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Police tactics/reaction to 'illegal' Raves

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Ste9's "radical solutions" DJ crew ready to rock the video link.


I explained this before. The Charity has nothing to do with it. We put on a free party. Ask people to donate to our chosen charity when they get home (via paypal, or whatever). All charities must publish their income, so we look at this data and look for a huge spike. If there is no spike, or if it isn't big enough, it means that the cheap, fucking ravers have enjoyed our party and decided to give nothing back. So, no more parties. We are going to trust you. Social experiment. Don't let us down. If we achieve our target goal, chosen charity is going to be very confused and surprised, but happy. Then there will be more parties. Less clubers. Less money for capitalists. More ravers. More money for charities. And the world is a better place.
Ok, here's my polite reply. As noted above, when you put on a free party, you have a direct responsibility for the health, safety and well-being of the people who attend your event. You have a direct responsibility for making sure that the space you use is safe and appropriate for the planned event.

You make sure that you have a crew of people who understand what they are doing, what roles different people should play over the course of the event, who take direct responsibility for the myriad circumstances that could occur. You have at least one first-aider (something you seem curiously uninterested in in your rabid discourse on smoke grenades ffs), you have suitable security or door staff, who know how to behave (not something that i would even dream of discussing with someone who doesn't appear terribly interested in the safety of his punters but more in how to handle the confrontation that sadly seems something you hope takes place).

You say you're hoping to undertake a social experiment? I'd say you're taking a massive fucking risk with very little understanding of what it is you're trying to achieve (and what you are trying to achieve sounds dangerously misguided if i'm being charitable). You need to understand what it is you're trying to do and the only way that will happen is through experience, going to parties, talking to people and watching and learning. Cos you're a million miles away atm imo.
Dont fuck with RMPs if you run into them. They are not nice. Their bosses will be bricking it (edited and responsible for ensuring you dont blow up) the second they find out someone is where they should not be and their careers will be on the line. The MPs will not be susceptable to 'sweet talking', but there is an old expression "if you will not listen you must feel".
thread authors are allowed to add polls to their own thread (within the editing grace period anyway)

But this one is a childish response to an equally childish attack, so I'll get rid of it.
thread authors are allowed to add polls to their own thread (within the editing grace period anyway)

But this one is a childish response to an equally childish attack, so I'll get rid of it.

whcich suggests it's not only thick but a troll or duplicate account set up in 2006 and only used for this purpose! :hmm:
fukin dodge
thread authors are allowed to add polls to their own thread (within the editing grace period anyway)

But this one is a childish response to an equally childish attack, so I'll get rid of it.

Yes I am late in this night have been said, and yes I dont know anything about free parties - but - your attitude to people taking drugs at parties and your use of the word 'cheap ravers' 'not donating to the charity after the event' tells me that you dont respect this community...........why use them then, for what gain? Bit rich innit? Using a body of people and their lifestyle of codes and ethics to promote something..........:hmm:

BTW Free Spirit those posts were excellent at the beginning.
Can someone PM me when the Anarcho Peace War Rave on a minefield is on? I want to go with my video camera to record the punters explode and be beaten to death by squaddies and the Police. Sounds wicked!! Maybe I'll set up a Bill Oddie-esque Hide... anyway top troll 7.5/10
This thread is very odd but I'm quite enjoying it :D

Excellents posts free spirit! :cool:

And, erm, ste9, erm yes :confused:
Speaking of copyright etc, does anyone mind if I write this up and submit it to BBC3? I won't credit anyone - your identities will be kept secret I promise!!
I explained this before. The Charity has nothing to do with it. We put on a free party. Ask people to donate to our chosen charity when they get home (via paypal, or whatever). All charities must publish their income, so we look at this data and look for a huge spike. If there is no spike, or if it isn't big enough, it means that the cheap, fucking ravers have enjoyed our party and decided to give nothing back. So, no more parties. We are going to trust you. Social experiment. Don't let us down. If we achieve our target goal, chosen charity is going to be very confused and surprised, but happy. Then there will be more parties. Less clubers. Less money for capitalists. More ravers. More money for charities. And the world is a better place.

well this shows how well thought out your scheme is then doesn't it.

have you ever read a charities end of year accounts?

they don't need to publish a timeline of when donations were made, just a total at the end of the year, so how the fuck are you going to tell how much your party raised sherlock?

Unless of course you tell them in advance what you're doing, and get a special paypal account set up with the charity, which means you'd have to go to the charity and tell them you want to associated their name with an illegal rave that you're running to generate headlines and stick it to the man as part of some bizarre social experiment by a wannabe anarchist who's working to bring capitalism down from the inside... or at least that's what he tells himself when he goes to bed at night.

oh yeah, and after they've been to a craply organised party that got busted before it had even begun, or worse - got busted but decided to stick it out and fight for the right to party maaan resulting in lots of blood being shed... people aren't likely to be that inclined to take much notice of your idea that they should all now donate to some charity.
well this shows how well thought out your scheme is then doesn't it.

have you ever read a charities end of year accounts?

they don't need to publish a timeline of when donations were made, just a total at the end of the year, so how the fuck are you going to tell how much your party raised sherlock?

Unless of course you tell them in advance what you're doing, and get a special paypal account set up with the charity, which means you'd have to go to the charity and tell them you want to associated their name with an illegal rave that you're running to generate headlines and stick it to the man as part of some bizarre social experiment by a wannabe anarchist who's working to bring capitalism down from the inside... or at least that's what he tells himself when he goes to bed at night.

oh yeah, and after they've been to a craply organised party that got busted before it had even begun, or worse - got busted but decided to stick it out and fight for the right to party maaan resulting in lots of blood being shed... people aren't likely to be that inclined to take much notice of your idea that they should all now donate to some charity.

As sage as your advice is - I fear you're wasting your upload time on this muppet.
If you knew where it was you'd probably all go 'ahhhh! ahha ha ha hahaha' then 'ooooooh'. Don't worry.

And hey, I never said that the MOD put those signs up.
ok, so the MOD signs were put up by persons unknown, but you know that these mysterious persons unknown weren't actually working for the MOD.

so cutting through the bullshit, you're now saying that someone for some reason thought it'd be a great idea to stop people stumbling across the party by accident if you* stuck up some mod signs saying there were unexploded bombs on the site.

well, guess what. ON the night when the police see those signs they won't take your word for it that you stuck them up, and they're not mod signs, they'll bust you for it then find out afterwards whether there was any truth to what you were saying. And unless you've got receipts from buying the signs to prove they weren't originally nicked from a real mod site with unexploded munitions on it, you'll have just opened yourselves up to charges of theft, and another charge of reckless endangerment for making the site you nicked the signs from more dangerous.

*not necessarily you personally, but someone related to the party
As sage as your advice is - I fear you're wasting your upload time on this muppet.
yeah I know, I'm not doing it for him, I'd have no problem with this muppet getting locked up / fined stupidly for being an irresponsible prick and giving the party scene a bad name.

I'm just hoping that something might actually seep through his thick arrogant skull that might actually prevent hundreds of innocent party people getting battered by the police as part of his twisted little social experiment.
I'd quite like to know where this party was going off. I think people need to be informed of the muppets organising it and told to stay away!
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