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On this day

This is a very emotive telling of the story. Great film, hard to imagine the courage needed to take on the Nazis at their peak.
Do students still study Nazi Germany for A level History?
Stalin died on this day in 1953.

In researching this post, I also discovered that 100 people were crushed to death at his funeral, and his medicine cabinets were discovered to be full of high grade cocaine.
39 years ago today Bobby Sands died.

3 days afterwards I found myself in the middle of this protest in Paris as it gathered at the British Embassy on rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré:

Yep, the pudding!
Seems like yesterday. :(
Seems like centuries ago to me. I remember being pretty blown over by it and my bassist didn't speak to anyone for a week. I am wearing my Unknown Pleasures t-shirt today in tribute. I'm sure I saw a "listening party" advertised on the internet for evening - I must find it. :(
18 May 1991 Helen Sharman launches to visit Mir as the first British cosmonaut / astronaut.


(Yes Michael Foal and Piers Sellers were British but they had to become a US citizens to move from working for NASA to flying for them. Also not counting the dual national space tourists... full list here: Category:British astronauts - Wikipedia
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40 years since Ian Curtis took his life.
40 years!
I was involved in the Manchester music scene back then and Ian's death was very sad.

I saw Joy Division twice, once as Warsaw at the Electric Circus and once as JD at Bolton Tech (where they performed in front of about 15-20 people). To be honest, I never really got them. I suppose Warsaw were okay (more punky) but I didn't like Joy Division and thought they were rubbish - only marginally better than their terrible support band called the Curb (or Kerb). That said, the band I was in still tried to copy Joy Division's sound ;)

16 June 1976: Student Mbuyisa Makhubo carries fatally injured Hector Pieterson after he was shot by South African troops during the 1976 Soweto uprising, during which African children - several hundred of them, according to some estimates - were massacred by the white supremacist government in South Africa.
I remember the Soweto massacre happening. It still disgusts me that England cricketers thought it okay to go and play there.
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