danny la rouge
I have a cheese grater in the dishwasher.
I need to go to bed. This is like a shit version of Christmas Eve. Rudolf's been hit by a snow plough and Santa's off the wagon.
What?Scottish Westminster voting intention:
SNP: 39%
LAB: 29%
CON: 26%
LDEM: 6%
(via @Survation / telephone)
a little bit on the qriously poll, Final election polls give Jeremy Corbyn the lead over Theresa May for the first time
So they're not weighting on some of the stuff other more traditional polling companies do, like past voting record and self-reported likelihood to vote.
Who's yougov when they're at home
Final internal email forwarded to me from the bowels of the City somewhere contains undisguised glee at Goodwin's prediction of a majority close to 90.
Still hanging onto
- local election results
- leadership ratings
- UKIP votes winning the Tories seats in places like Stoke and Wakefield.
I think the local election results are pretty compelling.
Not here they're not.
Maybe in some places, maybe in most places. But most people I know are voting differently in the GE than they did in the last locals. Which were in 2016. Not everywhere has just had them either.
But the preceding local elections this time barely had any urban areas in it at all as it was a fallow year for most urban areas because it was a county council election year.Goodwins thesis is that no party that hasn't had a double digit lead in the preceeding local election has gone on to overturn an encumbent in the last 40 years:
That does seem pretty compelling, I'm sure we'll all know in the next 5 hours or so.
But the preceding local elections this time barely had any urban areas in it at all as it was a fallow year for most urban areas because it was a county council election year.
Don't need it to overturn, as such. A hung parliament will feel like victory.Goodwins thesis is that no party that hasn't had a double digit lead in the preceeding local election has gone on to overturn an encumbent in the last 40 years:
That does seem pretty compelling, I'm sure we'll all know in the next 5 hours or so.
And before those 40 years? Why choose 40 years? Beware of the cherry-picked stat.Goodwins thesis is that no party that hasn't had a double digit lead in the preceeding local election has gone on to overturn an encumbent in the last 40 years:
That does seem pretty compelling, I'm sure we'll all know in the next 5 hours or so.
Final internal email forwarded to me from the bowels of the City somewhere contains undisguised glee at Goodwin's prediction of a majority close to 90.
Still hanging onto
- local election results
- leadership ratings
- UKIP votes winning the Tories seats in places like Stoke and Wakefield.
All that is Solid dude says this:My own polling station anecdote from here in Stoke Central is the man at the desk said turnout has been at least as busy as for the EU Ref. We were, of course, one of, if not the, lowest turnout in the 2015 GE.
I'll add, they've (the local party) been relatively confident of holding Central. Not so the other two Stoke seats.
No idea. We'll see, I suppose.Is this good or bad for Labour?