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Possible 'false-flag' terror as prelude to World Cup 5th-6th June

Right, I've bothered to look up that fucking moronic loonspud site, and here's the entire "evidence" for Jazzz's emphatic claim:
I had previously received 5 threatening phone calls and on 29 July 2005 I was offered (recorded) £50,000 a year to "stop writing to people to tell them what we’re up to" & "you’re one of the few who know"
So, have you heard this tape, Jazzz?
Have you had it independently verified?
Do you know who rang him up?
Have you any evidence at all to back up his claims?
Did he call in the police?
Have they any records of these 'threatening' calls?

In fact, can you prove any part of his story at all or do you just blindly believe any old bollocks posted up on the web?

You made the claim. Your credibility now rests on your ability to back it up.
Jazzz said:
His other prediction - London on 5th November 2005, didn't happen.

Bonfire night was cancelled. :confused:

I predict suspicious packages in most UK homes on 25th Dec 2006. :eek:
I remember having a discussion back in the 1980s with a born again Christian whose girlfriend I unsuccesfully attempted to seduce, though I'm sure that she didn't really mean it when she called me a creep, I think secretly, but no matter, I had this discussion with her boyfriend. He said that he had witnessed absolute proof that God exists, is all good and is all powerful. He had attended a church where people speak in tongues and fall onto the floor and stuff. The preacher had informed the gathering that a gang of Mods and a gang of rockers (this was 1985) were headed for a huge clash in Woking thatvery weekend. He asked the congregation to pray to God to stop this terrible event from happening. Someone was going to get murdered! They prayed. They swayed. They spaketh in tongues. They rolled upon the floor. Then next week it was reported by the preacher man that there had been no clash in Woking. The Mods scooters had all broken down and so had the rockers bikes. Absolute proof quad the God squad. Proof?! said I, what fuckin' proof? Well, said he, it didn't happen did it, it would have been in the papers if Mods and rockers had been murdering each other. :confused: :confused: And his girlfriend still chose him over me! :( He wanted Godly children, little angels all, and a mortgage and shit and all I offered was frantic sex on the grass. In a semetary. And she said no. So I took a female goth friend to the church and we stood at the back dressed all in black and staring demonically at the congregation. 'I sense', said the preacher, 'that there may be unbelievers among us tonight.' Next time I saw Mr Christian's virgin girlfriend she called me a creep.
Jazzz said:
James Stewart, who was offered £50,000 a year to stop warning people about possible terror attacks after predicting the date of 22nd July 2005 is warning of a possible terror attack in the days before the World Cup, specifically the 5th or 6th of June. He specifies either Germany or Chicago.

The signs for this are:

1) Intelligence 'noise' about terror attacks

2) Curious cancellation of the World Cup Opening Gala which would have been held on the 7th June

3) Extraordinary occult significance of the date 6/6/06.

4) Stock market indications and possible dollar collapse

I don't want anyone to be alarmed and doubtless I'll be flamed like crazy for this but I am posting in the sincere hope that it will help stop it happening. Let's hope it doesn't.


Dear Sir Iain Blair,

Why do you lot have to ask random people on a messageboard about how to stop terror attacks?

:mad: :mad: :mad:
Groucho said:
I'm still waiting for my cheque from MI5. Years of service, selling papers, attending meetings, the works. Not a fuckin penny! :mad:
You're cheap. The MAB don't bother paying you either.
What is the significance of 06062006 then? I can't find it in the Qu'ran, Bible, Protocols of Zion, Project for the New American Century, L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics, or the Ladybird Book of European Lizards.

Please can somebody help? :confused:

Jazzz said:
As for this thread I am happy for it to be closed.

Yet another one of your unsourced bollocks claims bites the dust eh, Jazzzbot?


When will you ever learn?
editor said:
Right, I've bothered to look up that fucking moronic loonspud site, and here's the entire "evidence" for Jazzz's emphatic claim:
So, have you heard this tape, Jazzz?
Have you had it independently verified?
Do you know who rang him up?
Have you any evidence at all to back up his claims?
Did he call in the police?
Have they any records of these 'threatening' calls?

In fact, can you prove any part of his story at all or do you just blindly believe any old bollocks posted up on the web?

You made the claim. Your credibility now rests on your ability to back it up.
The audio for the call is here.

