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Monkeypox - news and discussion

got mine today.
they're doing injections intradermal now instead of subcutaneous. which is apparently gives equivalent effectiveness from just ⅕ the dose. with the aim to make limited supplies go further. that's nifty.
I'd sooner intramuscular than intradermal tbf.

But whatever makes it go further makes sense.
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New York Times is reporting it's not going to be an 'emergency' after January

doesn't seem to be much on the UK radar.

which could be taken as it's all under control now, although no entirely sure i trust much of the media to care much about something that they see as 'only' affecting gay / bi men...
Gladly, unless I've missed it, there doesn't appear to have been any deaths.
thread does need a title change though. it's "mpox" now

(which every time I see, I think of 90s teen pop band Hanson)

Oh, it’s doing the egomaniac name changes already?

Will be calling itself ‘M-Piddy’ by March next year I reckon.
was having a look at the schedule for Darklands - annual gay fetish festival held in Antwerp - which was due to unfortunate timing at the start of this a bit of a superspreader event.
the French authorities provided initial vaccines to Belgium who lacked their own stockpiles. so at the next event in 2023 anyone with a French ID can claim a free box of thank you chocolates.

fair enough. a bit odd but why not. everyone loves a freebie.

global emergency is officially over, with somewhat less fanfare than the similar announcement on covid the other week.
cases down 90% this quarter to the previous.

Does this mean we can start fucking monkeys again?
did the government ever tell you to stop?
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