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Muslims and the European media

Wow, the irony in this. Protestors torching the embassies of those controversial hardline countries Norway and Denmark.

And in Syria. Not Washingtons regime. France and Syria do tidy business however.

But this is serious shit. You can't have a bunch of clowns storming foreign embassies. But living in a hereditay autocracy banning political parties would make me pretty pissed off as well. Assad should just take a mansion in the south of France. As a songwriter from my home state of Indiana once said "if you are not part of the future than get out of the way."
You certainly can't have a bunch of people burning down embassies. However, the European media have to bear some responsibility for publishing and publishing and publishing until they got a reaction. These cartoons were first published in September to some fairly minor protests. Now the media have taken the piss somewhat and we have a major diplomatic incident - all because some newspaper editors thought not about context but about being controversial.

Freedom of speech? Oh yes. These papers have a right to publish. However, were they right to publish? That's a different question.
Magneze said:
You certainly can't have a bunch of people burning down embassies. However, the European media have to bear some responsibility for publishing and publishing and publishing until they got a reaction. These cartoons were first published in September to some fairly minor protests. Now the media have taken the piss somewhat and we have a major diplomatic incident - all because some newspaper editors thought not about context but about being controversial.

Freedom of speech? Oh yes. These papers have a right to publish. However, were they right to publish? That's a different question.

I can go along with that.

There are similar comments at the beginning of this thread.
Magneze said:
You certainly can't have a bunch of people burning down embassies. However, the European media have to bear some responsibility for publishing and publishing and publishing until they got a reaction. These cartoons were first published in September to some fairly minor protests. Now the media have taken the piss somewhat and we have a major diplomatic incident...
You know, the story I read was that there was some "Palestinian" jihadist type living on the dole in Denmark who, after the September publication, took it upon himself to tour the Middle East whipping up outrage. Predictably, the outrage came and only after protests, boycott, demands by M.E. governments for action against the newspaper, flag burning, etc. did some other papers show their solidarity by reprinting the cartoons. But of course it is no surprise that here on u75 all of the blame would be laid upon the West.
rogue yam said:
You know, the story I read was that there was some "Palestinian" jihadist type living on the dole in Denmark who, after the September publication, took it upon himself to tour the Middle East whipping up outrage. Predictably, the outrage came and only after protests, boycott, demands by M.E. governments for action against the newspaper, flag burning, etc. did some other papers show their solidarity by reprinting the cartoons. But of course it is no surprise that here on u75 all of the blame would be laid upon the West.
That's certainly not the story that's widely publicised - maybe the major news organizations have got it wrong, don't you think you should tell them?

You say that "here on u75 all of the blame would be laid upon the West" - can you be more specific? Blame for what is being laid upon the West?
Magneze said:
That's certainly not the story that's widely publicised - maybe the major news organizations have got it wrong, don't you think you should tell them?
You are wrong and you're acting like a dick. You should try to do something about at least one of these things. Both would be better.

Here's one excerpt and link:


"According to Jyllands-Posten, the imams from the organisation Islamisk Trossamfund took three other mysteriously unsourced drawings as well, showing Muhammad with the face of a pig; a dog sodomising a praying Muslim; and Muhammad as a paedophile. 'This was pure disinformation. We never published them,' Lund complained. But the campaign worked. Outwardly the row appeared to be calming down. But in Muslim cyber-chatrooms, on blogs, and across the internet, outrage was building fast."

There's lots more of this available. All you have to do is pay attention. The moment you decide to stop being a jackass, things will start to improve for you immediately. Try it.
Magneze said:
You say that "here on u75 all of the blame would be laid upon the West" - can you be more specific? Blame for what is being laid upon the West?
Blame for the ludicrous behavior of the rioting Muslims, of course. Assclown!
rogue yam said:
You know, the story I read was that there was some "Palestinian" jihadist type living on the dole in Denmark who, after the September publication, took it upon himself to tour the Middle East whipping up outrage.
Oh yeah :D

Do you have any references to this Palestinian you talk of?
Can you point me to the bit about the "Palestinian jihadist"? Certainly some of that appears true, but much isn't, from that link. Isn't it odd how this all blows up after the pictures get published all over Europe, rather than just in Denmark. Still think it has nothing to do with the wider publication all over rather than some "jihadist" on a mission to single handedly piss off all the governments of the Middle East?

