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Now that COVID is here permanently

Yes, this paragraph:
“By all means be careful, wear a mask if you want, test and isolate if it feels necessary to keep yourselves and others safe but we cannot keep this going.”
Which has nothing to do with the next paragraph about the mental toll.

You may as well say testing has sonething to do with it too.
I think you're unable to fucking read.

What part of two paragraphs don't you understand ?
I understand both of them, hence my conclusion that you were linking the first to the second, as you do when you’re writing coherently
You mentioned it in the same breadth as all the other things.
Though those fears are reasonable ones and caused by the presence of COVID, which is still with us

There's a point where the anxiety isn't useful so far as being able to act on avoiding potential danger. And it does seem to have effected people in very different ways, even those with no underlying health conditions (where extreme vigilance is understandable.) People afraid to go out, be anywhere other humans may be in numbers. The disconnect or anger they feel when seeing others out and about seemingly oblivious. I was a bit like that early last year.
I understand both of them, hence my conclusion that you were linking the first to the second, as you do when you’re writing coherently
Then your conclusion was incorrect. I hope I put you straight and you now understand my post. :)
I got worried when I got a snotty nose at Christmas*, again more about unwittingly passing it on to more vulnerable people. I was taking a daily LFT test over that period despite it not being guidance in my situation, and I did wonder if some people are doing LFTs and finding it’s maintaining their anxiety**.

*it cleared with an antihistamine so almost certainly allergies
**continual reassurance seeking is actually a huge maintaining factor for anxiety
I got worried when I got a snotty nose at Christmas*, again more about unwittingly passing it on to more vulnerable people. I was taking a daily LFT test over that period despite it not being guidance in my situation, and I did wonder if some people are doing LFTs and finding it’s maintaining their anxiety**.

*it cleared with an antihistamine so almost certainly allergies
**continual reassurance seeking is actually a huge maintaining factor for anxiety
You could go the opposite way like me and just put it out of your mind (easy to say, I know). Trouble is, you end up forgetting to take LFTs :oops:
Yes, much more likely to get people's MH better with effort, time, care, money, and support - all of which the politicians going on about the MH impact of restrictions have consistently fucking cut to pieces.
And, in that, only continuing a starvation of resources and capability that has gone on for years prior to this business.
what has struck me as how normalised/institutionlised i am now by it all. oh, you're sticking something up your noise. oh and this guy is locked in his house for 10 days. and a woman came within a meter of me at lidl. and my team now work in their bedrooms. and waht booster are we on?

none of these things seems abnormal any more. there's no novelty left. it's just what happens on a day to day basis. life before the pandemic. the memory gets ever more distant obvisouly. but it's strange to think of the reality we live in now compared to then. it is not that different, but it is certainly different in many ways. and those ways to me just feel utterly normal. it's going to take at least a decade for people to recabilerate if/when we ever do get back to normal.
I’ve only registered one result!
I registered the very first one I did, then haven't bothered since. Kind of reassuring to hear that I'm not alone in this. I don't have to do them for work, so registering a negative result feels pretty pointless. For whose benefit?
I registered the very first one I did, then haven't bothered since. Kind of reassuring to hear that I'm not alone in this. I don't have to do them for work, so registering a negative result feels pretty pointless. For whose benefit?
I just presume the data is collected and used for something. Takes two mins, why not do it
There's a point where the anxiety isn't useful so far as being able to act on avoiding potential danger. And it does seem to have effected people in very different ways, even those with no underlying health conditions (where extreme vigilance is understandable.) People afraid to go out, be anywhere other humans may be in numbers. The disconnect or anger they feel when seeing others out and about seemingly oblivious. I was a bit like that early last year.
I see this extreme anxiety a lot more in the UK than here in Germany. I think much of that has to do with the UK having been hit far more severely due to an incompetent and reckless government. Our government has made mistakes too, but it has never behaved as cynical and contemptuous as Johnson & co.

I have to admit feeling a bit of a disconnect with how people discuss Covid on Urban compared to my friends here in Berlin. Here we felt that anxiety till we got the vaccines but since then I don't know anybody who is massively worried about the virus itself. Many of my friends have caught Covid since getting vaccinated and none of them got severely ill or had long covid.

I work for an organisation which includes a care home for elderly and disabled LGBT+ folks, many of them HIV+ and I think most of them are more worried about the toll on their mental health due to further lockdowns and restriction than about the virus itself. Then again, these are people (and include myself here) who have lived through a pandemic with a virus which was nearly always deadly.

Covid will become endemic, some people will always die or get severely ill from it, but there comes a point when we'll have to live with a small rest risk, as we do with other diseases and other potentially dangerous activities. Then we will have to return to a relatively normal life. Masks will still be with us for a while and vaccinations maybe for the rest of our lives but restrictions to public life should hopefully be a thing of the past at some point his year. Saying this seems to be more controversial in the UK than here in Germany and I find it somewhat irrational. Some people argue like nothing has changed between now and a year ago, like there haven't been vaccines and that we'll have to live indefinitely with restrictions and keep being hyper vigilant. Early evidence indicates that increased immunity due to vaccinations and omicron are a step towards the disease becoming endemic. Our top virologist Christian Drosten for the first time appears quite optimistic and thinks that by spring the worst will be over. I hope he's right.
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