I'm sure he will oblige. But your point is JUST TO BE A PAIN IN THE ARSE.
Jazzz said:
Get this editor: I AM NOT INDULGING in your pathetic games of silly buggers because they are extremely tedious for everyone concerned, except you.
You've based your entire story on an unverified, unchallenged claim made on his website.

That website claims to be a charity. Seeing as you're asking us to believe the wild, emphatic claims made on that site, it's entirely appropriate to ask questions related to that site.

So, again: is it a real charity or not? I can't find any evidence of it.
If it's not, why does he say he is?

You see, I'm having big, big problems with this guy's credibilty.

Had you bothered to follow through the research I'd presented to you, you would have seen a post - on the usenet group 'talk.rumors' - from a person calling themselves 'fleecedagain' who explains how he 'downloaded' a letter from ww.eurocardirect.co.uk:
What do you think of the following letter which I've just downloaded from www.eurocardirect.co.uk, have you seen all the Financial Services Industry exposures on the site? Have you seen the copy of a Lloyds TSB False Exchange Rate which says on it that it 'must not be faxed or copied to customers'?
But guess what?

Fleecedagain is posting from - you guessed it - eurocardirect.co.uk!

And who owns eurocardirect.co.uk? Why, it's none other than James Stewart and his talking terrier, who also own the bonkers site you're making the moonfruit 'no facts needed' claims from!

So he in fact managed to 'download' a letter that he wrote on his own computer back on to his own computer - and then had to share the experience with usenet under a pseudonym!

Jazzz said:
Get this editor: I AM NOT INDULGING in your pathetic games of silly buggers because they are extremely tedious for everyone concerned, except you.

No, I'd also like to know which charity he claims to represent, actually.

If that's OK with you, Jazzz?

Or have you bailed out of this thread you started already?
pk said:
No, I'd also like to know which charity he claims to represent, actually.
I'm all ears too.

After all, this thread is all about claims made on this "charity's" website, so it's entirely relevant to know something about the site.
Well to be honest I'm not at all bothered what you think of it. The idea is to stop such an attack occurring because if one happens on the 5th or 6th then people will have to start paying attention. Maybe even you would editor.

I have emailed him to have a look at the thread. If he has used the word 'charity' to describe his informational website when it is not a registered charity, I wouldn't approve of that, fair point; but that his little to do with the logic of this prediction. I had myself been thinking that 6/6/6 would be a very possible date.
Jazzz said:
If he has used the word 'charity' to describe his informational website when it is not a registered charity, I wouldn't approve of that, fair point
So you think he might be a liar, yes?

So exactly why do you believe every single word of his highly improbable, totally unproven claims, and why on earth should anyone give a flying fuck about what he thinks about 'false flag' operations?

I mean, exactly how and why should he be privy to such information?

Oh, hold on. Lookee here! Jazzz has been suckered again!
The site was set up by Blackpool-based entrepreneur James Stewart after a long battle with LloydsTSB. Stewart used to own EuroCarDirect, a car importing firm which he claimed was "one of the fastest growing new companies in the UK". It was liquidated in November 2002...

Unfortunately, Financial Outrage is not a registered charity even if the website has a link to the Charity Commission. Stewart tells Capital Letters that he wants to raise money - he tells site readers to send in cheques and postal orders - to buy full page adverts in newspapers so he can publicise his mortgage thoughts.

He says he has the charity registration forms but has not filled them in yet. He says he will do this "within a couple of months" or when he finds a major sponsor.

The Charity Commission is not impressed. It says: "Financial Outrage is not a registered charity. We will be contacting the people responsible for organisation to find out why they are calling it a 'charity' and to ask about its activities.
So remind me again Jazzz: why do you believe this guy?

PS I'd prefer it if you didn't invite such people to this site. In fact, if you make a habit of it, you may find yourself unwelcome here.
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