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Next gen Xbox: rumours, speculations, wild pipe dreams!

Fucking hell that was bad. Absolute shit. Everything I hate about the way the suits are taking my precious hobby in one hour of American corporate hell-speak.
Has anyone seen the plot?

As Microsoft have lost it.

I watched the presentation with a load of Hardcore xBox gamers who all slated the presentation and are all holding out for the PS4.

Giant box.
Its got blueray. After how long, so what.
You can wave and talk at it like Tom Cruise in Minority Report. You may look cool doing that if you are a cop searching for clues to trace a murderer. But you'll look and sound a prat sat on your sofa at home doing so to avoid your remote control.
I have a TV to watch TV. Now I can have an expensive, energy draining extra box to do it with. By the way you need to purchase extra hardware with which to enable your xbox one to do this. Something they neglect to mention at the presentation. Plus its only US at launch.
The new kinnect is even more intrusive now. HUGE!
Watch movies whilst waiting for games matchmaking? How slow is this match making going to be?
Skype. So waht?!
Runs off the cloud. Remember when the cloud went down for a whole week?

I liked the split screen capabilities but that ain't enough to make me want to buy it.
It is in a creative dead end of inflated budgets and caters only to a narrow audience and will financially self destruct. The process is already well underway. I am not playing fewer blockbuster videogames because I'm too busy playing Angry Birds, it's because blockbuster videogames have become creatively bankrupt.
By that logic Hollywood should be dead.
The success of hollywood blockbusters is great enough (and their appeal is broad enough) to fund hundreds of smaller films. Traditional videogames is contracting (in terms of no. of studios and projects completed) at a rapid rate just to keep the publishers' heads above water. This is because the industry is built around satisfying the needs of a narrow demographic, whilst ever-increasing computer power requires ever-increasing art budgets to fill the screen. If the trend lines are extended out beyond the point of failure, in 10 years time there will only be 5 console games released in a year and they will all be sequels and cost 100s of millions of dollars to make. I think the industry in its current form will self destruct before that happens.
Still can't believe how incredibly shit and uninspiring that was. Highlights then...

CoD: Dog (mo-capped)
A.I. Fish
Accurately rendered dirty fingernails
"Live TV"
Fucking Kinect
Bing whilst watching films
Fantasy American Football/Basketball

You have to connect to the fucking internet once a day to play single player games that are tied to one machine. Fucking lol, they have lost it completely. Saying that it will probably be a massive success in America, but it's just not for me. I'm out.
It is in a creative dead end of inflated budgets and caters only to a narrow audience and will financially self destruct. The process is already well underway. I am not playing fewer blockbuster videogames because I'm too busy playing Angry Birds, it's because blockbuster videogames have become creatively bankrupt.
This is something I contemplate regularly. I am, or rather was, the core audience. In the last few generations alone, I bought a PS2, a Gamecube, an XBox 360, a Wii and three (count'em) DS. I must have 100 games for those consoles.

In the last eighteen months, however, I have barely picked up the controller. In fact, I went over a year without playing anything at all on the TV consoles. In that eighteen months, I have bought one new game -- Pokemon on the DS. Nothing at all for the 360 or Wii.

Why is this? Do I not like computer games any more? I don't think this is true. I still subscribe to Edge, although with little of my old enthusiasm. Crucially, I still play games. Most, however, are on the tablet rather than the console.

I think it's because there is a limit to how many times I can replay essentially the same third-person action game, the same FPS, the same everything. Devil May Cry 1, 2 and 3 -- great. Bayonetta -- brilliant. Vanquish -- love it. Enslaved -- marvellous, but hang on a minute, haven't I already done this? El Shaddai -- you know what, I can't really be arsed any more.
The other thing that has really put me off is connectivity. Things I don't want:

* To have to wait for my console to install an update when I turn it on
* To wait for my game to install an update when I turn it on
* For my games to be "always online" (not yet, but here it comes...)
* To have to find other people to play with (hardly any of my friends play computer games and those that do are on different timetables)
* To deal with the general public
* To be dependent on the general public in order to have a positive playing experience
* Waiting rooms. I want to play now, not in five minutes when there is finally a quorum ready
* To have to talk to anybody else or listen to anybody else. I don't want to talk to random strangers, thanks.

Multiplayer just doesn't do it for me unless everybody is in the same room. Left For Dead was fun in its own way, but I never played a game in which the strategic possibilities were actually explored. Everybody just goes charging around by themselves. Ditto for other FPS team games. Team Fortress 2 seems to be the best exception so far, but that was playing on a PC rather than the console.
This is something I contemplate regularly. I am, or rather was, the core audience. In the last few generations alone, I bought a PS2, a Gamecube, an XBox 360, a Wii and three (count'em) DS. I must have 100 games for those consoles.

In the last eighteen months, however, I have barely picked up the controller. In fact, I went over a year without playing anything at all on the TV consoles. In that eighteen months, I have bought one new game -- Pokemon on the DS. Nothing at all for the 360 or Wii.

Why is this? Do I not like computer games any more? I don't think this is true. I still subscribe to Edge, although with little of my old enthusiasm. Crucially, I still play games. Most, however, are on the tablet rather than the console.

I think it's because there is a limit to how many times I can replay essentially the same third-person action game, the same FPS, the same everything. Devil May Cry 1, 2 and 3 -- great. Bayonetta -- brilliant. Vanquish -- love it. Enslaved -- marvellous, but hang on a minute, haven't I already done this? El Shaddai -- you know what, I can't really be arsed any more.


