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The poll tax was killing the tories. replacing thatcher with major and ditching the poll tax - plus kinnocks self evident wankerness - was enough for them to win in 1992.
But i dont think replacing Johnson with Truss is going to have the same effect - it doesnt pull off the trick of it being a different government in the same way. Truss is Johnson mk 2 with all the bullshit but without the personality. The polling seems to show that now the public have had a good look at truss - they are not very impressed.

It was "black Wednesday" in 1992 - when the uk crashed out of the ERM - that destroyed the tories reputation for competence. Runaway inflation, soraing energy bills and the criticals state of the NHS will likely do the same for them now. Also - Truss an co are utterly incompetent and shit at politics . I wouldn't put money on her pulling off a Houdini act.
Yeah, that's true. Although you don't mention Starmer's self evident wankerness.

It seems likely the idiot Truss will make every wrong decision she faces as crisis after crisis comes her way and in a sane world she'll be out on her arse by Jan 2025. But we don't live in a sane world and who knows what'll happen in the next two years? She might be a patriotic war leader after bumbling into a general war with Russia and China. She might claim the credit for a surprise South American-led global economic upturn in 2024. One of her random idiotic thoughts might somehow capture the public mood. Starmer will be looking for banana skins to slip up on the whole time.

And that's before we enter the weirdness of a general election campaign. Two weeks out from the vote the Mail might run an exclusive expose of how Starmer once went apple scrumping when he was 12 and suddenly apple scrumping will become the defining issue of the election. The Tory press going mad about the horrors of scrumping apples, a Tory-donor chief-exec of a cider makers association will become a regular fixture on all news reports decrying the terrible economic impact of apple theft, the social media history of every Labour candidate will be scoured for evidence of being soft on scrumping. Every question asked of every Labour figure by the media will focus exclusively on the menace of scrumping apples. Twitter will discuss nothing else. People will say that Labour have no policies because they haven't heard of them amongst the noise created by Scrumpingate. And Truss will slip back into Downing Street after a close election result that she and her media partners describe as a landslide.
Yeah, that's true. Although you don't mention Starmer's self evident wankerness.

It seems likely the idiot Truss will make every wrong decision she faces as crisis after crisis comes her way and in a sane world she'll be out on her arse by Jan 2025. But we don't live in a sane world and who knows what'll happen in the next two years? She might be a patriotic war leader after bumbling into a general war with Russia and China. She might claim the credit for a surprise South American-led global economic upturn in 2024. One of her random idiotic thoughts might somehow capture the public mood. Starmer will be looking for banana skins to slip up on the whole time.

And that's before we enter the weirdness of a general election campaign. Two weeks out from the vote the Mail might run an exclusive expose of how Starmer once went apple scrumping when he was 12 and suddenly apple scrumping will become the defining issue of the election. The Tory press going mad about the horrors of scrumping apples, a Tory-donor chief-exec of a cider makers association will become a regular fixture on all news reports decrying the terrible economic impact of apple theft, the social media history of every Labour candidate will be scoured for evidence of being soft on scrumping. Every question asked of every Labour figure by the media will focus exclusively on the menace of scrumping apples. Twitter will discuss nothing else. People will say that Labour have no policies because they haven't heard of them amongst the noise created by Scrumpingate. And Truss will slip back into Downing Street after a close election result that she and her media partners describe as a landslide.
Dunno. As I said earlier - a lot of influential and powerful forces may swing behind labour. Similar to how murdochs papers supported blair.
Yeah, that's true. Although you don't mention Starmer's self evident wankerness.

It seems likely the idiot Truss will make every wrong decision she faces as crisis after crisis comes her way and in a sane world she'll be out on her arse by Jan 2025. But we don't live in a sane world and who knows what'll happen in the next two years? She might be a patriotic war leader after bumbling into a general war with Russia and China. She might claim the credit for a surprise South American-led global economic upturn in 2024. One of her random idiotic thoughts might somehow capture the public mood. Starmer will be looking for banana skins to slip up on the whole time.

And that's before we enter the weirdness of a general election campaign. Two weeks out from the vote the Mail might run an exclusive expose of how Starmer once went apple scrumping when he was 12 and suddenly apple scrumping will become the defining issue of the election. The Tory press going mad about the horrors of scrumping apples, a Tory-donor chief-exec of a cider makers association will become a regular fixture on all news reports decrying the terrible economic impact of apple theft, the social media history of every Labour candidate will be scoured for evidence of being soft on scrumping. Every question asked of every Labour figure by the media will focus exclusively on the menace of scrumping apples. Twitter will discuss nothing else. People will say that Labour have no policies because they haven't heard of them amongst the noise created by Scrumpingate. And Truss will slip back into Downing Street after a close election result that she and her media partners describe as a landslide.
I bet that woke snowflake will only scrump organic apples.
Truss doesn’t even have the gravitas of Ian DunkedinShit. Fucking hopeless self-regarding lightweight. Here’s to her sinking the cunts yet not being competent enough to get through any of the reactionary shit she’s got planned for us.
Looks like labour unchanged, so that’s probably some headcases returning to the fold from the manifold UKIP spin-offs.
This seems like a pretty good policy...

Sir Keir Starmer has announced plans to create a publicly-owned renewable energy company if Labour wins the next general election.
Great British Energy would be modelled on France's EDF and other firms owned by foreign states operating in the UK.
It would aim to ensure a massive expansion in clean energy planned by Labour, and would deliver British jobs and greater energy security.
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