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Penny Arcade

CiF attracts lots of right wing trolls. Although to be fair penny-dissing does seem to be a bi-partisan affair.
I thought this thread was going to be about the uber geek cartoon. :(

by her standards? not particularly. No blatantly made up shit jumped out at me.

That was the first thing of hers I've ever read, seemed reasonable enough.

GS: yeah I was pretty disappointed it wasnt a "proper" Penny Arcade :)
Light waffle containing one rather embarassing contradiction. 1) State crackdowns galvanise civil disobedience. 2) In the UK state crackdowns have "left anti-cuts protesters debilitated and depleted"
Light waffle containing one rather embarassing contradiction. 1) State crackdowns galvanise civil disobedience. 2) In the UK state crackdowns have "left anti-cuts protesters debilitated and depleted"

She does hedge her bets though:
Fighting the police can focus the energy of a movement – but it can also drain that energy.
Until the day she aspires to acquire the same balls/journalistic skills as Sue Lloyd Roberts she'll always be like a bad penny.

"Roll Up Roll Up! Throw Yer Coconuts! A Penny A Go"!

Until the day she aspires to acquire the same balls/journalistic skills as Sue Lloyd Roberts she'll always be like a bad penny.

"Roll Up Roll Up! Throw Yer Coconuts! A Penny A Go"!

She's on the right path then - private school then up to oxford.
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