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Muslims and the European media

hundredthmonkey said:
Neither are socialist and your other example is Sweden which has never been socialist! How on earth do you reach this conclusion! Or do you peddle in myths like the worst bourgeois historians? Show me one country where the working class control the means of production and then we can talk of whether socialism works or not.

You are young I know. But command economy socialism has been tried in various forms from the Soviet Union to China to Eastern Europe to Cambodia, all in the name of the workers. Its has been a complete disaster.

Maybe you have a new blueprint but all I am hearing for you is the "working class owning the means of production". Slogans don't put food on the table, they don't increase the standards of living.

I'm sure if Karl Marx were alive he would apologize. His ideaology has killed millions and allowed bad leaders to obtain power, rule for life and kill their people by the bushel. Romania, Russia, Cambodia, China, North Korea...
hundredthmonkey said:
Neither are socialist and your other example is Sweden which has never been socialist! How on earth do you reach this conclusion! Or do you peddle in myths like the worst bourgeois historians? Show me one country where the working class control the means of production and then we can talk of whether socialism works or not.

Someone's been eating the dictionary of hard leftie clichés.. ;) :D
mears said:
You are young I know. But command economy socialism has been tried in various forms from the Soviet Union to China to Eastern Europe to Cambodia, all in the name of the workers. Its has been a complete disaster.

Maybe you have a new blueprint but all I am hearing for you is the "working class owning the means of production". Slogans don't put food on the table, they don't increase the standards of living.

I'm sure if Karl Marx were alive he would apologize. His ideaology has killed millions and allowed bad leaders to obtain power, rule for life and kill their people by the bushel. Romania, Russia, Cambodia, China, North Korea...

You're talking shite again, mears. It is clear that you have no understanding (you don't want to understand) of socialism. Perhaps you take the view of pbman and think that the Nazis were socialist...it's the next stop down the line from the bollocks you have posted here.
hundredthmonkey said:
Do we need to reminded about the nasty cartoons that were circulating during the time of Nazis about Jews and how powerfully dehumanising those images look; when viewed through the lens of history they look so crude, just like this picture of Mohammed in an untasteful bomb/turban... never mind that Arabs do not wear turbans, you will have to go the Indian subcontinent to find turbans. What does the image say, all Muslims are terrorists?

Just to add a bit of detail, the "nasty cartoons" you refer to weren't actually a product of the Nazi regime, they were actually an intensified dissemination of hoary old propaganda material that had been in fairly wide circulation throughout Europe and the Russian empire since at least the mid nineteenth century. :( What the Nazis did was expose the population of an entire nation to this material as a matter of course, whereas before exposure would have been predicated on reading a particular newspaper and/or following certain political ideologies.
foggypane said:
Whilst Mears has a point about the need to respect embassies (as well as everyone else, but hey, this is international politics)

what does he think of the bombing of the chinese embassy by the yanks in belgrade during the Kosovo war?
hundredthmonkey said:
After a short perusal of the posts here which orient towards who is drinking what lager may I just say, leaving lager out of the business of whether it was a good thing to print those cartoons or not, I don't think that is the issue.

you missed the american football posts.
guinnessdrinker said:
we could ask him about the streetmap reading skills of his military forces....

Whoops! We hit a baby milk factory...but we are absolutely certain that they were producing chemical weapons. :D
guinnessdrinker said:
tell that to the dubliners who torched the british embassy after bloody sunday.
Well quite. Some people seem to be under the impression that it's just "Muslims" that do that sort of thing. :rolleyes:
guinnessdrinker said:
but it wasn't about offending pictures, though?
Nope, but I honestly don't think the current unrest is *just* about the pictures. That was the spark but I think there's a more deep seated unrest.
Magneze said:
Well quite. Some people seem to be under the impression that it's just "Muslims" that do that sort of thing.

I cannot remember anybody else but Muslims setting fire recently to embassies on the other side of the Planet just because of some cartoons...
This could probably could happen in Middle Ages, but not recently.
Serguei said:
I cannot remember anybody else but Muslims setting fire recently to embassies on the other side of the Planet just because of some cartoons...
This could probably could happen in Middle Ages, but not recently.
I think attacks on embassies happen more than you think and by a wide variety of groups.

I also believe that this isn't "just because of some cartoons".
Magneze said:
I think attacks on embassies happen more than you think and by a wide variety of groups.

I also believe that this isn't "just because of some cartoons".

What do you think its about
Magneze said:
Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, treatment and portrayal of Muslims in the media, etc. I believe it's all interlinked.

So its really the wests fault? If the Taliban and Saddam were in power things would be better?
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