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Next gen Xbox: rumours, speculations, wild pipe dreams!

Wow what a dick. His point about always on devices is sheer bollox, my iPhone is always on but doesn't need to be to fucking work! There's plenty I can do with it that doesn't require a net connection. Will have to see how this pans out as I'm pretty invested in Xbox (content, friends list, time spent etc) but if this is going to be some Sim City type shit then PS4 may have it self another gamer.
I don't mind an always on connection but if my internet is down and I cannot play the games I paid for, that's pretty much a deal breaker.

It was bad enough with the Sim City problems but that's only one game. Imagine not being able to play a single one!
getting one anyways.

As will lots of other people. Even those who bitch and moan and say it shouldn't be allowed. Being against something in principle means fuck all if you can't hold back because you've just got to have the shiny anyway. The numbers will speak for themselves. Just like with freemium games, day 1 dlc, microtransactions, and all the other things the 'gaming community' likes to bitch and moan about. I agree with what they say, I agree these things are Bad Things, but I facepalm when the numbers show that every fucker bought it anyway. That's not how you show you do not like something, people.
Must have internet to play, $500, or $300 with a subscription according to Eurogamer.

For these reasons, I'm out.
The always online thing does seem like abit of a deal breaker (much more so than price, it's a new video game system, of course it's going to cost a fuck load!). Looks like I might be getting the PS4...
Only rumours of course, but I just have the feeling that it's going to be apps/adverts/micro-transaction/subscription hell. I think the term that the Americans use is that Microsoft want to "nickel and dime" it's customers.

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-04-08-next-xbox-reveal-due-21st-may-costs -usd500-or-usd300-with-a-subscription-reports-suggest

Cheers for that.

But if Sony are saying there will no restrictions on second hand games, it would be commercial suicide to go down that road.

Microsoft is investing in TV in a big way with its next Xbox console as part of a fight for the living room. Multiple sources familiar with the company's Xbox plans have revealed toThe Vergethat Microsoft will introduce a feature that lets its next-generation console take over a TV and set-top box in a similar way to Google TV. We understand that the next Xbox will require an online connection to use the entertainment services, allowing them to be always-on for streaming and access to TV signals.
The functionality will work by taking a cable box signal and passing it through to the Xbox via HDMI, allowing Microsoft's console to overlay a UI and features on top of an existing TV channel or set-top box. We're told that this is a key part of the next-generation Xbox and that it will go a step further than Google's TV implementation thanks to Microsoft's partnerships with content providers. Extended support for various cable services will be rolled out gradually, but the basic functionality will be available at launch.

Coupled with this TV functionality, Microsoft's next-generation Kinect sensor will also play a role in the company's TV focus.The Vergehas learned that the next Kinect will detect multiple people simultaneously, including the ability to detect eye movement to pause content when a viewer turns their head away from a TV. Microsoft is said to be using these capabilities as part of its UI and features for its TV plans.
hopefully the eye tracking and pausing will have something like a 20 second delay or at least be able to set it up manually
seems like m$ are unrepentant


il deal with it by getting a ps 4 or just upgrading my pc
Innit, so many people I know have Xbox but don't have internet or take it camping with them or round their mates. And what if you want a LAN party where there isn't an outside connection, um like a squat or something *cough*. Fuck me I sound like a right saddo writing that, but it's true.

If I want to pause action I don't need a billion dollars of R&D to solve me reaching for the pause button on the remote.
I would much prefer you have to do a daft gesture to make it pause.
I've got an xbox and fast internet and have never got around to connecting it. I don't really want to play online games tbh. I don't want a Kinect either - the Wii was fun for a bit but in general if I've got the xbox on I'm vegging out for a few hours. I'd basically like it to be like the old one but with better games.
We have a kinect at work and its a bit shit. Too leggy to be useful.
Damn those flirtatious kinects and their long legs. :mad:

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