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Pandemic personal consequences

FWP compared to most...

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I had three tickets for this gig last Saturday (purchased a year ago) and decided not to go for C-19 reasons. No chance of refund or selling them on as it was not sold out and people were giving them away free on social media.

Now one of the band have Covid after the gig 🙄
I’m on my third set of three tickets for a band I’m yet to see live. Been a year now. I’m resigned to not seeing them…the universe has spoken
It's my youngest kids birthday on Monday and we had a ten pin bowling party planned for Sunday. But something like 16 of her class of 30 at school have had positive tests of which 5 were on the party list. She was at a party with a whole bunch of kids last Sunday who have subsequently tested positive. Plus she's been in a classroom working closely with kids who have later tested positive. School asked everyone to LFT daily and also get a PCR asap. My kids result has just come in and she's negative which is great news (she missed out on her party last year, whilst the tories were having a great time, the cunts).

I'm amazed though. How on earth has she avoided it? She's been wearing a mask far more than her peers but not all the time and the party she was at last weekend involved lots of hugs with one of her best mates who has since tested positive. She's either immune or she must have had a mild unnoticeable case at some point meaning she has antibodies.

First bit of good news in a while though. She's currently dancing around the kitchen singing about how Covid is nothing to her. :D :D
I didn’t get any evidence or leaflet or anything when I had my booster.
Suppose I could get another booster in a bit…
I'm off work and holed up with some symptoms, awaiting PCR test result. Feeling poorly by standards of the last couple of years, but am ok; functional. Glad I got a pulse oximeter earlier this week, just in case.

Hoping it's some other virus. There have been quite a few confirmed covid cases at work recently, though, so who knows.

Cannot decide whether to go ahead with planned (but not booked) birthday restaurant meal or not.
A horrible quandary :(
I've cancelled a social next weekend, and starting to think might have to call off the two weeks in France in March in January if things are shit and not looking much better then. Might be possible to go in theory, but it's a bunch of friends and it wouldn't take much for a few people dropping out or having to isolate just before and the whole thing be a chaotic mess.
I've cancelled a social next weekend, and starting to think might have to call off the two weeks in France in March in January if things are shit and not looking much better then. Might be possible to go in theory, but it's a bunch of friends and it wouldn't take much for a few people dropping out or having to isolate just before and the whole thing be a chaotic mess.
I thought my sister was being overly cautious about booking fully cancellable/refundable hotel rooms for a wedding in May. Now I'm not so sure. :(

Eta we made the bookings in June or something.
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I've had a booking for a concert from originally 2020 that was postponed twice allready latest was april 2022, thats now been cancelled again.
Nothing in the scheme things, but mentioned as perhaps an indication of some mainstream businesses' confidence for next spring
Regardless of lockdown I'm beginning to wonder if its sensible to visit elderly parents at Christmas now... have to get there on public transport - so FFP2 mask, lateral flow test every morning ... but still a risk..

Regardless of lockdown I'm beginning to wonder if its sensible to visit elderly parents at Christmas now... have to get there on public transport - so FFP2 mask, lateral flow test every morning ... but still a risk..


Is everyone concerned jabbed and boosted, and will the public transport service you're on be seriously crowded?
Yup, this is the first time so far, that I personally know handfuls of people with it all at the same time. (also SE London).

Also, don't rely on LFTs if you can afford not to, get a PCR if you think you've had prolonged contact. Mine didn't show up on a single LFT (before, same day, or after my positive PCR) so I'd still be going to work if I was just relying on daily LFTs.
Sorry not-bono-ever :( How are you feeling?

I am on really high alert for covid now. I have one more week in Turkey, and have to take a pre flight test before flying. If it's positive, I can't get on the flight, and have to quarantine here, in a desolate state run facility with no proper internet connection and horrible food, alone. The thought of that is dire. Wearing one of those N95 masks, constantly battling to open windows, and avoiding meal times, when there are hundreds of unmasked people crowded together.
Oh sorry not-bono-ever, that's so shitty.

We have BB1's 18th birthday on Saturday, BB2 was feeling ropey this morning, did a test and thank fuck it's negative, or else birthday cancelled, birthday pressie is a trip to Skye, that would be canned, plus Christmas. Just gonna hide in the house for the rest of the week!
Oh and our borough Waverley has one of the very highest rates in the country, >800 a day. This time last year was one one of the lowest, the only area of Surrey in Tier 2.
Former housemate turns up for a surf as he’s having a day off to have a biopsy of a suspected cancerous lump in his cheek

Needs a PCR test to attend, hasn’t booked one. Obviously wants an excuse not to go to biopsy

Sat down and somehow managed to book a PCR test at a walk in 400 meters up the road in 5 minutes.

He’s been sent packing, surf can wait.

He’s probably too late for the PCR test result for 1500, but hopefully they will let him in and get it done

Growth was noticed by trainee dentists who are pulling his teeth out/rebuilding

Not vaccinated either and quite frankly he’s in general run down ill health for a 50 year old
Sorry not-bono-ever :( How are you feeling?

I am on really high alert for covid now. I have one more week in Turkey, and have to take a pre flight test before flying. If it's positive, I can't get on the flight, and have to quarantine here, in a desolate state run facility with no proper internet connection and horrible food, alone. The thought of that is dire. Wearing one of those N95 masks, constantly battling to open windows, and avoiding meal times, when there are hundreds of unmasked people crowded together.

im OK , attention has been distracted because of pain from a chronic shoulder trapped nerve anyway, so bit of a diversion. Its everywhere now. lockdown ahoy
Basically, even if things somehow stay open in January and February I am considering those months a write off for doing anything outside the house. I sort of did anyway even before Omicron but seems a certainty now.
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