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Ambient Raves?

Been listening to Aleksi Perala and Ishq a lot lately and have been thinking it would be great to hear on a proper sound system in a nice environment. Room 2 = gabba sounds great.... assuming sound proofing was good. Wouldn't want pounding kicks to ruin the main event 🤣😅
I know a couple of people who do this...
Never tried it myself so I'm not sure what it's like :D
Workshops and training?

I hate it when they take something simple like dancing, add mumbo jumbo and sell workshops.

Always wanted to try walking by trees?
With our mystic tree walking workshop we can teach you how to walk by trees whilst feeling the essence of the tree.
It's easy to think that changes to the rave scene are all down to the latest trends, and there is that to it, but there's all kinds of external factors that have an impact from the doings of the Russian Mafia (availability and quality of drugs, which in turn affects what music people want to listen to) to licencing regulations (what clubs are like, when they're open) to planning rules (industrial units used for durty squat raves being converted into flats) to changes in technology (affecting how music is made and sounds).

Who knows, maybe one day the drugs, music technology, available venues and latest trends will align to make ambient raves the Next Big Thing?

The other big one is phones isn't it. I'm certainly glad that no-one in those filthy raves was carrying a pocket sized video recorder and it would definitely have had a big impact on the vibe I'm sure.
The other big one is phones isn't it. I'm certainly glad that no-one in those filthy raves was carrying a pocket sized video recorder and it would definitely have had a big impact on the vibe I'm sure.
Sweetjesusfuck. Can you imagine? Hi-def footage of you gurning, throwing weird shapes and stumbling around, dripping sweat, eyes the size of saucers, soggy spliff and a water bottle in yer hands, like the creature from the rave lagoon, all over social media before you've even come down?

Smartphones became a thing, what? First iPhone in 2007, all over the place by 2010, ubiquitous a couple of years later. Gotta play on some peoples' minds when they go out. Is this why millennials have got a reputation for abstentiousness?
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