Will catch up with this thread properly soon
-- but I do hope that everyone is dealing with their personal consequences as well as they can
Latest and astonishing thing for me!!
My CS Employer very recently (and ultra-suddenly -- late-ish on Wednesday) compelled
ALL employees to fill in a self-assessement questionnaire for their current health -- deadline was Friday (22nd)!
You were given points for each Covid-related negative health indicator to which you answered 'Yes' ...
A bit surprisingly, given that I'm over 50 and also technically in a (non-extreme) vulnerable category, I scored a mere three points!
If you scored seven or more points, you'd have been sent home from this coming Monday (25th) either to work at home, or if such not possible
, to be put back on CS Special Leave.
Relieved really that I scored so low ... but I'm still unconvinced.
Rules at our workplace are actually pretty safe and distancing focussed,
Apparantly the requirement to re-do the test (I last answered a very simiilar questionnaire immediately prior to me returning to work in August), was due to tightened rules about work for vulnerable-ish people issued by the Welsh Government (and also, see next post, by the UK Government).
One boss at my Employer said:
As part of our continuous review of the COVID-19 position, and with new guidance on risk assessments for businesses in Wales in light of the new variants, we have decided that those staff who may be at higher risk as a result of COVID-19 should not come into the office for the remainder of the current lockdown.
Those staff who are clinically extremely vulnerable have already been asked not to come into the office, in line with Welsh Government guidance. This current decision relates to those staff who are not clinically extremely vulnerable but who, because of multiple factors, may be more at risk. We are using Welsh Government’s risk assessment tool which was originally developed for high-risk health and social care settings to identify who those people are.