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Photography Thread 2022

I'm really loving this cheapo secondhand Olympus Stylus 1 I picked up for under £200.

Brixton street photos - architecture, colours, car crashes and a lost canary, August 2022

Brixton street photos - architecture, colours, car crashes and a lost canary, August 2022

Brixton street photos - architecture, colours, car crashes and a lost canary, August 2022

This potentially doctored pic on the estate agent's thread reminded me of another one I took at the Giant's Causeway. There's been some minor editing done to bring out some of the shadow detail in the rocks at the bottom (I underexposed by about 2/3rds of a stop to keep the highlights and give the colour a bit more saturation but the dynamic range was beyond what a single exposure could achieve), but other than that the colours are genuine (although they vanished from the sky soon after this and the remainder of the sunset was very drab). Inexplicably given the fantastic weather and sunset, there were very few people there. A properly magical location.

Still, it's a bit twee enough that I figure it should come with some sort of sickening slogan so feel free to add your own :)


To balance that effervescence out a bit, here's a B&W one taken on the same day from what is clearly my "person on their own at the coast" period.

As bastardly hot as its been, stark sunlight always makes for some fun B&W.

For a scant few seconds there was a gap in the middle of the heaving tourists on Tower Bridge

Forty Internet Points and a bowl of plum jam if people can guess what's going on here

And I dredged this one out of the archives because, on walking past it this week, the entire facade of the building has been removed which likely means this forlorn little clock is also gone for good
As bastardly hot as its been, stark sunlight always makes for some fun B&W.
View attachment 337730

For a scant few seconds there was a gap in the middle of the heaving tourists on Tower Bridge
View attachment 337731

Forty Internet Points and a bowl of plum jam if people can guess what's going on here
View attachment 337732

And I dredged this one out of the archives because, on walking past it this week, the entire facade of the building has been removed which likely means this forlorn little clock is also gone for good
View attachment 337733
Where are you ? I'd love a good drone picture of where we live (Yes I know I could probably Google but where would the fun be in that ?)
West Midlands. If you use social media dare I say it local community groups, no doubt someone has one or knows of someone local who does. They are not as expensive as they once were, but obviously decent photo/video ones despite being more affordable are still expensive gadgets.
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