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Political polling

It's quite an achievement really given that he was meant to be a sensible, keep it steady type of appointment. You'd think there'd be at least an element of a 'well at least he's not Liz Truss' sort of bounce, but no.
We've reached a situation where most people have settled into a kind of passive contempt for Sunak's government. There were obvious reasons to hate Johnson and Lettuce and, let's be honest, Ratboy too. But his absence of personality had tamped that down into a weary dislike. That will of course carry on into the Starmer era, without the complication of a honeymoon period. 'Personalities', 'ideologues', 'mangers', all equally useless, all worth of our contempt.
I also wouldn’t underestimate how much of the country dislikes the politics of hate. I hear old-school Tories every day who feel ashamed that immigrant care workers are not allowed to bring their families over, or the idea that asylum seekers would be sent to Rwanda. The hard-right make a lot of noise and have captured the Tory governments’ attention but they aren’t actually the majority view even within general Conservatism.
I also wouldn’t underestimate how much of the country dislikes the politics of hate. I hear old-school Tories every day who feel ashamed that immigrant care workers are not allowed to bring their families over, or the idea that asylum seekers would be sent to Rwanda. The hard-right make a lot of noise and have captured the Tory governments’ attention but they aren’t actually the majority view even within general Conservatism.

I would imagine that you mix and live in classic Con to LD switcher circles, so maybe there are limits to what you are entitled to extrapolate from those conversations, although broadly I agree with you that performative cruelty is likely to be losing the Tories votes across their base.
I would imagine that you mix and live in classic Con to LD switcher circles, so maybe there are limits to what you are entitled to extrapolate from those conversations, although broadly I agree with you that performative cruelty is likely to be losing the Tories votes across their base.
It has indeed crossed my mind that my own circles are not representative (whose are, come to that?). But it’s worth remembering that being “the nasty party” previously kept the Tories out of power for a decade, and they were only rehabilitated when Call-me-Dave convinced the country that he was a cuddly, socially liberal chap who liked gay people now. On the whole, the British political middle-ground is economically conservative — petit bourgeois, shopkeeper-and-family-finance types. But it’s also socially pretty liberal and tolerant. It’s just that the intolerant voices are the most amplified by the media.
It has indeed crossed my mind that my own circles are not representative (whose are, come to that?). But it’s worth remembering that being “the nasty party” previously kept the Tories out of power for a decade, and they were only rehabilitated when Call-me-Dave convinced the country that he was a cuddly, socially liberal chap who liked gay people now. On the whole, the British political middle-ground is economically right-wing petit bourgeois shopkeeper-and-family-fondness. But socially pretty liberal and tolerant. It’s just that the intolerant voices are the most amplified by the media.

But they are still, fundamentally, not serious people. Which is why they voted in droves for Boris, who managed to pretend to be socially liberal and tolerant while simultaneously kicking every marginalised group he could in his newspaper and magazine columns.

And a lot of anti-Starmerism seems merely to be a complaint that he is not entertaining enough.

I still think that dissolving the electorate and appointing a better one is worth exploring.
I think the vote for Johnson was more complicated than that. There was a desire to break the Brexit stalemate and move on, combined with a massive distrust of an establishment stitch-up to nullify the referendum result. Take out Brexit and I don’t think you get the same results at all.
People often ignore the fact that the Conservative vote increaed considerably under May in 2017, including in the "red wall", and that Johnson built on this increase.
I think the culture wars thing appeals to more people than it turns off but it's not the most important thing to most people. A bit of good honest hate is always good for the soul but even most of the people nodding in agreement to the rabble rousing are more concerned about mundane things like their mortgage, rent and the soaring cost of living. Giving the marginalised a kicking may make them feel good but it won't solve any of their real problems.
They know deep down that the immigrants aren't really stealing the best jobs and jumping the council house queues.
Genuinely surprised that there's no vermin lead for the 'Hosting a party' criteria!
Poorly worded question, to be honest. If it had been 'work related gatherings, fully compliant with current Covid regulations' they'd have been miles ahead.
Judging by the shelves question response, Starmer’s line that his father was a toolmaker must have cut through :D
Taken together, the questions suggest Starmer has a less dislikeable personality than Sunak. :eek: First time I've ever got close to feeling sorry for a Tory.
I am annoyed that the only things on that list that I could do well are the two which the public most associate with Sunak.
who honestly commissions this moronic shit?

It was attached to a more conventional voting intention survey. I don’t think it’s moronic, though. For better or worse, UK general elections have become presidential and this sort of data should support practical insights on the extent to which the main contenders are trusted, and what image they should play up to.
Sometimes useful, for context, to look back on recent polling trends; just 4 years ago vermin polling stood at over 50%:

Might be helpful to look at the total ‘cunt’ vote by adding on the reform percentage to present a better idea of what we’re up against as a society.
Of course, if the vermin can monopolise the cunt-core they're always in with a chance, but yielding 10%+ to the Refukers means they're properly fucked

Possibility of a Corbynite upset in North East Mayor election - independent Jamie Driscoll is polling on 33%, behind the Labour candidate with 35%.

Would be great to see him win.

Possibility of a Corbynite upset in North East Mayor election - independent Jamie Driscoll is polling on 33%, behind the Labour candidate with 35%.

Would be great to see him win.
Driscoll will be getting my vote (he'd have got my partner's postal vote too, but we didn't twig in time that Driscoll was the guy Starmer had banned :oops:). Interestingly, his leaflet doesn't mention any of that, just his record as Tyne mayor. That was probably a good idea, though not standing as Real Labour or similar does mean he'll lose the votes of some people who similarly missed his back story.
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