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Off topic anti-vaxx nonsense

In the 1930’s in a land not far away those thought undesirable were forced to wear varied coloured triangles to indicate their status’. A persecuted religious group was forced to wear inverted triangles to indicate their status. The way we are going with all this division regarding the vaccinated and non vaccinated it will be us- the non vaccinated wearing the triangles.
I see, so you're equating not getting vaccinated with life under the Nazi regime in 1930s/40s Germany. Can you elaborate on your thinking a bit as I'm struggling to see those parallels.
I see, so you're equating not getting vaccinated with life under the Nazi regime in 1930s/40s Germany. Can you elaborate on your thinking a bit as I'm struggling to see those parallels.
Multi-Monicker stop playing dumb as you give yourself away when you do that! :thumbs:
In the 1930’s in a land not far away those thought undesirable were forced to wear varied coloured triangles to indicate their status’. A persecuted religious group was forced to wear inverted triangles to indicate their status. The way we are going with all this division regarding the vaccinated and non vaccinated it will be us- the non vaccinated wearing the triangles.

Nah, worse than that. Worse than Hitler. Worse than Twitter.
Multi-Monicker stop playing dumb as you give yourself away when you do that! :thumbs:
I'm not sure what multi-monicker means? This is my sole username on here and has been since 2004.

And I am interested in this whole equivalence you seem to be drawing between Nazi Germany and Covid vaccines. I thought you'd welcome a chance to explain your views!
I'm not sure what multi-monicker means? This is my sole username on here and has been since 2004.

And I am interested in this whole equivalence you seem to be drawing between Nazi Germany and Covid vaccines. I thought you'd welcome a chance to explain your views!
It was an analogy and not a direct comparison and well you know it was. Already, the mask exempt on public transport must wear a badge-how long before the unvaccinated must wear a triangle or an inverted triangle?

Already, two posters on this very thread have called for separate “pens” for the [status] unvaccinated to separate us from vaccinated.

It was an analogy and not a direct comparison and well you know it was.
Well no, I didn't know that. How would I?

Already, the mask exempt on public transport must wear a badge-how long before the unvaccinated must wear a triangle or an inverted triangle?
How long do you reckon?

Already, two posters on this very thread have called for separate “pens” for the [status] unvaccinated to separate us from vaccinated.
Well where do you think we currently are, using your Nazi Germany analogy? 1933? 1935? 1936? 1941? Some other year?
It was an analogy and not a direct comparison and well you know it was. Already, the mask exempt on public transport must wear a badge-how long before the unvaccinated must wear a triangle or an inverted triangle?

Already, two posters on this very thread have called for separate “pens” for the [status] unvaccinated to separate us from vaccinated.


The very tail end of 2021 multi. :thumbs:
I was interested to see where you'd peg our current situation -- you know pre or post the Nuremberg Laws, pre or post Kristallnacht or whether we were more approaching 1942 and the Final Solution?

I mean Nazi Germany was your analogy so I'm sure you've thought about all this stuff in great detail.
I put him on ignore when he basically admitted he was acting out of selfishness and nothing else.

Any question that would further reveal that he ignores, whilst spouting faux esoteric nonsense to try and cover up the fact that his position is otherwise baseless, with a side order of trying to wind people up.

There's no point trying to reason with him or to understand why he's so ignorant of the interests of others - he knows he is and is seemingly quite happy with it.

Take away his oxygen and he'll disappear - metaphorically, but, despite his intense self interest and poor decision making, hopefully not literally.
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Tony Blair is actually a very good example (at least in part) of why there is indeed distrust of a universal vaccine program- or rather, his endorsement of it is for sure a red flag for many. Likewise, the obvious manipulation of the corporate media to speak with one narrative is highly suspect. Very few media outlets question this hysteria or question government policy. In fact a radio station I formally detested is today the only station I have found where there is sensible unbiased debate.

WE JUST DON’T TRUST IT! Simple :thumbs:
There’s also only one narrative about elephants hiding in trees for example. They do it all the time and it’s just ignored!.
So DTM_DHFC, back to your analogy:
I was interested to see where you'd peg our current situation -- you know pre or post the Nuremberg Laws, pre or post Kristallnacht or whether we were more approaching 1942 and the Final Solution?

I mean Nazi Germany was your analogy so I'm sure you've thought about all this stuff in great detail.
Which year do you reckon?
That’s merely deflection... you fear knowledge because you are trapped in fear and hysteria old chap. :D
If I feared knowledge I’d be JHB’s no.1 listener - no danger of coming across any there.

The people that seem to be fearing things are the ones storming vaccination sites. I think the pandemic is simply too big a thing for some people to deal with so they seek comfort in ignorance.
If I feared knowledge I’d be JHB’s no.1 listener - no danger of coming across any there.

The people that seem to be fearing things are the ones storming vaccination sites. I think the pandemic is simply too big a thing for some people to deal with so they seek comfort in ignorance.
Go and address the people that storm vaccination sites and tell them rather than being diabolically prejudicial and tarring all and sundry that don’t agree with your hysteria!
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You know very precisely that my analogy was metaphorically speaking so stop sawing the sawdust. :thumbs:

Okay so one minute it's an analogy, the next it's a metaphor. Just to be clear...

You compared how unvaccinated people are being treated to how groups such as Jewish and gay people were treated in Nazi Germany.

Are you now saying you don't believe that?
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Okay so one minute it's an analogy, the next it's a metaphor. Just to be clear...

You compared how unvaccinated people are being to how groups such as Jewish and gay people were treated in Nazi Germany.

Are you now saying you don't believe that?
Why have you excluded gypsies, black people, and the mentally and physically handicapped - do they not count?

Discrimination targets specifically selected groups- not just one or two groups- today it’s evident that the unvaccinated are being discriminated agains be they Jewish or black or gay or mentally/physically handicapped -be they in excellent health or not!
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