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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

What gets me is these people ripping the flowers down, letting themselves be photographed and named in the press, surely inviting trouble?
From whom? Police don't care and the grieving family are hardly likely to track them down.
I have no idea if its a genuine mark of respect by a family not understanding how others feel or an intimidation technique.
And now neither side can give in.Very sad or Lol worthy depending how horrible a person you are.

Now police officers are believed to be closely watching the memorial and have told neighbours to make no attempt to remove the flowers, threatening to arrest them for 'breaching the peace'.

A Metropolitan Police source told MailOnline that officers had a responsibility to provide 'assurances to local residents' while also 'respecting the wishes of family and friends to mark the loss of a loved one'.

Rearrange these words - face, arse, about.
I suspect they are going to be on very dodgy ground if they do, what happens if they end up arresting the owner of the fence or one of his relatives?
The police obviously want to cool the situation down before things do get out of hand and since no-one is prepared to listen to reason, they've decided to try being heavy handed, methinks this will backfire.

They probably think the puller downers will be easier to threaten with arrest than the putter uppers.

Can't see this cooling things down though.
Jesus, either the pensioner's inside his house, probably afraid to leave, hearing and seeing the shouts and scuffles and bloody police horses, or he hasn't been able to go home. Maybe there should be a gofundme (set up by someone who knows them) to send them on a nice holiday or something just to get to somewhere safe.
Jesus, either the pensioner's inside his house, probably afraid to leave, hearing and seeing the shouts and scuffles and bloody police horses, or he hasn't been able to go home. Maybe there should be a gofundme (set up by someone who knows them) to send them on a nice holiday or something just to get to somewhere safe.
If you mean the man that stabbed the burgler then i believe he is already elsewhere for safety. The man whose fence the flowers are going on is in his house as far as i know from reports i have seen.
Jesus, either the pensioner's inside his house, probably afraid to leave, hearing and seeing the shouts and scuffles and bloody police horses, or he hasn't been able to go home. Maybe there should be a gofundme (set up by someone who knows them) to send them on a nice holiday or something just to get to somewhere safe.

He & his wife are under police protection at a safe house. Over £8k has already been raised online for them.

Their home has been boarded-up with metal grills, both CCTV & fire alarms have been installed by the authorities, who are taking the risk of revenge attacks very seriously.

It's all a bloody mess, made worst by the fuckwits & their flowers. :(
They are being tied to a fence that is private property. As that owner I would happily snip the ties from inside the fence.

Fucking idiot plod.

Earlier reports said one guy had got permission from the owner of the fence before taking them down.

It looks like the cops are spooked by the Vincent lot, the twats.
Ah, wasn't sure what his situation was. I'm not sure that's much better than being at home even with all this going on.
Ah, wasn't sure what his situation was. I'm not sure that's much better than being at home even with all this going on.

He and his wife are certainly better away from the whole mess unfolding in front of their house but it's horrible, they shouldn't have had to leave home.

The family of the deceased, however upset are out of order putting those flowers up there, he didn't die there opposite the house. Plod should be stopping them not threatening others for objecting and removing them.
The reason I'm thinking that being at home wouldn't be much worse is that then they wouldn't have lost their home and all that's familiar, and for his wife, if she does have dementia, changing location is likely to be very stressful. At some point they'll have to either go back, sell up, if they own, for less than the house was worth before this, or get moved by the council to somewhere probably not as nice, and I'd hate the thought of moving house at the age of 78 with a wife with dementia. Poor fuckers.

I believe the flowers are not going on the house of the man that stabbed him. The fence is on the house opersite his house.

Doesn't make much difference really.
A relative of Vincent was on the radio earlier saying that the people taking down the flowers are scum and should be nicked for theft :facepalm::facepalm:

They are serious fuckwits & seriously taking the piss.

My position of being uncomfortable with 'he deserved it' is changing, fuck the lot of them. :mad:
The reason I'm thinking that being at home wouldn't be much worse is that then they wouldn't have lost their home and all that's familiar, and for his wife, if she does have dementia, changing location is likely to be very stressful.

She doesn't have dementia, her condition is arthritis.
It's the Vincent lot that are causing a 'breach of the peace', the cops need to grow a pair.

How is leaving flowers on a fence breaching the peace? It isn't even clear its a message of intimidation - ie: "we know where you live" - because the media has seen fit to tell everyone where the poor bloke lives, what he looks like, what his name and age is and almost certainly will tell us when he is back home.

The shrine is daft, but this circus of people putting it up and then taking it down - and in order to get on TV / in the papers - is positively dangerous.
It isn't even clear its a message of intimidation - ie: "we know where you live" - because the media has seen fit to tell everyone where the poor bloke lives, what he looks like, what his name and age is and almost certainly will tell us when he is back home.

Given that HV didn't die opposite the house I think that plod could absolutely see it as a provocation and intimidation and warn the family off. They haven't though.
How is leaving flowers on a fence breaching the peace? It isn't even clear its a message of intimidation - ie: "we know where you live" - because the media has seen fit to tell everyone where the poor bloke lives, what he looks like, what his name and age is and almost certainly will tell us when he is back home.

The shrine is daft, but this circus of people putting it up and then taking it down - and in order to get on TV / in the papers - is positively dangerous.

You answered your own question, at the end of your post with the BIB.

Their behaviour is likely to result in a breach of peace, because it's causing serious unrest in the community.
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