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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

It’s the old u75 uber-lefty bollocks that this wanker was some kind of victim of society/capitalism because he was a working class robber. If he was black or Muslim or from another currently-in-favour minority they’d probably have a collection for the fucking slug’s family too.

yeh. I'll have to tell the old blokes at the mosque that they are trendy when arrogant Englishmen barely have the common decency to say hello and ask how they are.
travellers removing floral tributes

Nope, that isn't a fair comparason at all.

It would be the family of a burglar who killed a homeowner he was attempting to rob removing the flowers left for said victim of a burglary.

If the family of the victim of the burglary went out of their way to put a shrine up outside the home of the burglar even though the death didn't happen there you'd be on to something.
In fact, the local community should rally round this guy and his misses . This family from elsewhere coming in robbing one of theirs, the neighbour, fuck that shit. Look out for each other. That is the lesson to be learned here. Don’t tolerate this intimidation this antisocial shit. There is your class solidarity. Not going all Jerry Springer but seriously.
In fact, the local community should rally round this guy and his misses . This family from elsewhere coming in robbing one of theirs, the neighbour, fuck that shit. Look out for each other. That is the lesson to be learned here. Don’t tolerate this intimidation this antisocial shit. There is your class solidarity. Not going all Jerry Springer but seriously.

Yeh but make sure you're not an in favour minority first. otherwise you'll get accused of noncery as well.
Why aren't the flowers being laid at the scene of the twat's death two streets away? That's what usually happens. It's intimidation. It's not a question of "we know where you live", it's one of "we've been outside your home" and "we've got an eye on you".
In terms of that bit, I thought so as well when there were the first reports of the tributes being laid. But from what I've seen it's really not been like that. No threats, nobody staying for ages, no blokes at all (afaik, but don't hold me to that). The things left there have been just the same stuff you get when anybody has been killed/dies young. Equally, again afaik, the fact that kids teddies and tributes to a dad have been ripped off the fence and stamped on hasn't led to anything. If there was some kind of attempt at inflicting psychological terror on the street that would have happened - but hasn't. I'm sure the pensioner and his family see it as intimidation - I would in his place - particularly as he will be traumatised himself. But in terms of intimidation, objectively, it's nothing like the genuine intimidation that really does happen to some people, in their homes in certain circumstances.

No doubt somewhere on facebook threats have been made, though to be honest I haven't heard about those either.
Instead of arresting anyone or taking no act at all and risking a violent confrontation, the police should use some common sense and simply restrict access to the street temporarily to residents only (plus postmen, deliveries, etc). And get rid of all those press parasites as well. It would soon calm down and this unedifying spectacle would come to an end.
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In fact, the local community should rally round this guy and his misses . This family from elsewhere coming in robbing one of theirs, the neighbour, fuck that shit. Look out for each other. That is the lesson to be learned here. Don’t tolerate this intimidation this antisocial shit. There is your class solidarity. Not going all Jerry Springer but seriously.

"this guy and his misses"
If the auld bugger had just had the decency roll over and let them get on with their redistribution of wealth efforts, then there wouldn't be such a long drawn out thread, and continuous much ado about nothing in the media
But he had a go, and didn't ''miss'
Inconsiderate auld bugger, now the council/plod will have their previous 'shortcomings' highlighted at every occasion.
Whereas if he had "missed" his murder and robbery would have just been another weary 2 line story on page 2 of whatever paper that even bothered to cover it.
Quick, very quick
How is leaving flowers on a fence breaching the peace? It isn't even clear its a message of intimidation - ie: "we know where you live" - because the media has seen fit to tell everyone where the poor bloke lives, what he looks like, what his name and age is and almost certainly will tell us when he is back home.

The shrine is daft, but this circus of people putting it up and then taking it down - and in order to get on TV / in the papers - is positively dangerous.
You have a very good point, but "positively dangerous" ?...mebbes not the right adjectives? it's unnerving,and definitely worrying and I see where your coming from, but "dangerous" assumes an "imminent danger" where I see it as a slow cancerous rot, of everything that previously held communities together.
Actually, thinking about it, 'Terry Pratchett tribute act arrested for deflowering a fence' would be the best headline ever.

Terry Prachett would have gotten at least two books out of this, Guards, Guards, episodes 1,2,3 at least, Sam Vines was created for 'incidents' such as this.
As was Carrott-;)
I agree with most of this
basically what Wilf said and i'd add surely letting the family have a tribute for a bit keeps the peace and stops the vigilantes virtue signalling with their outrage and making a show of ripping down flowers

just imagine if this was the other way round, there'd be a moral panic

If the pensioner had been killed and his neighbours had laid floral tributes...this would induce a "moral panic"
Explain...please do?
Jesus Christ, this thread is getting more and more Daily Mail by the minute.
It just feels like an excuse for ‘chav’ bashing now. What’s next, single mothers? Have we covered travellers enough yet? Laughing at their fucking ugg boots etc Surely we’re better than this.

Yes he and some of his family have done awful things but there’s a lot of hateful stuff being said here that feels far bigger than being targeted at the bloke who actually burgled the house.

The bigger picture. A society that has rotteted from within, these people are a product of "Thatcher politics" the must have this or that at any cost mentallity/view, Greed, Deception, intimidation, threats towards elderly and vunrunable (sp). Including not just one burgulrary (I refuse to spell it correctly BTW) but many. So people are upset angry not just at what happened on that one night but the past 40 years or so.
Just my 2 cents
The bigger picture. A society that has rotteted from within, these people are a product of "Thatcher politics" the must have this or that at any cost mentallity/view, Greed, Deception, intimidation, threats towards elderly and vunrunable (sp). Including not just one burgulrary (I refuse to spell it correctly BTW) but many. So people are upset angry not just at what happened on that one night but the past 40 years or so.
Just my 2 cents
Nah. Cunts (and families of cunts) like this have existed forever. In the town I grew up in the Hanbury’s and the Johnson’s had been making everyone else’s lives a misery since the 50s.
Nah. Cunts (and families of cunts) like this have existed forever. In the town I grew up in the Hanbury’s and the Johnson’s had been making everyone else’s lives a misery since the 50s.

The Johnsons, purveyors of misery

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