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Photography Thread 2023

The BBC has used two of my pictures in this article about waxwings today (the second and third ones)

Then I had a Facebook message from the Times picture desk asking if they could maybe use one of them in the paper tomorrow! I said yes, but I should probably have asked them for some money, shouldn't I? Anyone who does this sort of thing care to suggest what I should be charging if this starts happening more often?
Hi weepiper nice pics and great that you got them in the BBC article.

I think if the Times want to use them you could ask for payment and maybe get them to make you an offer, see if you find it acceptable etc ..

PS, I think editor will know more.
The BBC has used two of my pictures in this article about waxwings today (the second and third ones)

Then I had a Facebook message from the Times picture desk asking if they could maybe use one of them in the paper tomorrow! I said yes, but I should probably have asked them for some money, shouldn't I? Anyone who does this sort of thing care to suggest what I should be charging if this starts happening more often?
It depends on the size they use the photo, but the rates start at just over £70 for national press.

You'd be selling single usage rights only, and copyright would remain with you.

I'm not sure what the rates for usage on the BBC website would be, but I'd guess about half the newspaper rate, so about £35 for an inside page, more if it was featured on the home page.

And well done!
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I popped down to the old Severn bridge yesterday to take some snaps, there is a car park past Beachley where you can park right under the Bridge. On a workday afternoon the place was deserted which suited me.

I noticed a shrine of bunches of flowers by the car park and one wall of the lifeboat station was named "Wall of Remembrance". I couldn't see many people getting into trouble at the side of the river there but I supposed suicides from the bridge might be common and the lifeboat would have to retrieve the bodies from the Severn. The flowers by the car park were fresh.






I am going through a 50mm period, all the images in my last few posts have been with my 50mm lens. It is tiny and unobtrusive and sharp. I am also working with GIMP now and while I have now found out how to do everything I used to do in Elements sharpening (unsharp mask) in GIMP is taking a bit to get used to. It seems easy to over sharpen especially with small images like these 600 x 400 px ones.
A slightly underwhelming sunrise and a couple of lighthouses :D



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