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Photography Thread 2022

The Disused cooling towers of Willington ‘B’ Power Station. B Station closed in 1999. Although most of the station was demolished at the turn of the millennium, the five cooling towers continue to dominate the skyline of the local area.




I took this about twenty years ago, but have only just decided it's worthwhile. It's not sharp, which is annoying - I digitised it by photographing the negative, and didn't quite hit focus. I'll get it scanned properly one day. Manchester Town Hall Extension and Central Library, Ilford XP2 35mm.

I took this in 2020, but again, have only just decided I like it. Smíchovské nádraží, Prague, digital.
In the garden a couple of days ago.

From a recent trip to Norn Iron.

Disclaimer: there's been some very small image editing here where a lifejacket holder has been removed from the extreme right of the frame (it wasn't visible in the viewfinder) via clone brush.
One day when I grow up I'm gonna get me a proper camera, the phone I've got is a Motorola but it's good enough, and convenient for an adhd accident prone person like myself :D

When I take photos I'm always looking at things, and then I'm always looking for better or more interesting things and it's good for helping me keep my perspective and seeing the beautiful and quirky things in the world 🙂
One day when I grow up I'm gonna get me a proper camera, the phone I've got is a Motorola but it's good enough, and convenient for an adhd accident prone person like myself :D
I also have a Moto, G9 Power, and I like the camera on it. If all your photos are from your phone I would say you are doing well with it. That said, if you got a "proper camera" you would probably really enjoy the added possibilities.
Oh thank you! :) I'm due a new phone, my screens cracked and letting in the damp. It's a moto G30. I'll look into the G9. I really like the convenience, but I'll play about on my daughter camera a bit more before commiting to buying one myself. Luckily boy 1 works in a shop that sells both good phones and cameras and I get a very good family discount ;)

I'm actually doing photography as a ' homework assignment ' for a project I've been involved with for a few years, and now we're using the PhotoVoice process. This is a bit of the work that's inspired this part of the project, although our focus is mental health

The G9 Power has a bigger battery, I am always paranoid about running out of charge just as I am about to receive an important call. With my lowish pattern of usage the battery could probably last 4 days :)
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Still, nothing quite compares to the texture you'd get out of a nice gritty B+W film - good ol' Tri-X or pushed Neopan.

Further to my comment from the film thread above... I've been off ill and without much to do other than to provide a heated cushion for the cat, so I've been using her as an unwilling accomplice. whilst having a play with my Fuji to get it to replicate the look'n'feel of Tri-X 400. The grain in those out-of-focus areas plus the harsh contrast and the fact you can never quite get the exposure quick enough (she's mid-wash and light was very poor, hence the blur from a ~1/15 shutter).

Hopefully the noise/grain effect survives the transcoding process but if not here's a close-up of the structure:

The lens is one of my favourites by the way; 23mm lens (35mm equiv) at f/1.4 with ISO set to 3200. The Tri-X recipe started out as this but has gone through a few other tweaks. For those of you unfamiliar with the Fuji stuff, they allow you to do a fairly astonishing amount of tweaking on the image processing in-camera, with the idea that you don't do any of it in post-production (something I dislike doing even if it means pictures aren't technically as good as they could be).
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