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political compass

My position is complex.

It is (-2 + 4i, -5 - 3i)

Oh yes, it's maths jokes now. MATHS JOKES.
Didn't this spring up on a thread fairly recently where butchers was an international communist and past caring suggest we form a party? Lol
Economic Left/Right: -10.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.90
Blimey,as far left as it goes,and deeply libertarian
almost an anarchist....:hmm:
Vaguely tempting to find the old thread and see if my stats have changed. Blates procrastinating about housework.
Vaguely tempting to find the old thread and see if my stats have changed. Blates procrastinating about housework.

ho hum.
Economic Left/Right: -6.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.15

Pretty much the same as last time I think. May have moved further into economic left. That would work with knowing more...
(2006 or something).
Today is
Economic Left/Right: -8.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.87
For all the flaws of the political compass, it does throw up the odd nugget e.g. Crispy's graph plotting scores on the economic axis against U75 join dates from my 2006 thread:


I'd be (slightly) interested to see how that would look updated.
Economic Left/Right: -9.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.31

My politics are West by Southwest. That's what I'm going to tell everyone from now on.

Seriously leading questions, though. :D
I predict that even despite the negative reaction this thread received on inception and the extreme fatigue to discuss it yet again, it will still acquire many pages of people blindly posting up pairs of numbers in the mistaken belief that anybody cares.

And yet you typed out all that. ;)
"Sex outside marriage is usually immoral"

Only if it's done right :D

Economic Left/Right: -8.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.97

Between Mandela and the Dalai Llama. I need a t-shirt with that on.
I wasn't going to do one, but then I saw what kabbes said so I did one to spite him.


in your face, kabbes. in your face.
Kabbes is a cavalry man you cant touche him. You sow the ground he rides on with caltrops then stove his head in with a brick when the horse throws him.

I'm just saying, if anyone wants to defeat kabbes you have to think cavalry. Form square.
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