on reddit or something
Whilst this is solid advice, this feels like having to go fully down the rabbit hole on day one.Try to find a local model railway society, in particular one of their "open house" events for prospective members and go along for a chat.
Alternatively, ditto at a model railway show ...
There are books and "a few" periodicals on the subject.
As a nerd, working in a nerd industry where a lot of people for some reason go even further and make nerdery their entire culture and personalities, I'm quite nerd-averse, at least to leaning even further into it. And whilst I'm sure that model railway clubs are more diverse and inclusive that I might anticipate, I wonder if that's going to work for me.
What I'm saying, obviously, is that I aspire to unilaterally take back model railways for the cool people despite this. Or something.
So, like, what self-help routes might I be able to pursue? Other than professional therapy for gestures all this.
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