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Peckham Town FC - news and discussion

Thanks. Was the Halstead match tonight or is it a nervous wait for a few days?
Weren't Halstead a point in front though?

Yes they were so if reports of Halstead's opponents not turning up are correct and they are awarded the 3 points then Peckham's win is in vain and Halstead win the league. It's absolute bollocks if that's the case; the league should make the game be played.

Still, great support from the Rabble/Menace Ultras and good to catch up with everyone!
As StephenMac seems to have suggested about recording for posterity and reporting to their FA.

Not sure, the whole thing was a bit confusing at the end but many seemed to agree they had won it. Perhaps pompeydunc can clarify this

Nah, Peckham players just wanted to jump around with us after a good win against the 2nd placed team. Sadly, Phoenix Sports decided they couldn't be bothered to play tonight, so handed the 3 points that Halstead needed to win the league. Really shoddy by them. Only two games were not played this season - and they were both critical to the league title.

Conspiracy theorists suggest that as Belvedere didn't turn up on Saturday and gifted Peckham 3 points, then Halstead may have put pressure on Phoenix Sports to do the same. Halstead players were even at the Peckham game tonight to watch, so they knew the game wasn't going ahead.
I was most outraged by the number 6 at one point turning around and having a go at the visually impaired of this world. He had a head like a bar of soap.
Had a good chat with Bryan after the game. He is such a legend! They have managed to secure a large grant to fund a floodlit wheelchair football pitch to go next to the clubhouse. Building work will start next season. Told us many other stories from volunteering to create football teams and leagues across estates that others wouldn't touch...and how Gavin, Rio and his mates used to follow him around as a kid. Him and the players can't wait to test themselves against Dulwich on Sunday.

Here is a game of wheelchair football.

I heard some appalling full-on homophobia from both Bexley supporters and at least two of their players.
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