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Police officer shot dead in Croydon police custody centre, 25th Sept 2020

Custody Centre I went to was like Atomic says was a mini jail house. You turn your pockets out with arresting officers either side in front of a Custody Sgt behind a high desk and screen.
Fucking hell. One person dead one either going to die by their own hand or be in prison or secure hospital for the rest of their natural life.

If the person was arrested elsewhere and conveyed then then they should have been searched. Often though aren’t, because, if someone’s behaving reasonably even though there are grounds then why impinge on their rights. Well this is why. Guess that discretion will go now.

Whoever either made the decision not to search or missed the gun on the search will have to live with it for ever. And lots of guns don’t look like guns.

If you walk in to the nick to hand your self in them nine out of ten times you won’t be searched til you get to the custody suite. Bet that will change now.

Shit day.
It seems more likely that the gun was taken from a cop.
Later reports say no. Besides It’s really unlikely you could remove the weapon by force and with the two most common issue weapons, unless you knew what you were doing you wouldn’t be able to fire them straight away, and almost certainly not in a fight.
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I'm guessing the presumption is the public generally don't have access to guns. I don't know what the protocol for admitting people into stations is, but last time I had to go, I could just walk in a station without a search.

No doubt though this will fuel the debate about coppers being able to routinely carry firearms, which would obviously be a terrible idea.

Seems unlikely that even if the police had been armed it would have made any difference in this case.
I'm guessing the presumption is the public generally don't have access to guns. I don't know what the protocol for admitting people into stations is, but last time I had to go, I could just walk in a station without a search.

No doubt though this will fuel the debate about coppers being able to routinely carry firearms, which would obviously be a terrible idea.
you went in the front way. yer man went in the other way
I though it was the norm to ask if the person had any weapons of anything that could hurt the cop, then search them before putting them in the car/van. Or has that changed?

Prior to a search you're usually asked if you've got anything sharp that might injure the searcher. Not necessarily weapons; on demos I've usually got a first aid kit with scissors, pins etc.
So it was a custody Sargent and the bloke had been arrested on charges relating to suspicion of possession of ammunition or something like that. Seems bloody odd if he wasn't searched at the time of arrest. The arresting officers must feel absolutely terrified. That's going to haunt them forever.

Also seems the perp was on the terror radar
Was in a custody suite last week (don't ask) and someone was brought in who hadn't been searched prior. The Sgt was none too happy. I kept eyeing the fellow's (not the sgt's) crappy looking leg cast convinced it was as filled to the gunnells with class A's as his addled mind appeared to be.
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I also guess that with more rights probably going to be impinged at least in the near future, it's not outwith the realms of possibility that a woman will get searched by a male officer. I am happy to be corrected on this point, I would really hope there will not be such regression.
I also guess that with more rights probably going to be impinged at least in the near future, it's not outwith the realms of possibility that a woman will get searched by a male officer. I am happy to be corrected on this point, I would really hope there will not be such regression.

Sadly I believe this will be Police response

Still trying to figure out how they managed to get him to the custody area which out a basic search
Sadly I believe this will be Police response

Still trying to figure out how they managed to get him to the custody area which out a basic search
Me too, I mean, surely a basic pat down would have revealed the weapon?
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David Cameron and raab's police bodyguards both managed to leave their guns and in Camerons case the prime ministerial passport as well in the plane bogs. Shock horror, the met are incompetent fuckwits. I hope whoever is responsible for this gets the book thrown at them...but who's in charge. Oh the aptly named cressida dick. She of ordering the hit on Jean Charles de menezes fame (which resulted in her getting promoted to the top gig)
more so if he was an a terror watch list and known to the police before hand

Imagine if he had been a suicide bomber
"Does anybody know whose AK47 this is?"
On the train to Newcastle once, this guy came on who was obviously off his face on the hard stuff, and not in a good way.

He didn't threaten anyone, but you had to wonder. Especially when he started rooting around in his pants, and pulled out a big cosh - an actual fucking truncheon - with "A Present from Marbella" written on it.
I also guess that with more rights probably going to be impinged at least in the near future, it's not outwith the realms of possibility that a woman will get searched by a male officer. I am happy to be corrected on this point, I would really hope there will not be such regression.

One of my closest friends, Anna, was put in the back of a van and stripped to her bra and pants by three male filth outside VFM. I slipped all our E’s down the arm of my jumper and the cunts were so distracted by Annie that they never searched my arms.
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thats a couple of E's not a fucking revolver

jebus was in a custody area of a police station in my early 20's and whilst i've not tried it with cuffs lately
i was flexible to get the handcuff from behind my back to the front and stand up and ask for them to be removed

the police response was quite quick
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