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Political polling

the LDs will 100% definitely do a coalition with the tories rather than labour though, there is no remain alliance.
The Lib Dems are a bunch of stupid liars who think they're heroes - but would they be stupid enough to deal with the Tories after all this?
I suppose the Lib Dems might go to Boris and say "our support for a new BJ govt. in return for a new referendum", but they wouldn't think to attach strings like "no foreign money to either side in the new campaign". Actually, that's what will happen isn't it? Because we live in hell.
the LDs will 100% definitely do a coalition with the tories rather than labour though, there is no remain alliance.
100 % will they ? Tories and Lib Dems on opposite sides re Brexit, Johnson has purged the 'one nation' Tories etc , I'm not sure about 100% tbh
The Lib Dems are a bunch of stupid liars who think they're heroes - but would they be stupid enough to deal with the Tories after all this?
I've no idea, but history teaches us that no level of duplicity and cuntishness is beneath them.

Also, if Johnson fails to get a majority, that will be seen by the tories as a failure. Their Golden Boy with the supposed electoral gold dust sprinkled over him will have fallen. No better than May, ffs. The recriminations will start straight away. In such a circumstance, I'm not sure how secure Johnson would be in his position. Libdums then do a deal with whoever replaces Johnson as some kind of 'emergency' leader, acting in 'the national interest'.

With a hung parliament in which Labour can't form a majority (or working minority) with the help of the SNP etc, I think all bets are off really. Anything could happen.
I think memory of the 2015 wipeout would prevent the Lib Dems doing a full lash up with the tories. They aren't that turned on by ministerial cars.
The history of Irish Labour since '92 is a good indication for an answer.
You bastard, I'd been trying to forget that one.

Actually, as this is a thread about polling - in the run up to the 2011 election at home I did some market research work on voting intentions in that one. I met a lot of people who were unemployed for the first time in their lives and who were beside themselves with rage, and all adamant they would vote Irish Labour. I wonder how they felt a little later on?
Of course the LibDems would jump at the chance of propping up a Tory government.

Getting that chance alone would be proof enough for them that 2010 has been gotten over.

The Tories might need to chuck 'em another referendum. But they'd do so certain the knowledge that the LibDems would lose it.

A more difficult question is whether they could be tempted into some sort of "Rainbow Alliance" with Labour and the Mats.
The Lib Dems would never go into alliance with the Tories for the sake of getting a referendum that they will definitely go on to lose. Never.
I think memory of the 2015 wipeout would prevent the Lib Dems doing a full lash up with the tories. They aren't that turned on by ministerial cars.
There aren't that many Lib Dems left to lose their seats though. They already dropped from 57 to 8 in 2015, and excluding defectors are only back to 13. Could they get wiped out into irrelevancy much more than they are already?
100% yes the lib dems would take tory coalition in return for 2nd ref, but tbh i think johnson would welcome the opportunity to blame someone else for brexit not happening - he's gonna be a bit fucked if he has a majority and gets his deal passed and then can't any trade deal by december 2020 and we move the goalposts to extending the transition period
All the resources the Lib Dems have thrown at my constituency and the YouGov MRP is still saying their 1-in-20 best outcome is to lose 45-41 to the Tories
Re trade deal : Given that the WTO looks to be in a moribund stasis with its adjudication court suspended, possibly for good, there is little to fall back on for the hard brexit chummies. The U.K. is over a barrel if anyone wants to chuck their trading weight around .
First poll to report today...

...should be around 5 to 6 to come.

I thought there was some kind of poll purdah around the last 24 hours of the campaign, whether by legislation or 'gentleman's agreement'? Suppose I could go and check, but has that changed now? Or was it just no polls on polling day itself? :hmm:
I thought there was some kind of poll purdah around the last 24 hours of the campaign, whether by legislation or 'gentleman's agreement'? Suppose I could go and check, but has that changed now? Or was it just no polls on polling day itself? :hmm:

No, there's always polls released the day before polling, for tomorrow's papers, although broadcasters are unable to report or comment on them beyond mid-night tonight.

There was about 9 polls, completed on the 7th June 2017, released before the GE on the 8th.

Opinion polling for the 2017 United Kingdom general election - Wikipedia

ETA - the only poll on the day, is the exit poll, which is released to the broadcasters after the polling stations are closed.
Likelihood of LibDem deal with the Tories is remote... first option would be a Peoples Vote alliance, and I wonder if electoral reform would be an issue again.
Looks like Momentum recognise the propaganda potential of polling


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Looks like Momentum recognise the propaganda potential of polling

That's how the Lib Dems used to fund their by election campaigns. Spot a by election where they didn't look like they had a chance. Drop a ton of cash on them winning it at the bookies. Watch themselves become the "bookies' favourite". Put that 'fact' repeatedly on election leaflets throughout the campaign. Win the campaign as a result. Bank a load of cash to help pay off the campaign. I understand others have applied the same approach since too, with some degrees of success.
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