Just putting that on. Was watching the MJ thing but need something lighter!
Just putting that on. Was watching the MJ thing but need something lighter!
I've started to lay track... It's a slow process as each point has a motor and decoder to operate it and they aren't the easiest things to install so they work fault free.. Have got 2 points working and trains running so that's a result.
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Cat was my fave photo tbfservices are subject to delay and cancellation due to cat napping on the line...
No, EM is for people not prepared to fully commit and model in P4EM gauge stuff is for those obsessed with detail
Single wagon run round loop. That line is to the goods shed. I expect in real life it would have been longer but it's one of those comprimises you have to make with space sometimes
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My thinking was you could run around wagons in the position shown. Whether they were headed for the coal drop or the cattle pens. You'd not need to impinge on the running lines.No, you need the extra flexibility to do the shuffling when using coal drops. Shuffle the van off the end, drop the coal, collect the van, job's done. Maybe the headshunt should extend beyond the drops / pens ?
And doing so without impinging on the running lines is always a good idea, as you can avoid bothering the cabin or being forgotten on the main lines.
Also the cattle docks would probably be used less often than the coal drops.
Yeah, that's true. However, I guess what I'm doing more is making a model of Lydd rather than a layout to run trains. Also the part of the line you have removed is part of a view on the real thing that I want to recreate when you look at the model, a long straight running up to the goods shedMy thinking was you could run around wagons in the position shown. Whether they were headed for the coal drop or the cattle pens. You'd not need to impinge on the running lines.
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No, didn't think you were. Maybe because it was built bit by bit. Goods shed first, then needed more capacity so extra lines where added. They wouldn't remove lines or points so you get odd set ups like that. Ill look in the book (more like pamphlet) I've got about the line later and have a look.Yeah, I'm not suggesting you change your layout, just curious as to why the original was laid out in that way.