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Next gen Xbox: rumours, speculations, wild pipe dreams!

Depends on whether lack of DRM becomes a major selling point for Sony.

Lots of ins, lots of outs to this case.

Agree it's not certain, just think Sony's apparent stance doesn't mean: Sony = good vs MS = evil. Still not going to pre-order even though I've been tempted too!
Who mentioned good and evil?

Just something 100% not worth getting and something that may yet be worth getting.
All major corporations are evil by design.

Actually, not evil -- amoral. Which is worse. Say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Donny, but at least it's a creed. At least it's an ethos.

Anyway, the only way we can deal with their amorality is to react in the only way they understand, by avoiding products that have too many strings attached.

If the Xbone dies as a result of indignation over DRM and the PS4 succeeds as a result of taking advantage of that, the paradigm is then set.
Not so much on here but the comments on some of the other sites I've read about it do go that way a bit. 'MS are greedy and bad whereas Sony care about gamers.' Er, no, they've just made different commercial decisions.

Indeed, Sony have played a marketing blinder here but people seem to suddenly be talking like they're somehow great because of it. All they did was say "here's our latest console, its number 4' and because MS have royally screwed up that somehow looks radical!
Indeed, Sony have played a marketing blinder here but people seem to suddenly be talking like they're somehow great because of it. All they did was say "here's our latest console, its number 4' and because MS have royally screwed up that somehow looks radical!


Read abouth the architecture, development tools, the way they've courted indie developers etc etc. They have taken HUGE strides since the PS3 launch, and the PS4 was exciting everyone long before Xbone's disasterous birth.
PS4 does not look radical.

Core gamers don't want radical. They want a gaming console that has better performance than the last.

XBox has gone for radical and alienated a lot of consumers in the process.
PS4 does not look radical.

Core gamers don't want radical. They want a gaming console that has better performance than the last.

XBox has gone for radical and alienated a lot of consumers in the process.

Yep, it's a nothing special it's just contrasting well against MS' royal screw up.
The thing is that Sony R&D mostly just look at how to put 3rd party components in a pretty box (marketing) and write an operating system.

So unless the 3rd party developers come up with something radical (at a mass marketable price) then Sony has nothing radical to sell.

Neither do Microsoft so they tried to make the software radical instead with costly in house software development. Which has backfired as most don't want it if it pushes the price up. We'll have it as a free extra but its not our reason to purchase.
One critic accused microsoft of hating America because US troops weren't always able to connect online during their down time. :D
Good move. I had worries that they'd brass neck it out all the way but I guess the internet hate machine finally got through :)
But... they said they had done market research and this is what the market wanted!
Good move. I had worries that they'd brass neck it out all the way but I guess the internet hate machine finally got through :)

They now have 4 months to completely redesign the way their system works.

Should be good fun to watch.
as a happy ps3 and 360 owner, I'm not in any hurry to get either a ps4 or xbox one, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see Microsoft responding to the criticism sooner rather than later
I assume they're going to remove the need for the kinect as well then? :hmm:

From there point of view to make it any kind of success it does need to be bundled so there is enough user base to make it worth developing for.

However for games that don't need it the console should still work if it's not plugged in.
The whole thing reeks of emperors new clothes. Either those with any sense at MS were too scared to say anything, or their advice wasn't heeded until it all went Pete.
Damage has been done, how much its hard to tell. Microsoft know they were being owned by Sony. Sony marketing are a bit sad now, MS were a target that just had a bullseye. Gonna have to do some work.

MS still Need to backpedal on the price.

I'm not interested in these at launch as the games are always rushed and generally poor quality.

It depends on which of the two has the most innovative and original games.

There is still nothing that can prevent a developer from limiting the second hand game market for its games. Could do this on a 360 if they wanted,have to write the code and get the infrastructure set up, but its more than doable.
yeah , still not convinced. The fact they wanted all this online and DRM shows how out of touch with gamers they are.

This makes me wants me to go back home to playstation even more
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