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Next gen Xbox: rumours, speculations, wild pipe dreams!

With the no second hand games market on the Xbox and the comment from Sony they won't do that, I put my game market analyst hat on and tell everyone that Xbox a sell and play station is a buy.

Requires an Internet connection at all times to enable this technology.
I'm hanging on to upgrade till the next gen of consoles is out. I expect we will see a fair leap. :)
Not really. The PS4 GPU is roughly about as powerful as my Geforce 660Ti. It has more memory bandwidth, but the differences are not night and day.

Can't open this in work due to firewall, but assume the title says it all :(

This doesn't surprise me. They need all the money they can get so that they can re-skin the same game over and over again and sell it as something different.

"Hey, yeah so it's an FPS with stealth elements and upgradeable weapons... but look at the shiny graphics! It took us $200 million to make. That's why we're charging you extra for this gun which is the same as all the other guns!"

Like Kabbes said, the only way they will learn is if we don't buy it. They're just fleecing us now.
I commend Microsoft for producing a console that manages to combine all the things I hate about consoles and the games market generally into one dull-looking box. They even managed to pack in some of the things I hate about "home entertainment" devices as well! Rarely have I felt so smug about not buying something.
Not really. The PS4 GPU is roughly about as powerful as my Geforce 660Ti. It has more memory bandwidth, but the differences are not night and day.

I know, but this will become the new minimums. I predict we'll see a leap forward in high end gaming.
Not really. The PS4 GPU is roughly about as powerful as my Geforce 660Ti. It has more memory bandwidth, but the differences are not night and day.

You will see a massive leap. This is because what you are now currently seeing on your PC has been constrained by console graphics. The cost to create the assets for high end PC's graphic cards is too great to be worthwhile.

I totally disagree with your comment on the destruction of the games industry. You forget about technology, tools and reuse and the fact these consoles are essentially PC's. These all bring down the cost to market.

The engines are going to be ever more complex now that there is the room to run them. The tools to develop games will become highly complex but will allow game houses not to have to write all that code again and concentrate on the game rather than millions of lines of code. All of this will combine to make games development actually cheaper in real terms than it does today.
The engines are going to be ever more complex now that there is the room to run them. The tools to develop games will become highly complex but will allow game houses not to have to write all that code again and concentrate on the game rather than millions of lines of code. All of this will combine to make games development actually cheaper in real terms than it does today.

I don't understand how that is different to now.
The 3DS is the best console available. Get one! :)

I'm a DS owner. I can't help thinking that after the introduction of the 3DS we've been left in the fucking bus stop covered in brown water and holding a bag full of sodden chips :mad: There's fuck all in terms of big titles for the DS now. I've basically got to re-buy the same console with added 3D technology which I'll probably never use :mad:
I'm a DS owner. I can't help thinking that after the introduction of the 3DS we've been left in the fucking bus stop covered in brown water and holding a bag full of sodden chips :mad: There's fuck all in terms of big titles for the DS now. I've basically got to re-buy the same console with added 3D technology which I'll probably never use :mad:

Imagine how Gameboy owners feel!
I don't understand how that is different to now.
Neither do I. It's not like developers write a new game engine each time they work on a new game; there are a number of different, pretty sophisticated toolkits that they plug into. There is still a lot of coding that needs doing, as well as increasingly huge amounts of modelling, animation, texturing etc, which always gets harder with increasing power to exploit and very little else to differentiate very similar games. Plus of course marketing and distribution.
Neither do I. It's not like developers write a new game engine each time they work on a new game; there are a number of different, pretty sophisticated toolkits that they plug into. There is still a lot of coding that needs doing, as well as increasingly huge amounts of modelling, animation, texturing etc, which always gets harder with increasing power to exploit and very little else to differentiate very similar games. Plus of course marketing and distribution.

There will be drives to make them ever more powerful so that the customisation needed to create these games will be less. 8Gb ram is going to help massively. Budgets are finite and therefore to get them to go further will be a big focus on how to make games cheaper and how technology can assist in this, because releasing 5 sequels a year is clearly in nobodies interest.
The Xbone has every chance of making the Wii U look like a storming success.

There is a demand for games though and the current gen of consoles is looking rather dated. Unless Sony pull something quite different out the bag I suspect it will sell quite nicely.

Out of interest is anyone on this thread under 30?
What's a hyper v host?
Hyper-V is microsoft's virtualisation system, it's complicated but it allows you to have multiple computers running on one set of hardware. You normally use it in big server farms or for running development environments on computers that are fairly unsuitable.
What it means is that in theory it may be possible to make it pretend to be a real computer, or a gaggle of them.
I am approximately one and a half Callum91s. I shan't be buying an x-bone.

edit: Or approximately one third of a tommers. I'm not sure which should be made the SI unit for age.
I'm 36 and no xbone for me. Maybe PS4 but it better not be online-obsessed and I want to see something genuinely new from its games.

Also, not a giant brick.
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