danny la rouge
I have a cheese grater in the dishwasher.
I was tired.But since they haven't actually lost all those seats yet (if it is on the cards), surely they've way further still to fall..?
I was tired.But since they haven't actually lost all those seats yet (if it is on the cards), surely they've way further still to fall..?
Only another 4 weeks to go.I was tired.
True, but postal ballot papers can be sent out from today! (all candidates are known now) For some folks the election will 'be over' very soon.Only another 4 weeks to go.
Why the blue bit?
Latest projection suggests there will be no tory.For the Tory. We're an inclusive bunch up here.
Latest projection suggests there will be no tory.
oh god yeah, you'd have thought thatmight go down badly. Who knows, maybe earnest but shit plays well with a green voter
You might be interested in Gary Gibbon's latest blog considering the polling evidence of the propensity for ('unionist') tactical voting in Scotland to save some Lab/Ld seats.What sort of odds might a Scottish bookie offrt that Labour will actually end up with a few more seats than 4? (10 to 15 say?)
4 seems too extreme to be believable really. SNP would still be making massive gains whatever, but to gain all except 4? Finding that a bit hard to believe.
We asked an extra question checking whether voters had an appetite for tactical voting – would pro-union parties switch their votes to the party with the best chance of defeating the SNP?
Ask that question and the SNP lead falls to 15 per cent. Analysis suggests that this could save Labour up to nine seats they lose without tactical voting (and the Lib Dems possibly save two extra seats as well).
You might be interested in Gary Gibbon's latest blog considering the polling evidence of the propensity for ('unionist') tactical voting in Scotland to save some Lab/Ld seats.
I can vouch for this round here (Aberdeen). Some nationalists have been appalling.
Conservatives take six-point lead in Guardian/ICM poll
Poll takes Tories to 39% ahead of Labour on 33%, as Lib Dem support stays at 8% and Ukip drops back two points to tie with Greens on 7%
Boon said the sample chosen looks “demographically sound”, but acknowledges there are signs in the raw data that this sample “could be a just touch too Tory”. In particular, there are more 2010 Conservative voters than ICM would ordinarily expect, and also more voters from the professional occupational grade.
it's 23% lead the Conservative have over Labour in Scotland.