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Political polling

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Absolutely fuck that
Remember the Bannon strategy was to not only to vote for Trump but to eat away at the support for the opposition. The polls were off last time and the media played dumb in the most part. It is no coincident that top tories run some of these companies.
What’s also depressing is looking back even small majorities have ended up staying in power for 5 years. Wilson in Oct 74 with 3, Major in 92 had 21.
No, but there's a vast and cavernous difference between framing stories a certain way and printing outright lies and actively rigging polling data that could be easily detected by an army of statisticians.

They are both propaganda weapons. There is no great fiendish conspiracy of fleets of pollsters fiddling data. All it takes is choosing a methodology that is helpful to your message.
A gross oversimplification: Graphs show Brexit party Leave voters increasingly going to the tories, libdems increasingly tactically voting labour for second referendum? If so, Brexit voters nearly down to zero now so not many more to go. With the election Thursday it looks like there's just not enough time to go, unless there's a tactical surge on the day from Lib Dem.

I live in hope which is what kills you :mad:
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