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Moscow concert hall shooting, 22 Mar 24

Horrible to see this news, hope the reports of many dead and injured turn out to be an over-counting (but some of the footage on social media makes that seem a vain hope).

This is the 7th anniversary of the first Westminster attack as well.
Innocent people targeted again, so sad.

What is going through the mind of a terrorist who thinks, ooh, a children’s ballroom dancing contest, that’d be ideal for an active shooter?

Even the Bataclan sort of made sense in the context of combatting Western degeneracy. But this, and Beslan of course, is just incomprehensible.
What is going through the mind of a terrorist who thinks, ooh, a children’s ballroom dancing contest, that’d be ideal for an active shooter?

Even the Bataclan sort of made sense in the context of combatting Western degeneracy. But this, and Beslan of course, is just incomprehensible.
No it isn't.
What is going through the mind of a terrorist who thinks, ooh, a children’s ballroom dancing contest, that’d be ideal for an active shooter?

Even the Bataclan sort of made sense in the context of combatting Western degeneracy. But this, and Beslan of course, is just incomprehensible.

Depends on what those involved wish to achieve - if it's vengeance, then killing children is about the most devastating thing you can do to a society/polity.

If it's about provoking a reaction, which you hope will stoke nationalist/separatist feeling in your home region, then killing children is a really good way to provoke wild, unthinking rage. See Gaza for an example...

If you're an autocrat who knows he needs to mobilise a vast force of conscripts in order to win a war, then having 'terrorists' kill a load of kids is an excellent way of forestalling any opposition and silencing critics.

All three are possible.
Depends on what those involved wish to achieve - if it's vengeance, then killing children is about the most devastating thing you can do to a society/polity.

If it's about provoking a reaction, which you hope will stoke nationalist/separatist feeling in your home region, then killing children is a really good way to provoke wild, unthinking rage. See Gaza for an example...

If you're an autocrat who knows he needs to mobilise a vast force of conscripts in order to win a war, then having 'terrorists' kill a load of kids is an excellent way of forestalling any opposition and silencing critics.

All three are possible.

The false flag theory is probably going a bit far here, and I blame Putin for every minor IT outage in the West.
You don't recall the Russian tower block bombings obvs

I don't honestly see how this would be possible to do as a false flag, at least in terms of some FSB or other official types posing as terrorists - the amount of changes to normal operating procedures that would be required just to get the attack to take place would be so many that dozens / hundreds of cops, other first responders, security guards and normal members of the public would notice. If one cop got a lucky shot off and killed / disabled one fake terrorist it would risk everything coming out. The tower block attacks were rumbled because of unusual security force behaviour and they were much less risky (from the point of view of exposure) attacks than this appears to have been.

I already posted: its probably a Ukrainian counterstrike, however this guy thinks differently:

If Ukraine / Ukrainian interests were genuinely behind this then Western support will vanish. Even the most cretinous of the NAFO crowd, to say nothing of hawkish Washington types, would surely balk at legitimising this sort of thing being a means of warfare between states.
I don't honestly see how this would be possible to do as a false flag, at least in terms of some FSB or other official types posing as terrorists - the amount of changes to normal operating procedures that would be required just to get the attack to take place would be so many that dozens / hundreds of cops, other first responders, security guards and normal members of the public would notice. If one cop got a lucky shot off and killed / disabled one fake terrorist it would risk everything coming out. The tower block attacks were rumbled because of unusual security force behaviour and they were much less risky (from the point of view of exposure) attacks than this appears to have been.

If Ukraine / Ukrainian interests were genuinely behind this then Western support will vanish. Even the most cretinous of the NAFO crowd, to say nothing of hawkish Washington types, would surely balk at legitimising this sort of thing being a means of warfare between states.
I don't think it's a false flag. But putin has at least questions to answer over 99. At the moment, without being in possession of more than there has been an attack and numerous people are dead I wouldn't attribute blame nor atm rule anything out.
The US Embassy in Moscow issued a warning less than two weeks ago that extremists were planning to attack a concert, don't know why there was apparently insufficient security at this one

The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.
What is going through the mind of a terrorist who thinks, ooh, a children’s ballroom dancing contest, that’d be ideal for an active shooter?

Even the Bataclan sort of made sense in the context of combatting Western degeneracy. But this, and Beslan of course, is just incomprehensible.

Hardly surprising that some people might have fucked-up ideas about right and wrong when Putin is handing out medals to units that commit well-documented atrocities in Ukraine
The US Embassy in Moscow issued a warning less than two weeks ago that extremists were planning to attack a concert, don't know why there was apparently insufficient security at this one

The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.

TBF "insufficient security" really assumes there is a way of getting sufficient security in a city that size, with as many crowded venues as cities that size do to prevent attacks like this.

This was multiple guys, all armed with automatic weapons and probably explosives - even a fortified government building would have been at least partially breached by a determined attack in these circumstances.
TBF "insufficient security" really assumes there is a way of getting sufficient security in a city that size, with as many crowded venues as cities that size do to prevent attacks like this.

This was multiple guys, all armed with automatic weapons and probably explosives - even a fortified government building would have been at least partially breached by a determined attack in these circumstances.

The best our own government can do on securing crowded places against active shooters is to tell venues they need to think very hard about how to thwart attacks.
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