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Political polling

Last night's Opinium Westminster polling suggests that the LP civil war may well be depressing their support again?
I'm not sure anyone but us nerds give a shit about this, much as they don't for the Tories' own internal calamities either. Labour are stuck here for a much simpler reason: because they offer nothing.
I'm not sure anyone but us nerds give a shit about this, much as they don't for the Tories' own internal calamities either. Labour are stuck here for a much simpler reason: because they offer nothing.
Maybe, but you do raise an interesting point.
I know you probably mean "offer nothing" in the broader sense, but on the issue of their 'policy offer', I'd be hard pressed to identify any LP policy on anything with any certainty...and I'm one of the 'nerds'.
Anyone know any?
I expect there to be a populist right-wing party to the right of the tories by the next election, probably Reform / BP, if Farage is still about.
all depends on wtf happens with brexit, really. Obviously farage and co will cry 'betrayal' whatever happens. But whether they'll risk running many candidates when they have a hard right government in place anyway is well up for debate.
Maybe, but you do raise an interesting point.
I know you probably mean "offer nothing" in the broader sense, but on the issue of their 'policy offer', I'd be hard pressed to identify any LP policy on anything with any certainty...and I'm one of the 'nerds'.
Anyone know any?
Well, I mean it in the broad sense of its uselessness but also exactly what you're talking about. What would a Starmer Labour government bring about, or what would a reasonable person think it to be vaguely about?

I know that we shouldn't expect policy pledges in the middle of a term, but you would expect to have some idea what a party is about or for. Most people had some idea what Corbynism was about, whether it was mild social democracy or purging all the Jews or bringing about Full Communism.
all depends on wtf happens with brexit, really. Obviously farage and co will cry 'betrayal' whatever happens. But whether they'll risk running many candidates when they have a hard right government in place anyway is well up for debate.

Oh I reckon they will. As brogdale says, there always culture-war positions to take, and taking them is Fartage's modus operandi. It's how he makes his living. He won't stop until either he runs out of grifting opportunities or he turns up his toes.
LAB are deliberately avoiding policy announcements, i expect because
1. an election is four years away - not even midway through the term
2. Starmers stated number one priority is Directing Prosecutions against the left
3. they're concentrating on holding the government to account (by frowning a lot)
4. the longer Starmer can hold out from showing himself to be a lightweight sellout on policy the longer he survives

Some bright news at last:

“grauniad” said:
The findings clearly suggest new Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is making headway in rebuilding support for his party. In the last six months Labour has steadily hauled in the 26-point lead the Conservatives held.

Whut? Where did they make that one up from?
There's probably scope for quite nuanced discussion about these numbers, but have to admit that I'm struggling to get beyond tory voting cunts tbh.

It's what the whole thing has been set up to produce, so no surprise.

I do think the premise is flawed; neither responsibility and blame need be zero sum. The public have been irresponsible, the government has been shit, the two don't need to be compared.

It occurs to me that the same thing is happening with Brexit, whereby it's encouraged that we see things as the retailers' fault - why didn't they prepare better? etc.
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