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Netflix recommendations

In in my Netflix list thing, but no. I looked yesterday and saw it had three seasons, so figured it might not be a solid story. I don't know anything about it though. I must have put it on my list for some reason at some point though. . . . . Could well have been recommended here.

It has 3 seasons because the story actually ends. One of the best series I have seen. BUT do not watch the dubbed version.
Go for the original subtitles.
There is a separate thread here about it.
I found it brilliant. Mind you it does require your full attention. Every second has clues.
I've watched it 3 times
And am back watching it again just for the sheer brilliance of how it was made and put together. Even the music is spot on.

Season one seems slow but by ep4 you'll be fully into it.
Season 2 progresses brilliantly.
Season 3 you will need to have paid attention to season 2 and a very satisfying ending.

Not like anything I've ever watched. Puts Stranger Things into a kiddies playpen.
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It has 3 seasons because the story actually ends. One of the best series I have seen. BUT do not watch the dubbed version.
Go for the original subtitles.
There is a separate thread here about it.
I found it brilliant. Mind you it does require your full attention. Every second has clues.
I've watched it 3 times
And am back watching it again just for the sheer brilliance of how it was made and put together. Even the music is spot on.

Season one seems slow but by ep4 you'll be fully into it.
Season 2 progresses brilliantly.
Season 3 you will need to have paid attention to season 2 and a very satisfying ending.

Not like anything I've ever watched. Puts Stranger Things into a kiddies playpen.
I put it on this morning and it turns out I did already watch two episodes and stopped for some reason.
Why would having 3 seasons indicate it not having a solid story ? Dark was planned as having a 3 season arc from the start and not only is it the most intricately plotted science fiction series I've ever seen, it actually has a satisfying ending. They obviously knew where they were going from the start.It was initially hyped as a German Stranger Things (there are teenage characters, some of it takes place in the 80s), but it starts more like a Scandi-Noir about a missing kid in a German small town, then gradually introduces science fiction and horror elements, while also managing to be an epic family saga, following 4 families over several generations.

It may be too slow moving for you and not have enough pay offs early on. This is a series where you really have to pay attention, no washing up while casually watching this, lots of fans on here though.

This may be why I put it to one side, I must have thought it deserved my full attention, I don't remember dismissing it.

I was only speculating that three seasons might have suggested an incomplete story. I was only basing this on what I have previously observed, it's not a hard and fast rule. Please don't get your knickers in a twist.
I put it on this morning and it turns out I did already watch two episodes and stopped for some reason.

Well the first 2 episodes are a bit slow. But it takes off.
Its worth it..imo but only if you've the time to give it full attention.
It might not be your cup of tea
This may be why I put it to one side, I must have thought it deserved my full attention, I don't remember dismissing it.

I was only speculating that three seasons might have suggested an incomplete story. I was only basing this on what I have previously observed, it's not a hard and fast rule. Please don't get your knickers in a twist.
I will get my knickers in a twist whenever I bloody like, it appears to be the main point of forums and social media.
I struggled a bit with Dark, because a lot of the younger lads looked the same, and then there are older characters for whom you also see younger versions, and whereas in an English language series I might've been able to differentiate the characters through hearing different voices/regional accents, in German they all sound just, y'know, German-y.

I watched season one, can't remember if I watched season two, don't think I did, because I recall wanting to watch it all from the very beginning. It was very intriguing though, I do want to watch it.
I struggled a bit with Dark, because a lot of the younger lads looked the same, and then there are older characters for whom you also see younger versions, and whereas in an English language series I might've been able to differentiate the characters through hearing different voices/regional accents, in German they all sound just, y'know, German-y.

I watched season one, can't remember if I watched season two, don't think I did, because I recall wanting to watch it all from the very beginning. It was very intriguing though, I do want to watch it.

I wanted to like it but I'm face-blind (due to autism) and massively struggled with working out older and younger versions of characters, it was so incredibly confusing and I had to keep stopping and rewinding bits of it trying to work out which character was which.

It looked like it would be really good and I love the premise but I just couldn't manage it. I sometimes have this issue with series that have a lot of characters and flashbacks or old/young versions of characters (on the basis that this doubles or sometimes triples the number of faces involved for each character), especially if some look fairly similar to one another.
I wanted to like it but I'm face-blind (due to autism) and massively struggled with working out older and younger versions of characters, it was so incredibly confusing and I had to keep stopping and rewinding bits of it trying to work out which character was which.

It looked like it would be really good and I love the premise but I just couldn't manage it. I sometimes have this issue with series that have a lot of characters and flashbacks or old/young versions of characters (on the basis that this doubles or sometimes triples the number of faces involved for each character), especially if some look fairly similar to one another.
Fair enough considering your face blindness but I thought they did an extraordinary job in casting the characters at different ages, so the actors resembled each other.
Fair enough considering your face blindness but I thought they did an extraordinary job in casting the characters at different ages, so the actors resembled each other.

Yeah see I wouldn't be able to spot that because everyone's face pretty much looks like a blank circle to me (well that isn't strictly correct, but is the closest I can get to describing it in terms of how it affects recognition), so everyone looks vaguely the same and I rely on other stuff like skin colour/tone, hair colour, hair style, distinguishing features, facial hair etc etc and just having old and young versions of characters it doesn't matter how similar and realistic they might look to everyone else and what a good job they did casting someone who looks similar - to me it is just a double load of blank circles and character A can have a version for example with facial hair as an older person and without as a younger person, and I have no fucking idea that they are supposed to be the same person. :D Add to that if there are 2 blond short haired youngsters of around the same age and physical build, I can't easily tell them apart.