The console I play most at the moment is the 3DS, specifically for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. The next game I'm getting is Animal Crossoing: New Leaf. The other game I'm playing is Zelda Skyward Sword (phenomenal) for the Wii via the Wii U (yay for backwards compatibility). This is what I enjoy, colourful games full of fantasy.

I'm done with realistic gritty FPS and Sports games. They are over.
On the other side of the fence, the kabbess hasn't played computer games since the ZX Spectrum. But on her tablet, she has massively got into Scramble, which is an anagram word game. It appeals to her in a way that games about gurning idiots with guns or fantasy settings would never, ever do so.
Oh yeah, I opened this thread to talk about the Xbox One.

Shit box, shit name, shit features, chances of me buying it right now = very low indeed.

That is all.
If my tablet had people developing games for it that were 25% as good as the likes of Pokemon, Fire Emblem and Disgaea, I would never need anything else.
Which Pokemon threads?

I have not played one properly since the GBA days, Ruby I think it was. But I will be back.
We had one for Black and White and I certainly remember writing stuff (on that thread, I think) about Black and White 2 as well.

Looking forward in principle to X and Y, but I'm not sure I want to buy a 3DS just for one game.
01) the xbox one (or xbone as people are starting to call it) is about the size of 4 wii u's so similar to a phat 360
02) always online is not required although some games can require it and as time goes on with more processing shifted to the cloud it will become a defacto requirement.
03) it will need to connect to the internet at least once every 24 hours for "offline use" to validate content
04) it must connect to the internet to install a game as a single use code is required
05) kinect is required to be connected for the device to function
06) kinect is never "off" it is always listening (and watching?), ms claims its priority is privacy, governments may not agree.
07) once a disc is installed it acts a digital download, can be used on other accounts on the same system or on your account on another system where you can install the data from the disc rather than download it, outside of those exceptions you will be required to pay an activation fee possibly equal to the full retail price.
08) you can trade, lend and sell your retail games used but the receiver will be required to pay the full retail cost to ms to activate it.
09) xbox one uses kinect to identify you and sign in so you cant leave your account to be used on another system without being present, you cant use a photo to sign in as kinect can sense bloodflow in your face to measure heartrate.
10) kinect can sense multiple viewers to allow "premium charging" for certain content
11) kinect will identify your childrens account and block their use of age inappropriate content if correctly set up.
12) all content can be region locked to prevent out of region play / use
13) the xbox tv service (and many of the apps) will only work in the usa but will expand to other regions in time.
14) to use the tv pass-through an additional adapter can be purchased, some tv providers will also require an additional subscription on top of your regular cable, internet and xbox live gold subs.
15) live gold subs will work across both 360 and xbox one although family membership is unavailable once current memberships expire, all gamerscore and achievements carry over although a new dynamic achievements system is in force on xbox one
16) there is absolutely no backwards compatibility on xbox one and no intent to provide any however you may be allowed to rebuy previous gens games digitally at some later point.
17) the xbox one contains a fully licensed blu-ray drive capable of playing bluray movies (including 3d on a suitable screen) and storing upto 50gb of game data.
18) installation is mandatory, the xbox one cannot play games off blu ray discs, online is required for installation.
19) the internal hdd is 500gb and is not user serviceable, its locked to the system and can only be exchanged by microsoft service and is not upgradeable, primary usage is to store system settings, patches, brag clips and downloaded content, an external hdd can be added (like on wii u) using one of the usb 3 ports on the side of of the system, at present its unclear if you can use any drive or a custom ms drive, most games will be installed to this extenal drive once the internal gets close to being filled (the internal drive can hold a minimum of 9 games when fresh)
20) the xbox one is not designed to be stood vertically
21) the power brick is internal, power usage should average below the power usage of the current 360 as parts switch to low power mode when not being used although in standby the usage is slightly higher to keep kinect powered up.
22) the kinect can transmit ir codes to activate you tv and change to its own input when you say "xbox on" to turn it on
23) smartglass is more heavily integrated into xbox one so you may need to add the cost of a suitable tablet to fully utilize the system.
24) in the uk the expected price is £399.99 with the launch on 30th november, retail prices for games will be £49.99
25) xbox one retail discs ship in green g2 sized blu-ray disc cases not g1 dvd sized with the xbox one branding across the top, "better with kinect" is dropped as its now a standard part of the equipment, no details if any kinect only games exist or will get purple cases.
26) the claps and cheers at the xbox reveal event were not from the assembled journalists but ms employees at the back of the venue.
27) the zebra striped console and controllers previously rumoured have now been outed in published photos.
28) currently there are no plans to increase (or decrease) xbox live gold subscriptions other than the cancellation of the family pack which will still be required for online play as well as allowing access to other services which may or may not require an additional fee (like netflix etc), there is no word on whether the bbc iplayer will be available on the system as ms are not able to charge any fees to access that service.
29) microsoft plan on using e3 as the platform to display xbox one games including at least 15 planned exclusive titles available in the first 12 months either as live arcade titles or as retail boxes.
30) the new microsoft store will drop arcade and indie sections combining them all together in a "games" section.
31) the xbox home screen can be partially customized.
32) the joypad triggers have separate rumble features that will allow them to be programmed to give feedback depending on the game you are playing (like engine rumble or a gun recoil).
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