If you don't want to believe it, well that's up to you. But it's funny how you have a completely different standard of evidence for other supposed phone calls, such as the Barbara Olson call, or Osama 'confessions'. Dare one question those (we have only Ted Olson's word for the former, no 'independent verification' for the latter), and they will be met with your usual forthright indignation.

When dealing with conspiracy stuff editor, it's clear you need to maintain standards around here.

Double ones!

I am happy for the thread to be closed pk because it wasn't intended for discussion.
Do you actually believe the insane shit you post on these boards or are you just winding people up?

How can you expect anybody to take the homepage of the "Chairman of the 9/11 Truth Group - Blackpool Chapter" seriously? His website looks like the diaries of the nutcase villain in "Seven".
Those Jazz post characteristics in full...

Jazz posts claims of forthcoming attack and/or Illuminati event
Board asks valid questions relating to claims
Jazz posts links to website of questionable validity
Board asks valid questions relating to claims
Jazz asks for thread to close

Ah, bless you Jazz. I cannot decide if I shall miss your posts if you carry out your post to not be here for a week... =)
Jazzz said:
The audio for the call is here.

If you don't want to believe it, well that's up to you.
Has it been independently verified?
Who made the call?
Did he check with BT?
How do you know he didn't get a mate to make the call?
Were the police called?
Why not?

And - more importantly of all - why should you blindly believe what some clearly-obsessed, totally biased, agenda-pushing nutjob on the web has told you without any corroborating evidence at all?

No wonder you're begging for this thread to be closed!
Jazzz said:
If you read it Yossarian the bombings were on 22.15 UTC 22nd July 2005
The attacks took place in the early morning hours, at a time when many tourists and locals were still out at restaurants, cafés and bars. The first bomb blast, at 01:15 local time (22:15 UTC), was reported in a market in downtown Sharm;
Thank you Jazz, you've made my week with your "terrorists use Greenwich Mean Time" ramblings to justify the paranoid delusions of a random guy, who knows where.

Carry on.
Yossarian said:
I also previously gave 650 major UK Journalists, all media Editors and 112 London Fire Stations an advance alert of a probable ... atrocity on ... 5th November 2005...
A mere four hundred years too late!
Some bonkers-looking bloke in a pub told me that he'd been offered a million pounds to never speak the word 'rabbit' in public.

Naturally, I was sceptical, but once he'd played back a tape recording he'd made at home on his own without any independent verification, I was totally convinced beyond any doubt.

Most people won't believe my story, but at least I know Jazzz will.

Tomorrow I might tell you about the secrets told to me by an unknown, unseen, untraceable expert posting on unknown, unseen, untraceable boards.
How did he tell you this? I hope it was through the medium of charades, otherwise who knows what might have happened to him :eek:
editor said:
Some bonkers-looking bloke in a pub told me that he'd been offered a million pounds to never speak the word 'rabbit' in public.

Naturally, I was sceptical, but once he'd played back a tape recording he'd made at home on his own without any independent verification, I was totally convinced beyond any doubt.

Most people won't believe my story, but at least I know Jazzz will.

Tomorrow I might tell you about the secrets told to me by an unknown, unseen, untraceable expert posting on unknown, unseen, untraceable boards.
hang on if the bloke siad rabbit to you in a public house did soem goons dressed in black come in and remove him... do you have a 'blank' patch at the end of the evening where things are hazy, memories fragmented, did they use a mind erasing ray via the channeling of Anti-truth Leakage Covert Ordered Holographic technOLogy also known as Brainwashing Evidence Extrating Recovery or Light AmplificationGenerated Evidence Removeal?

we know little about the oppretives except their code names S'tella and Mr J Smith
laptop said:

Sue, Grabbitt & Runne
666, Crooks' Court
London WC1

Dear Mr JHE,

We are instructed by our clients, a Ms A Pixie and Mr S Pixie, acting on behalf of pixies in general, to request that you refrain from further repeating this clear defamation.

Our clients are law-abiding pixies (inasmuch as traditional pixie law is accepted by use and practice) who woud not hurt hurt a fly. Much. Unless it were a laugh.

You may be interested to know that we have also been approached by a Mr Troll, but have declined to represent him. You may draw conclusions.

Sue, Grabbitt & Runne
Dictated and signed in his absence
I would like to point out that Ms A Pixie and Mr S Pixie are not in any way acting for for me as I have never been a law-abiding Pixie :rolleyes:
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