So yeah it was really complicated to follow.
I struggled a bit with Dark, because a lot of the younger lads looked the same, and then there are older characters for whom you also see younger versions, and whereas in an English language series I might've been able to differentiate the characters through hearing different voices/regional accents, in German they all sound just, y'know, German-y.

I watched season one, can't remember if I watched season two, don't think I did, because I recall wanting to watch it all from the very beginning. It was very intriguing though, I do want to watch it.
They wouldn’t have different regional accents in English either, as all the characters are from the same small town. ;)

It’s one of the very few series I watched more than once because once you know all the plot twists, it plays out differently and there are lots of things I missed the first time. I love how the first two seasons end on a massive reveal, which turns out to be integral to the plot, rather than just a hook to make you come back. With each season the universe of Winden expands dramatically and the series deals with that in a way I found very satisfying.
Fair enough considering your face blindness but I thought they did an extraordinary job in casting the characters at different ages, so the actors resembled each other.
That was my issue as well. I'm autistic and think I have mild prosopagnosia too.

I agree with you, though, it was very good casting.

It made me feel like I need to create and print out a 'spotter sheet' as an aide memoire as to who all the characters are at their different ages.
I’m usually fine with faces but I struggle when there are lots of old white men in something. Couldn’t follow Tinker Tailor at all due to having no idea who was who 😂

I watched the dubbed version of Dark and loved it.
It made me feel like I need to create and print out a 'spotter sheet' as an aide memoire as to who all the characters are at their different ages.
This, perhaps I should try to make one to refer to on my monitor or phone while it is playing on the TV - I keep hearing how good it is and I really want to be able to follow it because the premise is something that is right up my street so I should by all rights bloody love it!
AnnO'Neemus by the time I was on season 3 of Dark I needed a wiki page open that had all the characters & timelines on it!

Yeah I was just looking at the Dark wiki - I think I will try again with that, lots of stills of the characters at different ages.

It will still be confusing but that might help me untangle it a bit when I get lost!

Just need to be careful to not read the text cos of spoilers mind :D
I'm not totally face blind like Epona, but I really struggled with Dark. Enough that I didn't bother past Ep.4 or so.
In a world that isn't full of other stuff to watch, I'm sure I'd give it a chance. But right now I've got the rest of Reacher and S2 of The Great queued up for immediate consumption. And then I still need to get back to S2 of My Brilliant Friend and a few other things.
I could mostly tell who was who in Dark but by the start of Season 3 I just wanted it to end, it just got sort of silly and lost its appeal for me. To be fair the thing I liked the most was the mechanical tt machine, the radioactive blobby blob I didn't like so much.

I think I kept it cryptic enough to not need spoiler tags? 😁
I could mostly tell who was who in Dark but by the start of Season 3 I just wanted it to end, it just got sort of silly and lost its appeal for me. To be fair the thing I liked the most was the mechanical tt machine, the radioactive blobby blob I didn't like so much.

I think I kept it cryptic enough to not need spoiler tags? 😁

I'm watching it today.
And it's really even better than the first time.
You definitely have to get to know the characters and I think there is a family tree online that can help. I used it the second time I watched it but I don't see to need it now.
I realise this may put some off it.

Rushing through to get to the end doesn work. You have to take the time to take in all of it.

The end of season 2 is definitely a very big reveal as Reno says
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My teen daughter took one look at it and gave it a big NOPE.

Ps, I'm pretty sure Heathers with murder thrown in is still just Heathers.
I’ve finished it and it’s actually quite decent. Not actually much of a teen show imo, and it takes a couple of episodes to get into the next gear, so it’s not surprising your daughter took one look and didn’t like it.

FWIW I don’t think you’ll like it so I’m not recommending it to you, but would to some others. To put it another way, this is the kind of show you would fully expect the critics to either ignore or savage. So you might be surprised to hear it has an 88% rating on Rotten Tomatoes- not an aggregator usually to pander to cheesy populist content. Compare that with Inventing Anna, which RT returns a paltry 58% for.

Anyway, a 7/10 for me and recommended to anyone looking for engaging whodunnit entertainment.
I watched Cheer, a very good docuseries about a competitive cheerleading team.
Once you get over the wtf-ness of cheer/American culture, the insight into the characters is very interesting. And their routines are amazing.
The second series takes a very dark twist.
Watched Big Bug.
It is very JP Jeunet. More than a little trite, but I always love to see his world brought to life. So I can say I enjoyed it, but it doesn't really say anything new or interesting. Watch it for the visuals, forgive it for the story.
Loving Space Force. I was expecting it to be one of those shows that you can't completely get behind because no one is likable, but it's not like that. Not completely, anyway. Cracking me up and also unexpectedly tender.

cries at Space Force

ffs! :)
Loving Space Force. I was expecting it to be one of those shows that you can't completely get behind because no one is likable, but it's not like that. Not completely, anyway. Cracking me up and also unexpectedly tender.

cries at Space Force

ffs! :)
I just started watching Space Force a couple of nights ago. Finding it amusing so far. A lot of the humour is a bit like the Airplane movies style of humour, though, which I loved in the Airplane movies, but not sure about stretching them into a series, funny but bit too obvious and crude and trying too hard, iyswim?

Will stick with it though, because the episodes are short and it's entertaining enough.
Watched Big Bug.
It is very JP Jeunet. More than a little trite, but I always love to see his world brought to life. So I can say I enjoyed it, but it doesn't really say anything new or interesting. Watch it for the visuals, forgive it for the story.
I found the characters just too stupid to watch. I wonder if the director has a misanthropic side.
I found Dark confusing and hard to follow. we finished it but were hate watching by the end. I would have said it just didn't really make sense and fell back on the idea that you can do anything cos it's sci-fi but try for yourself by all means...
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