Remember, I'm not defending the idiots who burnt down the embassies but if you poke someone for long enough they'll tell you to fuck off ... if you see the analogy.
rogue yam said:
Blame for the ludicrous behavior of the rioting Muslims, of course. Assclown!

what are you talking about silly person. i'm feeling jumpy enough as it is because of the provocations in the press, and not just these cartoons either.

i'm not superstitious at all, but made numerologist bombers wants us to be, and we mustn't forget that there is a 06.06.06 to go through yet this year. it's all too premillenial dispensationalist for words. :rolleyes:

try as i might, i can't find the humour in this situation.
Aren't. Numerology and bombs aren't.


Your lazy text will kill us all before your crazy numbers ever do :(
Oh come on. You've got to be pretty stupid to make a banner that basically says "More days likely". That's not the makings of a terrorist, nor even that of a particularly poor prophet - it's the sign of a man who's never heard of Hallmark.
"Thousands of Muslims rampaged Sunday in Beirut, setting fire to the Danish Embassy, burning Danish flags and lobbing stones at a Maronite Catholic church"


Wow, Denmark the evil empire. First the embassy in Syria no Lebanon. Who knew cartoons could spark so much anger.

Anyone want to comment on this comment by the Danish Foreign Minister?
"Now it has become more than a case about the drawings: Now there are forces that wants a confrontation between our cultures,”

Who are these forces the Danish foreign minister is referrring to?
mears said:
"Thousands of Muslims rampaged Sunday in Beirut, setting fire to the Danish Embassy, burning Danish flags and lobbing stones at a Maronite Catholic church"

I remember Lebanese Muslims were supported by liberal Western Europe when Israel occupied South Lebanon. Now the Lebanese paying back for the support by burning down one of the Western European country's embassy for what some of the people in that country printed in a newspaper that is not even known in Lebanon.
And Palestinians still supported by economic help from EU (including Denmark) also attacked EU offices for something that was printed outside Muslim or Arab world. Is this an example of gratitude Europe shall have for supported Palestinian people?
Christian symbols in Lebanon attacked as well.

"The trouble threatened to rile sectarian tensions in Beirut when protesters began stoning St. Maroun Church, one of the city’s main Maronite Catholic churches, and property in Ashrafieh, a Christian area. Sectarian tension is a sensitive issue in Lebanon, where Muslims and Christian fought a 15-year civil war that ended in 1990."
mears said:
Christian symbols in Lebanon attacked as well.

"The trouble threatened to rile sectarian tensions in Beirut when protesters began stoning St. Maroun Church, one of the city’s main Maronite Catholic churches, and property in Ashrafieh, a Christian area. Sectarian tension is a sensitive issue in Lebanon, where Muslims and Christian fought a 15-year civil war that ended in 1990."

could syria have a hand in this perhaps? yesterday the embassy in damascus now today beirut bit of a coincidence no?
jeff_leigh said:
could syria have a hand in this perhaps? yesterday the embassy in damascus now today beirut bit of a coincidence no?

I thought about that as well. Syrian intelligence is has apparently been very active in Lebanon, maybe assasinating prominent political figures. At least that is what some are charging.

Not a good sign if Syria was behind this in Lebanon.

Just imagine some scenarios that could come out of this. What if 50 Norwiegens for instance were taken hostage or trapped in an embassy? The outrage in Norway would be high. The prime minister under intense political pressure to do something calls on NATO to help extricate their people. Norway can't project their power alone in the region.

In other words here come the yanks and brits. You can't have people attacking embassies.
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