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Police tactics/reaction to 'illegal' Raves

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yeah I know, I'm not doing it for him, I'd have no problem with this muppet getting locked up / fined stupidly for being an irresponsible prick and giving the party scene a bad name.

I'm just hoping that something might actually seep through his thick arrogant skull that might actually prevent hundreds of innocent party people getting battered by the police as part of his twisted little social experiment.
It does strike me as slightly odd that s/he's convinced that 1000's of party-hungry ravers will descend on this social experiment anyway. Smells like a facebook/flashmob angle to me......
yeah I know, I'm not doing it for him, I'd have no problem with this muppet getting locked up / fined stupidly for being an irresponsible prick and giving the party scene a bad name.

I'm just hoping that something might actually seep through his thick arrogant skull that might actually prevent hundreds of innocent party people getting battered by the police as part of his twisted little social experiment.

Useful/informative for other folks here anyway :)
I've got one of those signs in my van :oops:
lol - presumably though you're not intending to get it out of your van and stick it on the fence of the next rave you're at, then when the police turn up mob handed go 'oh no officer, that sign, no that's just part of our site decor'

actually are you bringing that to glade with you?

could be useful for when one of the offices are particularly overwhelmed and looking likely to explode instead of a do not disturb sign:D
could be useful for when one of the offices are particularly overwhelmed and looking likely to explode instead of a do not disturb sign:D

Its sent me on a proper paranoid one to be honest :oops:

This ones better
What is likely to happen if they can't find a single person who is responsible for organising the event?
There will always be someone who can be identified as having a leading role and they would be singled out and prosecuted. Where the organising of something is an offence, anyone involved in the organisation could be prosecuted. In reality the police will identify a few main players and prosecute them. During a closure and dispersal, anyone obstructing / assaulting, etc. is likely to be arrested/prosecuted for that.

(Answer provided for the benefit of anyone else interested, ste9 clearly having succeeded in his stated intention of coming here with an "empty mind" ... :D)
you also open yourselves up to the use of additional laws to prosecute you - eg. Reckless Endangerment
There is no such criminal offence in the UK (well, England and Wales, anyway) that I am aware of ... and I can't think of any which may have been inaccurately referred to as that. Where did your quote come from? :confused:

(ETA: Done some digging - its apparently some obscure Scottish thing ... very strange country ... :D)

Trust me, I'm a good judge of character - stay in the background and find someone else to talk to the police.
You and me both! ste9 sounds like one of those people who may as well have a neon flashing arrow above his head with the caption "Arrest me!" as far as the police are concerned! :D
My guess is that they'd stay the fuck away. Call in A LOT of reinforcements, possibly army. Then wait for daylight, and for the smoke to clear.

Can you really see them wading into a 1000 strong crowd, with zero visibility?
Again in case anyone else was wondering ...

Every deployment of police in a public disorder setting will be risk assessed. They will not start a "fight" until they are confident they will win it. That may mean standing off in some situations if sufficient reinforcements cannot be mustered. They will, however, use all available means at their disposal to gather evidence and they will mount a reactive investigation later if necessary to identify, trace and prosecute the organisers. This may involve picking them off and arresting them as they attempt to leave.

The army will NEVER be used in a direct role (there is a strict protocol on handing over control to the Army - it has been used once in England, Wales and Scotland in recent history to my knowledge - when the SAS were deployed to end the Iranian Embassy seige - control was formally handed from police to army, for the cordoned area, for about a hour I think).
best way to take them out properly is shin up it / bring a ladder and gaffa tape a bin bag round it (or twat it really hard with a hammer, but then that's criminal damage).
As would taping the bin bag round it, for your information (on the basis of causing "a temporary functional derangement" (legal speak for making it useless for it's purpose, albeit not permanantly ... there was a leading case involving throwing a bucket of water over a copper, making their uniform all horrible and wet! (no, the Court couldn't work out why they didn't go for assault either ...) :D)
This thread has got the lot. It's been everything from highly informative, to utterly surreal, with a generous helping of comedy abuse and outright indignation. I think it was hitting a peak when the UXB signs turned into decoy ones planted by the protagonist. :eek: :)

Contender for thread of the year, and should - I think - from now on be referred to as "The Anarcho Peace War Rave on a Minefield Thread" (c) Bouncer the Dog. :D
Detective-Boy - do you fancy coming to our next party? I'll guarantee you a set on the decks and all the beer you can shake a truncheon at :D
Remember to go properly tooled up, about ten of you should be enough, so that if the Military Police do show up you can go out with all barrels blazing. Happy Raving.:)
remember kids, if you suspect someone is under cover OB at your rave and you ask them, they HAVE to tell you if they are.

Detective-Boy - do you fancy coming to our next party? I'll guarantee you a set on the decks and all the beer you can shake a truncheon at :D
:D man u made me spit beer on someone else's laptop :eek:
Detective-Boy said:
I'd love to ... but that might be a very expensive promise there ...
would a slab of stella cover it?
remember kids, if you suspect someone is under cover OB at your rave and you ask them, they HAVE to tell you if they are.

heh :D again
If you see two men walking together in the park, looking from side to side like they're hiding something, then they're definitely CID.
I can't believe we used to think this :oops: :D
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