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Photography Thread 2023

I posted these in another thread and decided to post them here also.

They are from 2002 at the Duxford Air Show, 4 pics of the wing walkers doing the stuff.

They all were quite underexposed when I found them and their histograms were all bunched up in the middle so I adjusted them quite a lot in levels - this seems to have had the effect also of increasing the saturation. Anyhow ..




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I have been going through my files looking for a specific image but it has eluded me. I did find these from when I was experimenting with panning in 2003. I love panning and usually end up going too slowly with the shutterspeed so that everything becomes blurry. Sometimes the effect is nice though. The red motorbike was fizzing along it was all I could do to keep him in shot at all :)

Nice old Mini

Beetle, I probably got the shutter speed about right with this one DSCF0618w.jpg


Everything went wrong with this, the background is over exposed, I like it though :)

BMW just cruising
Could one of you photography people explain in very simple, idiotproof language what I need to go looking for in my phone camera settings to stop the bit between the red lines being squashed down into a tiny thin line in the distance like it is here, please? (Random pic I just took from the bus stop to show what I mean)
Hi iona, are you saying that when you looked with your eyes, the distant hills were larger than they appear in the photo?

If that is the case them perhaps the lens on your phone is quite wide angle which will have the effect of making the distance items be smaller than you see with your eyes.

I think this is a feature of wide angle lenses.
Hi iona, are you saying that when you looked with your eyes, the distant hills were larger than they appear in the photo?

If that is the case them perhaps the lens on your phone is quite wide angle which will have the effect of making the distance items be smaller than you see with your eyes.

I think this is a feature of wide angle lenses.
Yes, exactly.

Is there not anything I might be able to play with in settings and I'm just stuck with it?
You might be able to zoom in digitally which will make distant objects larger.

But you will lose some image quality, more the greater you zoom.
You might be able to zoom in digitally which will make distant objects larger.

But you will lose some image quality, more the greater you zoom.
Yeah that doesn't really help, I just get a blurrier photo with a slightly thicker squished down featureless line in the distance.

Cheers anyway :)
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